QUESTION: XboxLive chat and Sea of Thieves

  • I'm playing on a not-too-high-end PC and can have very few other programs running while playing Sea of Thieves.

    Because I want to be able to invite people if they want to sail with me, I want to see a pop-up message in-game when they send me a message or log on to Xbox Live.

    Is that possible?

  • 9
  • @ottersteeth Ahoy matey!

    If you have Windows 10 notifications enabled you should already be seeing popups for this kind of interaction, they pop up in the bottom right corner of your screen when these things occur. You can then click these to reply or see their profiles respectively.

  • @musicmee I had notifications for Xbox Live on, but may not have checked the ones from Windows itself. Thanks!

  • @ottersteeth No worries matey.

    They should be showing up in the notifications panel, if not you maybe have the notifications disabled globally.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Ooooooh good question, I could have sworn it did or maybe that's on the Xbox Beta client... not sure, going to check it out now.

  • @ant-heuser-kush That is my problem with the whole xbox app when using it. If I message a friend while playing I have to constantly check my messages by going back out to the app to see if they messaged. I get notifications that come through the app like party invites but the messages themselves don't notify me when I've gotten a new one.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Yup, big time, that's why I was hoping you'd get a good answer to your question lol. And no, I currently have a 32" tv as my monitor, and my fiancee won't let me steal any more tv's from our house.....

  • @ant-heuser-kush @Muzackmann

    One thing I find myself using to reply to messages while in the game is the Xbox mobile app, I know its still far from ideal but means you don't have to launch the full Xbox app and take over your screen.

  • @musicmee Big upvote for that one. I honestly never thought of it. I used to keep a phone next to me for the companion app when I needed it but never thought to use it to check my messages.

    Funny enough I think the mobile app does notify me when someone messages me too.

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