Cursed Cannonballs as a non-storable item

  • Items that you can pick up and place anywhere, like skulls and chests. This is what I always had imagined they were going to be, and I think it would be a lot better then what they are now.
    They would be more difficult to manage. You won't be able to fire off to islands to grab cursed cannonballs anymore. This will make them seem even more rare, and frankly, I think that is a good thing. You could strategize by putting them right at your cannons, or maybe hiding them so boarders can't see them. Because of their rarity you could sell them like gunpowder kegs to merchants (but instead you would sell them to the Order of Souls women? Remember the E3 trailer? Wasn't that ball actually a cursed cannonball?).
    A problem I encountered about my last point is that when I got boarded and a guy stole my cursed cannonballs, there was no way of getting them back, when I killed him they were gone. I know this applies also when stealing regular supplies, but those are not as important and rare as cursed cannonballs. It would also make finding them more interesting. You could find them washed up on the shoreline, or hidden where you could find a book or a chest. Maybe even find them underwater. Wouldn't it be awesome to open a fort or sink a skeleton ship and have a couple cursed cannonballs float up or sit by the stronghold items as a reward?
    TL;DR - IMO, cursed cannonballs would be better as a seperate item that can be placed and dropped anywhere, like a skull. You could find them like skulls and chests, buried halfway into the shoreline, underwater, in special places on islands, in fort vaults and skeleton ship loot. You could also decorate your ship with them, line them up around the helm.

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  • I think it would be cool to still find them in barrels but they don't stack. I think it would also be a neat feature to have a skull or trinket be able to be found in a barrel as well. But yes, if someone wanted to steal your balls they gotta grab one at a time. and they would glow like skulls on your ship too!

    I thought this would how they would be from the start, washed up on the beach etc.

  • I think we'll start seeing a lot less of the cursed cannonballs once the event has finished up. Right now they're so frequent because, like all the other new features introduced into the game via a bilge rat adventure, Rare wants to encourage us to participate in the two adventure. Personally I was more surprised to see how many normal cannonballs or even bananas we can store in one barrel. Rare must have a ton of new things planned for this new inventory system.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie Yup, there will be WAAAAAY less CCB about in a week! This is almost certain as you say they did it with Gunpowder Skellies.

  • @offic3rravioli said in Cursed Cannonballs as a non-storable item:

    Items that you can pick up and place anywhere, like skulls and chests. This is what I always had imagined they were going to be, and I think it would be a lot better then what they are now.
    They would be more difficult to manage. You won't be able to fire off to islands to grab cursed cannonballs anymore. This will make them seem even more rare, and frankly, I think that is a good thing. You could strategize by putting them right at your cannons, or maybe hiding them so boarders can't see them. Because of their rarity you could sell them like gunpowder kegs to merchants (but instead you would sell them to the Order of Souls women? Remember the E3 trailer? Wasn't that ball actually a cursed cannonball?).
    A problem I encountered about my last point is that when I got boarded and a guy stole my cursed cannonballs, there was no way of getting them back, when I killed him they were gone. I know this applies also when stealing regular supplies, but those are not as important and rare as cursed cannonballs. It would also make finding them more interesting. You could find them washed up on the shoreline, or hidden where you could find a book or a chest. Maybe even find them underwater. Wouldn't it be awesome to open a fort or sink a skeleton ship and have a couple cursed cannonballs float up or sit by the stronghold items as a reward?
    TL;DR - IMO, cursed cannonballs would be better as a seperate item that can be placed and dropped anywhere, like a skull. You could find them like skulls and chests, buried halfway into the shoreline, underwater, in special places on islands, in fort vaults and skeleton ship loot. You could also decorate your ship with them, line them up around the helm.


    As much as I hate CCB's and what they do , this is a compromise I could live with. I could make a strong argument that a CCB is more potent than a powder keg and should have to be wielded and transported the same. It should be on the deck next to a cannon or carried like a chest or keg. It would be harder to get, easier to steal, harder to deploy etc...

  • @trickrtreat01 The talk about CCB being treated like Gunpowder Barrels, made me now wonder how people would feel if the CCB just detonated if the player who is carrying them around died. Like the moment that player died, all of the CCB they had on them just detonates and unleashes the curses on anyone close by.

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in Cursed Cannonballs as a non-storable item:

    @trickrtreat01 The talk about CCB being treated like Gunpowder Barrels, made me now wonder how people would feel if the CCB just detonated if the player who is carrying them around died. Like the moment that player died, all of the CCB they had on them just detonates and unleashes the curses on anyone close by.

    If you could only carry one at a time or place it somewhere, it would make sense you could shoot it like you can a powder keg and set it off. People should not be able to carry more than one at a time if they are going to exist.

  • @trickrtreat01 well an idea i suggested in a different topic was that players could only have 10 or 5 CCB with them. Does not matter what type they are, you could only have 10 or 5 CCB. Also that you can only find them on either active Skeleton Forts of Skeleton ships, nowhere else.

  • @dark-henrik-22 I still think they are far too potent and game changing to have that many on one person.

  • @trickrtreat01 by the way. What do you think of this idea i made a topic about:

  • @dark-henrik-22 I am going to answer you in that thread instead of here.

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