[Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0

  • @jojo-apocalipto said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    There is an interesting suggestion made by the community :
    The return to the simple functions of taking and storing with (X) and (Y), while adding the new menu by holding the (X) key for example.
    To do so, each barrel should select its main resource that can be quick grab first. (This proposal is also valid for resource crates.)

    I like this suggestion the most - though I worry that adding a press and hold might be more annoying in the cases where you do want to look inside for other resources (like CC). Instead, I think pressing X should open the UI (more intuitive for new players or players coming from other games) and pressing Y should "quick grab" the primary resource.

    This does have the disadvantage of there being no quick way to store items but most of the complaints seem to stem from not being to grab quickly in a heated moment. Storing can remain a more deliberate (and slightly more time consuming) process imo.

  • So I've played around 1000 hours on this game as I love it, but after todays update :o as a solo slooper with this new inventory system and trying for 4.5 hours to see if there is any way to make it feel comfortable. I closed the game with no intention on playing it again till they revert it back to the original way it was or they add a hold to open for more options. Also your character gets locked when you hold left or right when exiting the inventory menu. Disappointed and annoyed is an understatement. For those of you who think this is a good update.... Wait till you encounter PVP or attempt a skull fort

  • @enigmatic-shoot Yeah they're losing me too.

  • @aod-woutah78 said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    It's probably been said dozens of times already, but it would be nice if you can see what's in a barrel just by hovering over it, like this:

    alt text

    The problem with that is that it's not scalable. Imagine down the line where we have all sorts of crafting materials and potions and god knows what else. You can't preview like 20 different things floating around the open barrel prompt (without it looking crazy messy anyhow). It'll need some kind of overflow UI.

    Easiest (and most performant) option is just to add some text-based stuff like I've seen suggested elsewhere: "Open Barrel (Bananas + More)"

  • Me and my crew are Xbox users. Admittedly we were skeptical of the new system. Yes it slowed our snatch and grab but we quickly got used to the new system. We discussed it in length on our mixer channel and all agree that it is far better than the old system in how it will expand our ever growing list of inventory without need to change current ship layouts.

    With a little time everyone will get used to it. Other than tweeking we feel it is a well thought out system and it’s clear that foresight is built into it for expansion. Keep up the good work rare, and we will keep the ships sailing, or sinking if need be.

  • I like this new UI overall, some tweaks for sure could be done though.

    *Option to quick grab like before. Let us decide to open or quick grab from the barrels on our ships like before. Islands I can see not being able to. I like it as it adds some of that immersion everyone said they wanted.

    *Let us add or give us another radial for cursed cannons, so we can have them on the ready instead of having to click into a menu, unless of course there is a reason for that..?

    *When we open a barrel, make the cursor (well for xbox anyhow, dunno how it is on pc as I haven't tried yet) start on the barrel I am opening's side. I hate having to move over 3-4 clicks to grab from the barrel I just opened. I know this one is a bit nit picky, but for some reason almost annoys me the most.

    Anyhow, Like I said I like the new system and what we can do with it over all. Few tweaks and people will learn to adapt and learn to use it.

  • @junodragon82 You sound like a shill.

  • Just thought I’d add my drop in the ocean in the hope that the developers will take a mass response seriously.

    Really disappointed with the new update. It’s clunky, unattractive and takes away one of the most beautiful aspects of this game - it’s simplicity.

    The rollout of everything so far on this game seems a little experimental and unorganised in my opinion, especially for a game so many years in the making.

    I’ve enjoyed it for many hours so far, however annoying updates like this make me hesitate to even start up a session.

  • I'm probably in the minority here but I actually quite like the way the new system looks, although I do agree with it messing with the flow of gathering items especially when you're in a hurry.

    With a few small tweaks though the barrel system will probably be accepted by the majority of players (except for maybe those that claim it ruined their will to play the game, demand a refund because of this or other seemingly overexaggerated responses).

    The top feedback that I've seen are:

    1. No indication for empty barrels
    2. Forced overlay that takes you out of the game
    3. Unable to quickly take or store items
    4. The same unneeded overlay for barrels that only contain 1 item type
    5. The amount of items per slot is too high
    6. 99 items but I'm missing 1
    7. No automatic swapping between items once you can't take more
    8. No take all option

    Solution to solve feedback points 1-4 (retrieval of items):

    Add parts of the old system as a quick store/quick retrieve:

    Press A to open
    This doesn't need any changing. Opening will still have to be used to either view the contents of a barrel to count the items or retrieve specific items from a barrel.

    X to retrieve any item
    This will retrieve an item without opening the overlay. If you keep pressing the retrieve button you'll retrieve all the contents of the barrel. When no items are available, the option either greys out and shows empty or nothing happens. Since you're basically grabbing whatever you can as fast as you can, you can't see what it is you're grabbing.

    Y to store the item you're holding.
    Same as before, stores the current item you're holding without opening the overlay.
    Since you're just dumping things in the barrel, you can't see how much of the item are in the barrel until it's all the way full.

    Solution to solve feedback point 5 (amount of items per barrel)

    This is only an issue for the barrels on the ship because it affects balance. Limiting the amount of slots per barrel is definitely needed and this will also affect barrels with multiple items like the cannonballs.

    To give players options for barrels with multiple items, I would suggest to limit the stacks to maybe 10 or 20 and limiting the amount of slots to match the 100 total per barrel, so 10 slots with 10 items per stack or 5 slots with 20 items per stack.

    Solution to solve feedback point 6 (amount of items per stack)

    Although I haven't experienced this myself, I've read that the stacks go up to 99 items. This should be changed to be an even number so everyone with slight OCD (myself included) will be able to look at the number per stack without getting annoyed by it.

    Solution to solve feedback point 7 (swapping between items)

    This isn't a huge issue, however it's easy to fix it. Once you can't take more items from a stack, automatically move to the next item that you can still take.

    Solution to solve feedback point 8 (take all)

    No solution needed, this isn't an issue it is working as intended and exactly like it used to be.

    Missed opportunity

    The new barrel UI gives you an immediate overview of everything you have in a barrel and allows you to either take or store items. Why isn't this system applied to the crates of bananas, cannonballs and planks that you can find across the world?

    These still have an option to Press Y to look into the crate and then select either Store or Retrieve item to handle the items. It would be a big improvement to apply the same barrel logic to those crates.

  • I have played since release, I am pirate legend and have every single commendation to date bar this event. I am a completionist and I need to get them all.
    I logged off in disgust last night as the game just isn't the game I have been playing for all these months. Months I have put a lot of hard work into.

    I wont be logging in today, I no longer care about the commendations.

  • @captain-fet
    This topic is about the barrels, not about the commendations.

  • @fishst1ck wooosh

  • I think a way to fix this is to have a "quick select" for the item that players use for the majority or have recently taken out of the barrel. It's basicly the original barrel system used along with the new barrel system.

    So players can either run up to the barrel and pick up items like the 1.0 system or they can go into the barrel 2.0 inventory if they wanna take everything at once or manage their resources. What i am saying is, why use one of either systems when you can try and fit the two together.

  • This may have been suggested already (apologies if it already has been), but it would be cool if when we press the button to go to our inventory we could assign certain equipment or resources to the radical wheel so that when we press LB (on Xbox) we then see our preferred equipment and resources where we like on the radical wheel rather than the game's default setting.

    I think this would be more useful when additional equipment and resources get added to the game. It would also help slightly when trying to select cursed cannonballs while on a cannon.

  • @fishst1ck I agree with most of this. I think that the only thing is that they want you to open the barrel before you can see the contents, get anything, or store anything - makes sense from an immersion standpoint.

    I do miss the separate store/take keys. It just felt better. Auto-switching to the next available item to store/take would be awesome (it already does this for storing CCs). The ability to blindly grab/dump once you’ve got the overlay open doesn’t break immersion and could speed up the process a smidge. Keep the ability to be specific, but allow for button mashing (holding) to take whatever’s there without having to specifically choose it.

    Totally agree about crates. I was disappointed to see the old UI for those, but LOVE the new payouts!

  • Thank you Rhaps0dy Sky for posting this, it was very much needed. I want to say that this is my first time posting on any forum for SoT-but this latest update was so disappointing that I needed to say something. This new system absolutely breaks the pvp in this game and it's no longer fun. I agree with Yogra that the best immediate solution would be to do a rollback to the original inventory system while they work on fixing the new one. Having said that, there are some easy solutions that would fix the new one. Some of these have been listed already, but I wanted to comment anyway for the sake of the game.
    1.Yes, we need to be able to see what items are in barrels so that we aren't wasting time clicking on every single one.
    2.We obviously need a third radial wheel for cursed cannon balls.
    3.Everyone is upset that now when you go to get supplies in the heat of combat a screen pops up and you have to move and select what you need. A healthy compromise would be to give us the option to fast grab items out of a barrel using the X button, but also designate the B button for opening the barrel's inventory for storing items. This would restore the pvp of the game that everyone enjoys(think about it-how often do you actually unequip your weapon while you're on a ship fighting) and preserve the intentions of the new system.

  • I played the update last night. It's ok but would have been beter to add a new barrel for the cursed balls and an extra inventory wheel. That way the flow of the game would not be upset. I'll still play as its still fun but i am honestly hoping the feedback is listened to.

  • @kakashi87 I believe the way you select CCs may be a balancing measure. But that isn’t a barrel issue, so... a different topic.

  • @quadsteakz Not everyone is upset. I’ve seen a solo sloop board and kill the entire crew of a Brig twice over while they sank and he had no issue getting bananas when he needed them.

    It may take some rethinking of how you approach PvP, but it’s more about player’s adapting than it is about dumping the new system.

  • Rare focus pls only on good and interesting critic, not those "IM QUTING GAME IF U NOT GIVE ME BARRELS 1.0"
    Thank you :)

  • @murkrage said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @teh-magnus As long as you don't know what's going on inside the programme, I feel you should refrain from making comments about the pioneers themselves. The one thing you can count on is: Pioneers are always giving feedback. Before, during and after test builds.

    I said that if Rare didn't listen there's an issue, get off your high horse.

  • @captain-fet If what you say is true I'm very curious to see if you stick to that decision. My money is on you giving in.

    Gotta catch em all.

  • @captain-fet said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    @fishst1ck wooosh

    I know right

  • Just wanted to add that now with the increased storage space on ships the probability of finding completely empty forts/outposts/shipwrecks has increased considerably; passing ships can now easily empty every ressources out of every barrel on every island leaving absolutely nothing available and making ressource gathering time increase yet again.

    And the tendency is to visit every single barrel on every island to try and find those cursed cannonballs, taking everything else while you're at it... As there is no more storage limit it's just like visiting a buffet with a caddy.

  • @fulllmax
    Yes you are right! Or like if you go to Belgium to try to find Dutch talking people and you find only the French :P

  • Rare this New storage mechanics totally kill the pace of the game and ruins it ! It need to be reversed but with improovement to the old system !

    First of all forcing players to open a " Item manager page " in order to grab bananas , planks and cannonballs , is as bad as it was to have the amo crate on the ship next to the weapon loadout ... it actually take less time to edit your weapons loadout than it take to get banana from a barrel or 10 canonballs ...

    #0 MOST IMPORTANLY , NOW WHEN WE GET BANANA OR ANYTHING OUT OF A CRATES WE ARE STUCK WITH THIS ITEM INTO OUR HAND SO , IF WE ARE IN COMBAT And go get some planks or banana to resuply our personal invantory the game trow a banana or a plank into our hand wich is totally unaceptable ... if i want a banana in my hand " equiped " ill do it myself ... i do not want a banana a canonball or a anything else to be forced into my hand when all i do is resplying my stuff

    #1 problem you cannot drop or take , anything without having to open an inventory managers for each crate wich is terrible for resupplying speed and for getting stuff quickly to repair the boat , heal ourself etc...

    The only positive aspect i see is been able to have a cap larger than 100 plank etc.. but even that can become imbalanced ... 200 plank maybe but like 1000 planks is getting a bit imbalanced and silly ... sometime war of attrition is a thing but with insane cap like this its kinda ridiculous ...

    Also why not making a invantory system only for 1 special type of barrels who could hold cannon balls and cursed cannonballs ? Why not adding a 3rd wheel with cursed cannonballs you have equip in them ? instead of having to go trough the TAB menu ?

    Also to exit the barrels inventory you added an extra button wich you cannot remap wich make thing totally anoying ...

    Also to see whats in the barrels we have to individually open the inventory managers of each of them even if they are empty wich make us loose dremendous amount of time ... wich the " grind " and the ressources management was already quiet a task with the previous system wich was 10 time faster than this one already ...

    FIX this ,

    1:allow us to grab and store item with a single click like before ...

    2: we need to be able to see whats inside the barrel just by pointing at it close range

    3: Reduce the size of these storage having more than 200 plank will become way to much overkill but i apreciate more than 100 ... but more than 200 is to much

    4: I apreciate that we can store anything in any barrel including those on island so i want this feature to remain since it can become handy in some specifics situations

    5: Curse cannonballs are way to numerous and not rare enough ... unless this spawn rate disapear after the events i dont see the game having so much curse cannonballs all over the place at all time ... fine for a week events hells no forever ... Having very rare occasion where you find cannonballs is require to make them truely " special "

    6: remoove the new system that force us to have a banana, plank etc.. in hand when we ressuply banana , plank , cannonballs etc.. i want to ressuply my invantory not been forced to switch to " equipped banana plank etc.. status " and then have to manually switch back to a weapons in an already heated firefight

    FIX these in priority , including fixing all the bugs even if some are funny " Hey i guess someone wife will love my new telescope ! But the athena chest bug is unaceptable as well as the drop of performance ...

    I was use to play the game at 95 -120 fps ... now i am down to 60-70 for some reason and the frame rates are choppy and i have zero issues in any others game by far more demanding than SOF and didnt got these bad performance prior to this patch ...

    Rant over .... for now ...

  • Why was this not a thing in the beginning as part of the ongoing plans at launch of the game? With this now change you are asking the whole player community to adapt to a change to the core of the game after they have already put 1,000s of hours in the game? The logic to me doesn't make sense. It appears that the logical to have had planned it better from the start of launch to then when time came to introduce cursed cannonballs it would not be a cosmic rock of the boat change. During my game-plays of this new patch. It has been nothing but horrible experience. I tried so much to even accept the change. Sadly I keep getting killed cause of the delay to then get more resources. Forts are near impossible. You have skeletons with eye of reach that basically have two shot kills. So once I get one shot to the head if I need bananas by the time I get more bananas I get killed with another shot.

  • Even if I understand the usefulness of the new barrels menu, I remain of the idea that was better before. Even if the barrel had only one type of object, you could take it and place it right away. Besides, everything was much faster, because you only saw the number of resources approaching the barrel. With this new menu, time is wasted, especially in times when you have to take cannonballs quickly.

  • @fulllmax sink passing ships and take their supplies. Restocking was easier heading to a skeleton ship when we boarded ships and took their supplies.

    The barrels are still slow to search through, but at least on a ship everything is grouped together. Better than spending too much time stocking on an island.

  • Hi,

    Really don't like the new barrel system. Whether in battle or just by yourself stocking up, it slows the game down so much its frustrating. It breaks the flow. I liked how in this game many things are not menu based. Wanna show your mission to a random person? turn the map around and show him, those kind of things. Now getting stuck in a menu every time you look into a barrel (which you do a lot) really breaks the flow/stride/feel whatever you wanna call it. It feels like constant annoying interruptions to your game. One you cannot avoid.

  • Yesterday after a beer and some green stuff I was filling the barrels up on an island instead of getting the cannonballs out... After some seconds I was thinking... what the **** am I doing :D

  • Actually, looking at all the issues this patch has introduced regardless of the barrels, it seems this update really has broken the game in more ways than one. Seriously needs a roll back.

  • @captain-fet what else broke?

  • I have played SOT since release. Some changes/decisions have been questionable and I have worked through them. This latest update, I will not bare. I played for about 20 minutes last night and I think I am done. I am 1 level away from Athena 10 and cannot continue to work towards that goal. The cursed cannon balls for pvp is a terrible idea too. Essentially, this game is on the way to becoming a pirate version of Fortnite. I will watch what the devs do over the next day and weeks. If the barrel 2.0 stays, I am gone.

    Sorry that I don’t have any constructive feedback. Honestly, I don’t have the time. I just play to enjoy games and hang out with friends. I don’t make money from them or grind. This game has become less fun and my RL friends don’t play it, so I will move on to find one that makes it fun to play.

  • @d-jaguar but in case you are not agressive player??? If you just want to make your quest without making any harm to other players???

    for me this game is just for relax, making quest and getting loot, to have pleasure increasing own level.

    PVP should not be only reason to be competitive in this game.

    What I see RARE now pushing players to play PVP with all these new CC.

    for example: today I took quest to find chests, I did it. But I had hard time bringing loot to outpost. Near Cannon bay was staying brig just checking ships that are coming to two outpost and of course cannons were loaded with CC, in the end I managed to sell chest but it wasn't worth time that I spent.


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