Is this new barrel interface a joke?

    1. I can't see when a Barrel is Empty before opening it: WASTE OF TIME.
    2. No option to grab everything at once: WASTE OF TIME
    3. There are less resources than before overall.
    4. I need to go through 3 screens to select the cannon balls.

    If your pioneers did not give you feedback on how cr*p this new interface is, you should reconsider the whole program.

  • 13
  • Are servers up allready and you tested it or its just your thoughts ?

  • I agree with you completely. As I Pioneer I am not allowed to comment on what we tested.

    How to fix it

    When walking past a barrel tap X to grab an item make it prioritise bananas if you don't have 5, after that random item. Hold X to bring up the new interact with barrel interface.

    When using the cannon hold left bumper to being up a new radial with your cannon balls on it. (At the moment it brings up the standard radial, you don't need that while on a cannon)

  • @teh-magnus

    Calm down there matey. While I cannot discuss the details of what happens in the Pioneer sessions, I can tell you that everyone has put in the greatest effort possible.

    1. You are right, you can't. That's a b****r and will take some getting used to. It opens the door to different types of items, though. Different types of cannonballs have just been introduced and this is 'a' way to do it. They'll most likely prototype different ways.
    2. How slow is fast pressing a button really? I agree though, a 'pick up all items' option would be great.
    3. To be honest, the islands have been low on resources these last few weeks. It's just more obvious now.
    4. Yes, selecting the cursed cannonballs takes a bit of time. Considering how powerful they are, I think it's a good trade off for now. That is until we can find a better solution.
  • @nefrit-od I tested it and it sucks :(. People are going to start using Macros over this.

  • @teh-magnus hello mate. We sure share the same concerns as you do and mostly will... But we're not the developers of the game, we're a minority.
    It's now with the overall player's feedback that things can be changed.

    Take that mind. 😉

  • Just think of it as being more realistic. In a realistic game you can't just look at a barrel and know what's inside, you have to open it to see what's in there. You wouldn't be able to reach in and pluck out (for example) 10 cannonballs, unless you are somehow that strong to do so all at once. Less resources? Eh i'll give you that one. Also as mentioned by others, they aren't allowed to give PUBLIC feedback as part of their agreement.

  • I see many pioneers replying and I must say Im not throwing the ball at you guys but if you did comment and rare didnt listen its the same issue...

  • Oh and I hadnt seen the comendations 60 Fort skulls for Grade V GG rare, just GG.

  • Well try feeding your pigs when they are hungry, they never stop squeeling no matter how many bananas you feed them with!
    And the commandations for merchant, GH and OOS have been downgraded.
    For an example i had 900 Captains i only have 380....w*f?!?! (Same with other chests, skulls and what not)

  • @reapinglegion Less gold and Rep value for the merchant turn-ins, you mean? Those aren’t commendations.

  • Change is hard

  • As this is such a hot topic in the community, we have created a megathread to collate all your feedback. As a result, all threads are being locked and the conversation redirected to that topic.

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