all my suggestions

  • make some extremely cool and extremely expensive items for those who have millions of coins and nothing to do with them. make something that you can work to level up without a limit so legends with athena's 10 aren't just playing to get more money. make more cursed chests. put a merchant item in strongholds. decrease skeleton spawns for solo sloops. decrease gunpowder skeleton rates by a significant amount. add multiple cosmetic sets for legends. make cursed chests rarer and pricier. have books with quests in them spawn athena's voyages every 1000 times or so. make doubloons less useless once you've bought the items for that week. make more enemy types. make combat less tedious when fighting skeletons. give a reward for killing the kraken and meg. have extremely rare voyages that make you go to uncharted islands where the rewards are unique and bountiful. make cursed captains cooler. thanks.

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