Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3

  • Since the update I have no audio whatsoever in game. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and still the same issue. I am running on xbox one x.

  • Not enjoying this event. All other strangers I meet while doing it have said the same to me.

    I understand the team was able to produce this event fairly easily and quickly since they've utilized existing mechanics / features (e.g. cannon fire, sit), but I personally do not find it entertaining and instead tedious.

    I also just realized that the large thrones have to be done by 2 people from different groups... Awesome decision devs. We can use discord to find groups, but there is no option to choose your servers. So, just sitting here hoping that someone comes by trying to do the large thrones. Such a time consuming event... zzz

    The small thrones are fine enough since you can just do them solo, but I feel we should have been able to do the large thrones as a crew, not as multiple crews.

    This is not meant for other players (although I'm sure they will provide their opinions), but instead it's for the dev team.

  • So, I hopped on today to see the new update, and I noticed a few things I hadn't noticed before that are either a) unlisted patch changes, or b) a placebo effect from not having played for nearly a week:

    improved lighting;
    (1) sunlight during sunset looked GORGEOUS through the sloop's cloth roofing
    (2) it also created a shadow of the gold hoarder on the back-side of his tent when juxtaposed to the sun
    (3) all lanterns had a much more prominent and noticeable "glow" or aura around them
    (4) all metal/gold objects had a greater shine to them

    improved sound effects;
    (1) when in Cannon Cove's cave, the sound had an audible echo

    improved animations;
    (1) swimming underwater was faster
    (2) when underwater, the lantern "moved" sideways while swimming to indicate motion

    Devs, please let me know if some or all of the above are either unlisted changes, or simply just my overractive imagination.

    P.S. - I got snakebit, and it only poisoned me once. 😁

  • Has anyone else had the game start bugging out terribly when the Megalodon appears? For me, not only did it start lagging horribly, but when I tried to respawn, it stuck me eternally underwater. Also, upon several "up close and personal" attacks from him, the only thing visible was his eyes and half a tail fin.

  • This update has started a bug that makes you fall off the ladder on the sloop when you get to the very top. It happens about 75% of the time. We need a fix. Plus now that we have closed crews, even when we turn it to a closed crew and want to sail alone. Your friends can still join into your game even without your invite. This needs to be fixed as well.

  • @josman087 said

    Plus now that we have closed crews, even when we turn it to a closed crew and want to sail alone. Your friends can still join into your game even without your invite. This needs to be fixed as well.

    I believe this is a fault of the Xbox app. I have written them a report about it.

  • @admiral-rrrsole interesting

  • @josman087 I could be wrong as the fault could fall on both Xbox app and SoT communications which is basically saying it's between Micro$oft & Micro$oft.

    I have joined closed games without an invite and I have had a closed game gate-crushed by someone who isn't on my friends list but is merely a follower.
    This means that anyone could look you up, click the "Add Friend" button and simply crash your party (and game) even without you mutually adding them as a friend.

  • @admiral-rrrsole this is true, we need to make sure support knows about this.

  • The multiple Megan's with different personalities are definitely a great addition to the game! This far I have seen an observer, an aggressive one, a curious one, and a speed booster. Very

  • @get-sm0ked420 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    Nice time to hop aboard!!! Love the weekly updates, keep up the good work.

    I agree, and you guys are adding something that gives us a reason to come back! The God's are listening..... Hopefully that "something" is ???

  • Do we know anything about the up coming patch for this week

  • @odin949 It has been delayed a few days but should include fixes for skeletons with pistols and blunderbusses with near perfect aim, double snake bite bug and introduces the Gunpowder Skeletons event.

    See more at the link below :)

  • @musicmee Thank you Good sir

  • @musicmee i cant find where it says it's delayed, do you know the official release time?

  • @squanchysmurf Ahoy matey!

    This is the latest update we have... no confirmation on timing just yet.

  • @musicmee thanks mate

  • It’s been delayed because Joe Neate still hasn’t managed to land in the Marauders Arch throne yet. The rest of the team is giving him until Thursday.

  • @captaingraey said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    It’s been delayed because Joe Neate still hasn’t managed to land in the Marauders Arch throne yet. The rest of the team is giving him until Thursday.


  • Wish they would at least release the patch notes.

  • @captaingraey a dit dans Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3 :

    It’s been delayed because Joe Neate still hasn’t managed to land in the Marauders Arch throne yet. The rest of the team is giving him until Thursday.

    :) HAHA

  • I fought one of the new megalodons Sunday. It was fun but not changing. Also we didn't get a reward. If you doubt me look up my screen shots.
    The random encounters of the kracken and megalodon are fun but need more challenge and definitely need a reward. Please give us something for beating them. Give is a reason to fight them. Thanks.

  • Did the devs just pull down the tweet that announced a Thursday patch day?

  • Tweet is still up for me as well! Think it's safe to say it's coming out on Thursday (unless it gets pushed back like....well we don't talk about last patch...).

  • @hellblade-hero said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    Tweet is still up for me as well! Think it's safe to say it's coming out on Thursday (unless it gets pushed back like....well we don't talk about last patch...).

    @hellblade-hero said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    Tweet is still up for me as well! Think it's safe to say it's coming out on Thursday (unless it gets pushed back like....well we don't talk about last patch...).

    Oh ok. It wasn't for me. Glad it's still coming out.

  • So will the new event start on Thursday?

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 should do!

  • @adiscomassacre said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    @skulliah said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    others are said to be just as unforgiving as The Hungering One!

    Going to freak out everytime I'll sail alone! 😱

    My guess is they will only attack galleons like the kraken.

    They also attack Sloops (and Kraken apparently do now, too, as we witnessed the other day when a sloop pursued us when we took off with a Fort key and got destroyed by a Kraken).

  • i love this update but i didnt do it :o so i can`t get the bone suite anymore :(
    so i will try to do the event and make it happed on a other event

  • @bushyketchup26 Ahoy matey!

    The upcoming event offers bone weapons... so you know.. that might make up for it :D

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