100k gold reward to whoever find my Louise

  • Ahoy me hearties!

    Ye know me like to go to the legendary hideout to see my beautiful Louise and soak my lips in her delightful grog.

    Wait... what do you mean ye don't know Louise?

    Arrr... here she is


    What was me saying?

    Aye! Me like to listen to her stories about other pirates, she knows all the secrets of these legends. But her grog makes me turn upside down everytime, me don't remember very well.

    But something horrible happened! Me was coming back from a little voyage in The Wilds. I went to Galleon's grave to sell my booty. I needed a new hat, ye know Louise really loves that.

    So me played the beautiful shanty to open the secret passage. So shiny, me love how it glows and makes everything quake.

    secrets untold

    Arrr! the feelings!

    Then me swam through the Corals to the legendary hideout.


    Me was really happy to be able to see my Louise again, jumping all over the rhythm of the banjo.

    But when I got to the bar, Louise wasn't there.

    empty bar

    She would never leave her bar. Me knew something had happened!

    Me ask to everyone where she was but no one knew.


    Only the little man completely drunk told me that an old man had stayed long the day before. He was apparently angry to have lost his booty on the seas. A big shark sank him apparently.

    Oh, my dear Louise, me will find ye! I'll saill all the seas for ye!

    Please me maties, I need yer help to find her. I offer 100,000 gold to whoever will give me any information to find this scurvy dog!


    Arrrr me want my grog back!

  • 14
  • @skulliah l**o this is amazing xD

  • @mortarchelle hahaha thank you!

  • Hehehehehe! I have had many a pleasant evening being served nice warm grog by Louise.


    (Courtesy of: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/11640/wanted-poster-generator/)

    Shame she doesn't have a Gamertag mind!

  • @skulliah That's awesome! great story

  • @musicmee

    aye I remember your awesome generator! but... she is missing :(

    It'll be for her kidnapper! :D

  • This is great. Hope you find out what happened to her.

  • This made me sad

  • this is really well done, nice job bud

  • Aye @skulliah I be sorry for yer loss but it be time for ye to let go, raise yer anchor and sail on.
    Yeh see, she be serving for just one man now. A rich admiral at that.

    We never meant for it to happen but once her good eye was fixed on me charming instrument there was no turning away for the poor lass.

    To make matters worse for ya, the more her weeping eye gazed upon it's magnificent glory the more I played and the harder it became
    for the lass not to appreciate all that such a glorious instrument, handled in such a skillful way, could fulfill her life making her complete.

    Sorry, can't chat. The good woman wishes for me to rock the boat with another good chanty, if ye knows what I mean. ;o)

    We sends ya well wishes in yer endeavors for the elusive hump back.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Hahahaha didn't expect that! It's awesome, well done!

    But I will find ye and reveal yer magic tricks!

  • @skulliah Cheers and kudos to you for coming up with the OP idea. Classic.

    I'm glad that the missing persons poster captured her good side.
    When I mentioned it to the lovely Louise, she asked if I thought it made her butt look big? I assured her that you captured her beauty tastefully. :o)

    Although such a rare beauty is worth fighting for, may our swords never cross. lol

  • @skulliah

    Haha! This is brilliant - we must find her, search the seas!!!

  • Thank you all! :D

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