This is the reason why this game and its community is so amazing!

  • Hello fellow pirates!
    After one of the best moments in this game I realy want to share this with you :D

    After a good afternoon playing this game we went for a final battle with anincomming galeon.
    1hour later after sinking and getting sunk we noticed it all went down for 1 captains chest.
    When the chest was gone we noticed the other crew was friendly and using voice-chat to trade ships.When we trade ships we noticed the problem about getting dead people back to the ship that needs it.

    Then when we came back with the 2 ships and we offered tho get a 8man crew on 1 ship.

    The story continues
    When we were playing songs and drinking grog together with our new friends we went for a trip and saw another galeon on the horizon.
    It wasn't sure if it was the respawn of our friends or another one, so we went for al look.
    When we came closer it was clear that it was a new crew and also a more friendly crew than we expected.
    This was the vieuw we got when we arrived at that new spawned crew: When 2 crews align with a third one

    From then it was 1 big friendgroup where we played shantys and drank grog with our 2 new friend-crews.

    This was one of my best moments in this game and next to all the complaints I wanna show the opportunities this game gives and how random people can make you have a great time :)
    The final picture of our 3crew group.

    I wanna thank everybody for this amazing moment and see you at the seas! :D


  • 13
  • Yaar, this one hit me right in the feels!

  • @gijswar8 A fine tale, mate!

  • Awesome and hats off to all involved!

  • Aye, amazing story! I totally agree, this type of friendly encounters makes the experience really wonderful!

  • It was fun!

  • @gijswar8 Great tale! These encounters are why I love this game so much too; the fun that you can have with other crews!

  • Fantastic anomaly! Looked loads of fun. Hopefully more of this can happen after the dlc drops.

  • Funny moment with funny people

  • Good way to get in the new HD update and show new players what the other side of this game offers :)

  • @gijswar8 Great stuff.

    My most (good) memorable moment in the game was being part of FIVE ships at an active skull fort, not long after launch.
    We were all drinking, playing music and dancing on each other's ships. It lasted for hours.
    Someone came up with the idea that we should all strip down to our underwear in case ill-natured pirates arrived so we could tell who is on whose side. lol

    It was the funniest sight standing at the helm watching 18 or so guys running around the fort (as one) looking for the remaining skeleton to kill and start the next wave.
    Ever see schools of fish or a flock of birds where suddenly one turns and the rest follows suit? The collective group morphs and reforms in another direction. That's how they looked. lol

    Ahhh Good times. :o)

    We couldn't find the elusive skelly-wag and after even more partying we had to sail away in hopes to reset the skeleton waves.

  • Such a great game. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Oh my god....did you all hold hands too?

    What's this world coming to!

    Less kindness more violence ~ that's the pirate way!

8 out of 13