Hanging with Merick?

  • Am I the only crazy person who hung out at shark bait Island. And tried every way possible I could to get Merick to speak more than the two questions?
    I even tried to sober him up with water. Offered him my grog, bananas, planks, cannon balls...
    Then i trolled the island for any clues I could find out about the cave paintings.
    Think that's all i did for three hours last night. No missions, nothing.
    I found a powder keg( aka gun powder)
    But that's all i came away with.

  • 7
  • @epyon777 you should have blown him up muhaha

  • @eredhar
    LOL, the thought had crossed my mind.
    But the poor b****r had looked to have lived through enough crazy in his life.
    And i was trying to make friends with him...
    I'm possibly getting to sucked into this game😆😆😆

  • @epyon777 careful now.. You might wake up one morning with two peg legs...

  • @eredhar
    Don't laugh, i am a historical reenactor.
    A.K.A. I'm a pirate in real life, for charities and public events and education of "Goldan age" of piracy to the masses.
    My crews website is ValhallaPirates.com
    And i am Rory Thadaus Pond aka Doc Pond at your service...⚓☠⚓☠

  • Sounds like something I would do.. Got way too into this game, even paid money and changed my Xbox gamer tag to Capt Niteshade, bought the pad, bought a one X to play in hdr, bought the Xbox live 3 months just to get the outfit, wrote a full character description for Capt Niteshade, and just booked in to get the sea of thieves skull logo done as a tattoo is full colour!! I'm currently taking a break from the game but I'm ready to dive back in on Tuesday and meet Merrick too :)

  • My husband bought me an Xbox one for our anniversary in April so I'd leave his alone because this game is all I play. I also spent some time with Merrick thinking if I sat down with him in the sand he'd be more chatty. Buzzing for tomorrow's hungering deep release!

3 out of 7