A pirate's tale

  • As the sun rises for a new day the seas are calm. Off in the distance a storm looms but I think it isn't heading this way. The roll of the waves dulls me senses as a smile creeps up on my lips. A sign. A menacing skull appears on the horizon with its menacing eyes. Those eyes beckon to me. Calling me to come and try to take what is mine. Try to take what I keep guarded and what I lord over.

    With a heavy sigh I climb to my feet and stride over to the rigging, glancing over to the anchor to make sure it isn't set. With a quick glance I to the sky the sails are lowered and angled for best possible speed. The rush. It hasn't hit just yet, but my body begins to hum with energy as my single sloop crashes through the waves towards the every growing skull. Then I hear it, the war beat then moments later the quietness is broken by the sounds of several cannons from the fortress sending death to my and my ship in the shape of cannon balls. Like a shark going after its prey I circle the island looking for best spot to crash in to whilst not getting sunk. Finally a break, if you could call it that, the ship gets wracked by several shots to the port side. With mournful groan the ship strikes the island broadside, and with the anchor now dropping the task begins. Repair and secure the ship.

    With my wits gathered, along with my blunderbuss and sword the siege ends and the taking of the island itself begins. Wave after wave of the skull's denizens relentlessly attack me, and I feel the chill is my life slips from me only to meet the Ferry Man. And then its over, it isn't my time to go yet. I return to the battle, comforted that my ship is still in one piece. As the enemy forces begin to dwindle and then cease a battle horn blows. Reinforcements! Metal death is after me. To the water! They are slow, even more so in the watery element. With trusty blunderbuss I blast through them until each and everyone of them litters the killing field. But no time to rest. In the back of my mind my biggest fear is that I fail. But not from what lies within but what lies beyond the fortress walls. Another seeking the spoils of war.

    Another death and I am returned to the living. Shades. Thankfully the sun is up, I face up to them and even against the overwhelming numbers, and a whole lot of running in the other direction they to fall. It is glorious. Oh no! Is that a ship in the distance? No, the fog it is playing tricks on me battle weary mind, it's a rock.

    Wave after wave they come, hack, slash, shoot. The hoards surround me. After a fevered glance I notice a barrel. Certain death for any creature near it should it explode. A smile tugs at my lips, I may die from this but I will take out an entire platoon of theirs. My body aches and cries for relief as swords bite at my flesh. At hobbling to the barrel with a might blow from my sword the barrel is breached. The sound, the blinding light, the feeling of your body being blown to bits. But they are experiencing the same. There is no reprieve for them. No Ferry Man, just death. I return, my ship has gone unmolested so far. And then I hear it. The arrival of the Captain of the fortress. Run! Run for your life. So I do, but I'm no coward I know that if I got this far I can go just a bit farther. And I fight, and I fight. Strike down the captain, strike at his minions of death. So I do. And finally, it is over the captain falls and so do the last of his crew. Glorious! I ache. I am covered in cuts and bruises, I look like Death chewed me up and spit me out. Grabbing the key to the vault I run to my ship and scan the horizon. Thank you! The seas are still calm, not a ship in site. Today, Lady Luck was once again with me, as I recon this is my fifth such battle, or maybe more there have been so many. Nobody to fend off as I return and open the vault. My hear beats faster with renewed vigor. Gather the booty and get it to an outpost and sell it.

    First the good stuff, the stuff that will get me the most of my reward. With skull and chest secure below, and a crate of silks, why not, I make for the closest outpost. Once there I sell my bounty. With no other ships on the horizon I return to the fortress and gather up the rest of the spoils. A wild storm breaks out, and with only myself to navigate, repair if needed, and man the rigging my ship and I make it through and find the fortress. The vault isn't empty. With a maniacal rush the vault is emptied and stored haphazardly on the deck. No ships in sight! Lady Luck still watches over one of her own this day.
    With Course charted I set sail to another outpost and land the ship, with a little damage mind you. Repairs complete the task of off loading the goods begins, teas for the merchant, trinkets for the gold merchants, and skulls to be sold as well.

    Finally, it is over. I can take a breath and count my coin and think about the battle. Let it be told, that on my own, by my reckoning of the time piece, from the first sword slash to the last it took me an hour. An hour of pain and loss for both sides. The lordly skull in the sky is gone of course, it ceased when the captain fell.
    I yell towards the fortress that lies out of sight, "I won!" and sip my grog. It is a good day.

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  • @tenableclown15 I always love seeing the community write stories based on Sea of Thieves. Keep it up!

  • @tenableclown15 A wonderfully evocative tale, thanks for taking the time to write and share it on the forums! To the victor the spoils!

  • @eredhar Thanks!

  • @katttruewalker Thanks! That was actually based on a raid I had completed as a Solo Slooper. So far I've done maybe 6 or so solo and managed to get most of them. First time I ever went Solo it took me 7 hours. Seriously. And thankfully nobody came by! I was wracked with nervous tension, just waiting for somebody to come along and steal my work. Ugh! Getting better now, I can clear a fortress on my own in an hour, well maybe 50 minutes. But dang that is some scary stuff.

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