How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.

  • @ironuzuka can you quote them please? I don't know where your posts are, what is their content?

  • @urihamrayne Content argues against the idea that the "red sea dumping" is an exploit ...

  • @ironuzuka What is the argument?

  • @urihamrayne Click and read ?

  • @ironuzuka said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @urihamrayne Click and read ?

    You don't make any better of an argument on those threads about it not being an exploit than you do here.
    Plain and simple, the loot is being made unobtainable across the red sea and is just as big of a problem as dropping it off a cliff to glitch it into a wall and making it unobtainable. Until the loot sinks below the waves it is available to players and running away to destroy loot should not be encouraged.

    Leaving a trail of dropped loot as they chase you however, is a much better solution. Either the persuers grab the loot in the water and stop, or they keep chasing and choose to ignore the loot.

  • @rattlyfob The whole idea that any loot should be available to the ones who committed / forced the sinking is preposterous.

    The loot belongs to you once and only once you are in possession of it.
    You say any loot should be available when at sea ?
    What about the treasures disappearing after a while ? Is that a glitch ?

  • @ironuzuka said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @rattlyfob The whole idea that any loot should be available to the ones who committed / forced the sinking is preposterous.

    The loot belongs to you once and only once you are in possession of it.

    Btw.... its not yours until you turn it in. Just because you are holding it or it is on your ship does not make it yours.

    You say any loot should be available when at sea ?

    Plain and simple, the loot is being made unobtainable across the red sea and is just as big of a problem as dropping it off a cliff to glitch it into a wall and making it unobtainable. Until the loot sinks below the waves it is available to players and running away to destroy loot should not be encouraged.

    What about the treasures disappearing after a while ? Is that a glitch ?

    Leaving a trail of dropped loot as they chase you however, is a much better solution. Either the persuers grab the loot in the water and stop, or they keep chasing and choose to ignore the loot.

    Not responding to my arguments doesn't help your case. I am not saying that it belongs to anyone because it doesn't. But taking a cop out to make it all unavailable is an exploit and should be fixed. Again, the better play is to slowly drop ot behind the ship until either you are out of loot or the enemy stops to grab the loot in the water. It yeilds the same results as noone gets the loot with a small chance that you both DO get to claim some of it.

  • @rattlyfob "the better play is to slowly drop ot behind the ship until either you are out of loot or the enemy stops to grab the loot in the water. "

    Indeed, I personally encourage players to experiment with the different ways to hide loot or make their chasers think twice before continuing pursue, but I don't support players using a glitch to grief items into an unobtainable state.

  • @urihamrayne while I don’t personally agree with this guys attitude or apparent sense of always being right. I do think that being able to put any rewards beyond that barrier is an exploit, about along the lines of someone glitching a skull fort key into a rock or something where nobody can pick it up. A better solution would be that when a ship hits that barrier at the end of the Red Sea, it applies a sort of instant scuttle effect and almost sort of launches the ship straight backwards a fair distance to prevent loot from being stuck there. Almost like a forcefield that launches everything back from it. That way, the loot can still be retrievable, but the person doing the retrieving has to balance between grabbing loot and repairing their Swiss cheese hull. Just my thoughts on it though.

  • @ooskinwiggleoo yeah I'm a jerk sometimes. Part of my charm.

    but yeah what you said is pretty much my idea, below is a small simulacrum of the issue, red line is the impassable barrier.

    Moving items that get stuck in the yellow line to the blue line.

  • @urihamrayne that would pretty much solve the issue right there. My suggestion sorta adds a bit of mystery and speculation to the barrier (or it was intended to). I feel like my idea sorta implies that there’s a specific force preventing you from leaving. Like a certain being refuses to let you leave the play area, like your it’s specimen and it’s observing how all these people would interact in the environment we’re forced to remain in. I’m also just bored at work so maybe that’s nonsense...

  • @ooskinwiggleoo said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @urihamrayne that would pretty much solve the issue right there. My suggestion sorta adds a bit of mystery and speculation to the barrier (or it was intended to). I feel like my idea sorta implies that there’s a specific force preventing you from leaving. Like a certain being refuses to let you leave the play area, like your it’s specimen and it’s observing how all these people would interact in the environment we’re forced to remain in. I’m also just bored at work so maybe that’s nonsense...

    Or a super strong wind blows your ship backwards

  • @urihamrayne it’s not a damn exploit.... f*s it’s like talking to a wall.

    You’re not righteous, on any high road to victory, nor right... you’re completely wrong and beating a dead-horse.

    Mods I humbly ask you to lock this thread, for it’s not a subject worth discourse, the Red Sea is the way it was intended by the Devs and does not need to be changed in anyway.

  • @urihamrayne said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @edemardil No you still don't understand, I don't care about chasers or runners, there is an exploit in play here that needs to be fixed, items are not meant to be made unretriavable, there are no such tools in the game that aren't outpost vendors (which Rare encourages you to use), only by forcing a ship to trespass the very end of the edge of the red sea, which is not a loot dump area, its an area designed to make people stay in the play area in an immersive way.

    I don't care about chasers or runners, I only care about patching this exploit.

    If I'm being chased I may just dump stuff off the side of the ship. If no one gets it, it sinks and disappears, also not an exploit. If you are on an Island and someone comes up on you and you leave a chest or something on the Island, it disappears after a while. Also not an exploit. So, it's not an exploit. Everything that goes off the map into the red sea is lost to Poseidon. Not an exploit.

    There's your anwser.

    If you want lessons on how to sail, I can help you. It's good for chasing or being chased or just learning how to play. I do free lessons.

  • @edemardil "dump stuff off the side of the ship" "leave a chest or something on the Island"

    They are both not exploits because the loot is still retriavable, and they are two correct ways to make loot hard to be retrieved by enemies without the need of the barrier glitch which is an exploit because it instantly makes items unretriavable.

  • @urihamrayne said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @edemardil "dump stuff off the side of the ship" "leave a chest or something on the Island"

    They are both not exploits because the loot is still retriavable, and they are two correct ways to make loot hard to be retrieved by enemies without the need of the barrier glitch which is an exploit because it instantly makes items unretriavable.

    As some people said, you could swim out to get the loot.

    But how do you get loot that has disappeared in the water or on an Island where it was left? That sounds like an exploit.

  • @edemardil loot that is dug up doesn't dissapear imediately, it can still be taken by anyone, even the person that left it there if it was his intent to make a diversion and then later return to his loot.

    In every case the loot is still in play, the barrier removes everything from play instantaniously, it is an exploit.

  • @urihamrayne said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @edemardil loot that is dug up doesn't dissapear imediately, it can still be taken by anyone, even the person that left it there if it was his intent to make a diversion and then later return to his loot.

    In every case the loot is still in play, the barrier removes everything from play instantaniously, it is an exploit.

    Wrong. Eventually, just like loot thrown into the waters, it disappears. Should Rare remove that feature of the game too? Or should they just allow random loot to be floating around all over the map and on random Islands all over until it's just over flowing and you don't have to chase anyone for free loot because it's so plentiful. Should people be able to just skirt the edge of the map looking for loot?

  • @edemardil

    Do you not see that I'm pointing out that the exploit makes loot unretriavable instantaniously while every other situation you mentioned keeps the loot in play for a certain period of time?

    The exploit removes fair play that the game since in the normal play area the items stay in the world and are retriavable, even if its not forever, but the barrier intantaniously makes items unretriavable.

  • @urihamrayne said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:


    Do you not see that I'm pointing out that the exploit makes loot unretriavable instantaniously while every other situation you mentioned keeps the loot in play for a certain period of time?

    The exploit removes fair play that the game since in the normal play area the items stay in the world and are retriavable, even if its not forever, but the barrier intantaniously makes items unretriavable.

    "fair play" - Do you not see that you are chasing someone so long that they'd rather go off the map than give you their stuff? lol

    The red zone IS in the game world. It is a part of the game world where entering means death and loss of your loot.

  • @urihamrayne said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:


    Do you not see that I'm pointing out that the exploit makes loot unretriavable instantaniously while every other situation you mentioned keeps the loot in play for a certain period of time?

    The exploit removes fair play that the game since in the normal play area the items stay in the world and are retriavable, even if its not forever, but the barrier intantaniously makes items unretriavable.

    I think they should make it so you can destroy loot instead. That was you can dump all the gold out of the chest over the side of the ship if you're being chased. You should be able to destroy the crates and crack the skulls. That way all these people who chase people will realize that it is a waste of time and if you want to make money you could do missions instead (WAY faster and more beneficial) or try to be more sneaky by sneaking up to people on an Island.

  • @edemardil said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @urihamrayne said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:


    Do you not see that I'm pointing out that the exploit makes loot unretriavable instantaniously while every other situation you mentioned keeps the loot in play for a certain period of time?

    The exploit removes fair play that the game since in the normal play area the items stay in the world and are retriavable, even if its not forever, but the barrier intantaniously makes items unretriavable.

    I think they should make it so you can destroy loot instead. That was you can dump all the gold out of the chest over the side of the ship if you're being chased. You should be able to destroy the crates and crack the skulls. That way all these people who chase people will realize that it is a waste of time and if you want to make money you could do missions instead (WAY faster and more beneficial) or try to be more sneaky by sneaking up to people on an Island.

    Stuff the chests into cannons and make it rain!

  • @edemardil "I think they should make it so you can destroy loot instead."

    If that was a mechanic added into the game I would be worried about griefing, but I would accept it as part of the game.

  • @urihamrayne said in How to counter players sinking chests in the Red Sea.:

    @edemardil "I think they should make it so you can destroy loot instead."

    If that was a mechanic added into the game I would be worried about griefing, but I would accept it as part of the game.

    Then accept that the treasure sinks with the ship in the red zone and move on with your life.

    Bye, kid.

  • @edemardil no. It is clearly an unintended oversight, you proposed the adition of a mechanic that directly destroys loot, implying the devs would have an intented purpose to have you sabotage loot, the barrier has been shown to be an object designed to keep players inbounds, nothing to do with destroying loot.

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