Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6

  • @evasive-envy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @minicus-pryme It's not cheating! Please stop using that word. It is completely inaccurate.

    The developers have said they are not allowing the sword dash as you mentioned, but they are not 'punishing' anybody who used it. My point still stands. I didn't say don't remove it. I said don't ask for over-the-top, unecessary and exaggerated 'punishments' to players.

    The developers have already made their statement. You're choosing not to see it. The problem was with the game and not the players. Therefore the game has been patched. They do not allow exploits, therefore they have patched them.

    Exploiting bugs and mechanics in an unintentionaly manner have always been considered cheating in games, universally... Especially if they help you progress faster in the game.

    For instance, server hopping for skeleton forts... That's considered cheating... Cheating is inherently different from hacking, fyi... They are not synonyms in any way, shape or form.

    For some reason, people nowadays think cheating in PC games must involve hacking... which is false...

    In short, do not exploit bugs for personal gain, do not abuse game mechanics in an unintended way for personal gain, etc... Those are all considered cheating, too.

    The problem is, it's hard for the devs to figure out who has been cheating like this or not... It's easy to detect hackers, but it's not easy to detect bug exploiters for instance. Just because it cannot be easily detected, does not mean it's not a crime.

  • @mrgrim67686 Oh my god s*b about your poor spending decisions some more would you. If you're so bent out of shape about a game purchase you should possibly do some research before spending a significant amount of money on something.

  • @thatmrbrock Thank you MrBrock... Dig the name by the way :)

  • @mrbrocksego said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @thatmrbrock Thank you MrBrock... Dig the name by the way :)

    Did you just pat yourself on the back? xD

  • @sweltering-nick Thats kind of what was going through my head while I was typing it.

  • @sweltering-nick I can see what your saying. I personally do not consider it cheating however, but thats just my personal opinion.

    Just for you information exploits are thing players often like to know about to help them beat a game. These are not cheats, which are intentionally coded into the game, or hacks, which are changes to a games coding, but ways of exploiting oversights in the game’s design to make things easier on yourself. If for example, you find a weird thing in a game that allows you to get more coins or ammo when logically you shouldn’t be able to, using that to boost your resources is exploiting.

    I still stand by my post. Players shouldn't be punished to that extreme for an issue with the game.

    Cheers and happy sailing.

    • Significant reductions in time taken to return from the Ferry of the Damned.
    • list item

    Funny, because I just spent almost 2 min on a black screen twice, no exaggeration... by the time I loaded back in the first time I had already sunk from 3 holes on a sloop and lost everything I had

  • @mrbrocksego said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @mrgrim67686 Oh my god s*b about your poor spending decisions some more would you. If you're so bent out of shape about a game purchase you should possibly do some research before spending a significant amount of money on something.

    So you admit SoT is a poor purchase at it's current price point. Excellent. I knew we could come to an agreement.

    It's not about the money. It's about deceptive business practices and the "It's not us, Microsoft did it! Nuh uh, Rare did it!" merry-go-round where the buck never stops.

    At any rate, I'm happy we agree on something. As you were.

  • @mrgrim67686 It was a poor decision for you obviously. I've been enjoying the time I've spent playing with it and think that its worth the money I spend on the game pass.

    I haven't seen any deceptive business practices. I have however seen people expecting things that were never promised for release, and people jumping to wild conclusions based off teasers. I don't think thats either of the companies fault though, I think its the fault of the silly people that have problems comprehending the words.

  • and the 15 minutes crash. when repair? i play since the first day and don't repair this problem.
    it is unplayable return my money

  • @mrbrocksego You're also of the opinion that this is not a skinner box, so you've already proven yourself to be biased at best, delusional at worst.

    Enjoy your piles of rank 45 GH castaway chests!

  • @evasive-envy "I can see what your saying. I personally do not consider it cheating however, but thats just my personal opinion."

    You know who else thinks like this? Every criminal in history. :P

    Usually a classic sign that you might be lacking in morality, or you being delusional... You see no crime in it, because you personally benefit from it, you also benefit from thinking that way, emotionally, because it's kind of a mantra you channel to wash away the guilt of a bad choice... Either that or you just don't care. :P

    "Just for you information exploits are thing players often like to know about to help them beat a game."

    CONTEXT man... Do you know what context is?

    For instance:
    "Bug exploit." Cheating.
    "Exploiting a tactical weakness." Basic PvP, NOT cheating.

    Exploit means "take advantage of"... Taking advantage of bugs in a game is cheating.

    The context we are discussing, is exploitation of bugs and exploitation of game mechanics in an unintentional way...

    Exploiting game mechanics in an unintentional way, basically, abusing game mechanics = Server hopping for skeleton forts

    Exploiting bugs = Jumping on the banana barrel on your ship until a bug causes you to instantly dart across water to a skeleton fort in order to get there faster and disrupt whoever is currently occupying it... Just as an example.

    Both are cheating.

    "Players shouldn't be punished to that extreme for an issue with the game."

    What extreme? Rerolling their accounts back to where they were at before they started CHEATING? Seems fair to me, tbvh... Better than being banned, lol. :P

  • @sweltering-nick I'm not going to start being rude and judging your character as you have mine. For your information, I have not used the merchant exploit and I completely disagree with your stance.

    I wrote my post explaining exploits not to convince you that it is not cheating because I can see how you could view it as cheating. I was trying to highlight that exploits are a result of oversights in game design and, as such, your request for rollback of reputation is a little extreme.

    I'm sorry you see many SoT players as criminals and wish I could convince you otherwise. I'm done conversing with you as what was beginning to be an interesting conversation has now become disheartening and disappointing.

    Enjoy SoT and as I already said, happy sailing!

  • @mrgrim67686 Ahh mrgrim your lack of reading comprehension never ceases to amaze. What I said (repeatedly) was that the game developers deliberately designed the game to deemphasize the leveling systems in this game. I didn't say it doesn't have skinner box mechanics (in its three level systems) I said that they don't place emphasis (a synonym for importance) on them. They way they do that is by not having vertical progression systems, and not having really a point to hitting max level. I mean there are like a hundred other ways they deemphasize the leveling but those are the most obvious.

    Not that any of that will matter since you seem like a pretty closed mind.

  • I’ve been playing from release and just reciently I’ve been having trouble with a glitch. I’m not able to load cannon balls on cannons that are positioned anywhere but on my ship. This first occurred on a skeleton fort when I was trying to shoot a galleon. I made sure I had cannon balls but it just didn’t work. Then I hopped on my ship and I could load them as usual. Later that day we went to thieves haven and again I couldn’t load any of the cannons. Hope this helps!

  • @khaleesibot i went to the ancient spire outpost and couldn't find the new sovereign ship designs, why is this

  • @thordawg31 Aye. That's irritating.

  • @mrbrocksego When you don't have an argument, go for the ad hominem attack.

    Ad hom for the lose. GG bud. GG.

  • Skeleton accuracy not an issue for me...
    Once being fired upon, I knew I needed to make sure I was hauling butt and get out of range ASAP (or in, as the case maybe)... These are dead pirates.. They fired many more cannons than I have.. they're animated from beyond the grave and have continued to fire cannons even after having died... I was okay with them being accurate even at great distance... So, great, I won't have to run below deck to patch as many holes now... that's a good thing...
    I know this second part is really something for the suggestions category (I'll repost it there later) but you could have Skelly Captain rare spawns that are very accurate on the cannon.. players being fired upon with great accuracy could circle around the island, run up and defeat a crew + Capt for a nice skull drop! Yeah, awesome suggestion.. I know. :D

  • @mrgrim67686 Dude its not my fault you keep interpreting the things I say in an overly black and white fashion (ala strawman arguments). When all your replies seem to be tackling a hyperbolized version of the argument I made I get a bit touchy and break it down in a slightly condescending matter. Less ad hominem and more exasperation.

  • @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    Not sure if someone already said this but in the video they released they said they are trying for next week on this. Hopefully it happens!

  • @mrgrim67686 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    ...and put an ammo chest in the crow's nest please. Thanks.

    Hmmm... Sounds totally doable to me as far as coding goes (coming from someone who knows very little about coding)... maybe make the crate heavy so the player moves at half or quarter speed while moving it... But the strats that crow's nest ammo opens up is titillating!

  • I really liked the person that suggested a while back you should be able to move the box anywhere you like.

    @synopsesthai said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @mrgrim67686 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    ...and put an ammo chest in the crow's nest please. Thanks.

    Hmmm... Sounds totally doable to me as far as coding goes (coming from someone who knows very little about coding)... maybe make the crate heavy so the player moves at half or quarter speed while moving it... But the strats that crow's nest ammo opens up is titillating!

  • @mrbrocksego said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @mrgrim67686 Dude its not my fault you keep interpreting the things I say in an overly black and white fashion (ala strawman arguments). When all your replies seem to be tackling a hyperbolized version of the argument I made I get a bit touchy and break it down in a slightly condescending matter. Less ad hominem and more exasperation.

    Don't bother feeding him. Just flag his posts and move on. He's a forum-lurker and a troll, bent on just causing trouble here and not doing anything productive.

  • @blam320 Because I call out BS cheerleading for a half-finished product? Sure thing bud. I'm plenty productive, and I do offer suggestions on occasion while all you do is cry about people not loving this incomplete buggy mess of a game. We get it. You like the game in it's current unacceptable state. Good for you.

    I really shouldn't be feeding you since all you're here for is lurking around waiting to cause trouble with people who take issue with the game and not doing anything productive.


    Pretending the game is great and on a good path is counterproductive toward the eventual delivery of a viable product that may one day slightly resemble the game the MS marketing department advertised.

  • @mrgrim67686 Just because someone likes something you don't like doesn't make them a cheerleader. The game is fine, the content is there, more is coming, and if you don't enjoy it, stop playing and stop posting on the forums. Your opinion of it being bad is not needed or wanted here.

  • @sh4ruh


    How about they fix the skellys being able to shoot through rocks/boulders... and hitting you with blunders from farther than you can them from?

  • @khaleesibot

    I'm very happy with the rate at which Rare have been updating the game. I'm also been very happy with all the changes Rare have made, up until now (a couple of things in patch 1.0.6). My biggest concern from the beginning has always been that Rare was going to make the game easier, less punishing and more rewarding to the players. I understand that Rare wants their game to compliment players of all skill levels, but for more experienced gamers, the less risk and potential punishment there is, the less rewarding and satisfying it is. I played for several hours last night. During the first 2 hours, I decided to sail solo on a sloop and ended up parking in a bad spot at island with an active skeleton fort on it. While being bombarded by skeleton cannon fire, I was panicking to get the heck out of there and to keep my ship afloat with repairs and bailing water out. I barely made it out alive, and it was one of the most exciting and rewarding moments of the evening. The skeletons don't need their aim adjusted; the players (like me) need their strategies adjusted. I have faith in Rare's decision making. They have proven their brilliance to me through Sea of Thieves. But Rare also wants to keep the majority of their fan base happy (which is understandable) by catering to their demands. Sometimes people don't know what's good for them. They don't know what will make them happy and keep them happy in the long-term. When it comes to video game development, the customer isn't always right. The customer doesn't always know what's best. There's a delicate balance between risk and reward that must be attained and maintained, and it is no easy feat, but Rare has been doing a great job at it, thus far. Too much risk and the experience can be overly frustrating. Not enough risk, and your accomplishments will feel underwhelming. I think the wait time on the Ferry of the Damned was just right! I don't think the developers of Sea of Thieves' should cater exclusively to one group of players of a certain level of skill (or patience). I know it's not easy to make everyone happy. So maybe the player base needs to be segregated. Allow players to create a new pirate (a new character) under a new game difficulty. Call this new difficulty "Hard" or "Hardcore" or "Difficult". These newly created pirates would play on servers whose variables would differ from the classic servers. Maybe there would be more sharks in the water, more bad weather, a death tax! I'd like to be charged for a new ship if mine gets sunk. I'd like to -earn- ship supplies, and not always get them for free. There needs to be a "money sink", otherwise it'll only be a matter of time before every pirate has bought everything they wanted and has hundreds of thousands of gold sitting in the bank with nothing to spend it on and no desire to go out and make more of it. Sea of Thieves' development doesn't have to be linear. It can fork into more than one direction. One direction can cater to the masses, and the other can cater to the developers' original vision.

  • @hntr-green said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @mrgrim67686 Just because someone likes something you don't like doesn't make them a cheerleader. The game is fine, the content is there, more is coming, and if you don't enjoy it, stop playing and stop posting on the forums. Your opinion of it being bad is not needed or wanted here.

    The game is not fine. The sheer volume of complaints will illustrate this very simple concept. If you cannot grasp this, then there's nothing I can do to help you. Rah rah.

  • @mrgrim67686 Says the guy doing the majority of the complaining.

  • @mrbrocksego Far more people than just me have issues with this shallow puddle of a "game".

  • @mrgrim67686 We could just keep making fun of you and your ilk, or you could finally do what all of you "promise" and leave the game already.

    I'm sorry that of all the things in life to suck at "having fun" has to be one of them for you.

    Sea of Thieves is seriously looking like my game of the decade.

  • @eric-von-jester Never said I was leaving sunshine. Hope to see you out there.

  • Horrible screen tear on Xbox after this patch. Anyone else?

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