Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4

  • @sonicbobjr
    Yesss thanks for the response and validation. Glad to know you are aware and working on it. Cheers!

  • Keep up the good work! glad you've got some of those bugs fixed, can't wait to log in and play today!

  • So basically ... new content for 0.01% of the players plus 100 % more griefing for 100 % of the players (why would you even think about making it easier to drop stuff from the ship except gunpowder?) and still not fixed issues that were there on day 1. LOL.

  • @twitchtv-mohky
    "i hate to think there's people at Rare working on some floating candles, while the game has issues like this"
    The poeple working on candles are completely unrelated to the people working on game mechanics.

    It's very useful to be able to throw stuff over board in some situations. Why would they make it so you could only throw gunpowder? That would make no sense.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @khaleesibot What about fixes to the achievements? I am still not getting some of the achievements I know I've earned since launch.

    Ones like being at a certain level for instance.

    Same here, Great stuff otherwise though. Keep it coming!

  • I don't know how long this has been happening but my commendations are not updating. I purposely completed multiple last night and the count didnt change.

  • @khaleesibot

    Thanks for the regular updates and incorporation of player feedback

  • Patch Note 1.0.4 Update

    • [PC Only] Controller Remapping - We've added push-to-talk to the list of actions players can rebind on controller.

    This has been updated to show that this update is for PC only.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    'Players will now correctly take damage from gunpowder kegs whilst underwater.'
    Controller Remapping - We've added push-to-talk to the list of actions players can rebind on controller.
    So does this mean that in game chat we have to push the PTT button to talk to everyone or does it only apply to enemy crews? ie my crew can hear me at all times, but i have to push the PTT button for an enemy crew to hear me. Or does it mean no one can hear me until i use the PTT button, then my crew & everyone (in proximity) can hear me?

    Hey @LogansDadToo, this change provides PC players who use Controllers the same rebind options as Keyboard & Mouse. This replaces the 'Always On' Mic with a 'Push to Talk' setup. No player will hear you (Crew or Enemy) until you press the assigned button, we don't differentiate by crew!

  • @khaleesibot so we cant server hope no more?

  • When are you guys planning to sell this for what it is really worth?

  • @xrekkoffx said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    And still no private crews....

    ya that s why i didn't buy

    i want my private crew and galleon

  • It's nice that pirate legends get some new cosmetics but what about us scrubs at the bottom?

    Be nice for us to have some more basic cosmetics (clothes, hair, sails, hull, etc) too

  • @marsara1 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    It's nice that pirate legends get some new cosmetics but what about us scrubs at the bottom?

    Be nice for us to have some more basic cosmetics (clothes, hair, sails, hull, etc) too

    the art and style is along the lines of this link personally i wont loose sleep over it just be thankful your not forced to wear the get up at 50 on your ship

  • High quality draw distance has been greatly improved, thank you RARE!

  • I've been repeatedly told in support tickets that consistent Pastiebeard errors are a known issue and being looked into but have seen no mention of them in any patch notes. Are there any updates for this?

  • Achievements are still broken I stole a captains chest and returned it and didn’t get the achievement. Actually I stole two!

  • Upset there's still no Invite Only Crews, since this strikes me as an easy implementation and something that would be make the grind and stretch out to The Hungering Deep more enjoyable and more bearable.

    Still, great work on the Patch! Definitely more reasons to drive for Legend!

  • some body does else have the problem to be stuck when opening map overlay ?
    I can't move in game, opening other menu. even "esc " failed,
    I can only move my mouse in the overlay.

    UP : try to change ur keybinding of map overlay

  • Seeing that ship skin got me so incredibly excited to become a Legend! Any chance to see that on a Sloop?

    Thank you Rare, keep kickin booty!

  • Any word on the family share fifteen-minute crash bug? I popped open a ticket about it yesterday, and was told...

    'Ahoy there,

    Our Test team is aware of this issue and are working on a solution. We hope to resolve this in a future update, can't provide an ETA.'

    I've also noticed a thread on reddit with countless people having the same problem!

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @davidmcfahrtgas said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    That's everything? Boring! It's not enough to lure me back to this game....


    Not sure why people thought this maintenance was going to give them any new dlc. Rare has specifically gone on record multiple times that the first content update was to be 3 months after launch. They have since bumped it up by 1 month because of the communities incessant whining and that is not going to be without its issues, either.

    So we should expect no content at all?
    Not even Legendary Ship custo-
    Oh. Wait. Hm.
    I'm not sure why some QoL content would be too far out of the question?

  • Rare
    Was ist mit dem Bug wegen der zweite waffe es wa schon der zweite Update und ich habe immer noch den Bug mit der waffe.
    Es kann doch nicht sein das ich mich immer erst töten muss es stört voll,
    es wäre besser gewesen wenn ihr hättet das als beta erst mal laufen lassen mit so viele Fehler in spiel.

    What about the bug because of the second weapon it was already the second update and I still have the bug with the weapon.
    It can not be that I always have to kill myself until it bothers me,
    It would have been better if you had the beta as first time to run with so many errors in the game.

  • I would like to know if Rare is working on a solution about pirate creation.

    • Change pirate without loosing everything, but with a gold fee.
    • choose between predefined options like gender, face shape, nose, eyes, body size, etc.


  • @Rare-Employee Any word on the fix for players whose character appearances were randomly reset?

    Excellent work on the current patch, and I'm loving the pirate legend ship customization! Excited to see more in the coming months!

  • 6 voyages a day from each trader really? That's ridiculous

  • @nebenkuh said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    "i hate to think there's people at Rare working on some floating candles, while the game has issues like this"
    The poeple working on candles are completely unrelated to the people working on game mechanics.

    It's very useful to be able to throw stuff over board in some situations. Why would they make it so you could only throw gunpowder? That would make no sense.

    Because currently griefers love to join a crew and just throw all loot overboard. Gunpowder has a purpose, throwing chests overboard is not something that should be a feature.

  • Could you fix unanchored ships disappearing at skeleton forts. I was on the wheel of mine the other day and it went p**f.
    Also using the cannons at skeleton forts is very iffy. Sometime you can’t load or unload.

  • I feel that when a player leaves or joins the crew the rest of the crew should get a notification in one of the corners of their screen saying that this crew member has left/ joined.
    Also the bringing system, great idea but playing are taking advantage of it. Joining crews together and picking a crew mate to lock in the brig for no reason at all apart from they think it's funny.
    Also maybe have an option within game to select a region server and whether or not you want to play cross platform because PC players do have an advantage over console players, just point and click, easy.

  • @ltx-boss Brigging*

  • @cattaleyaathena I have removed your embedded link and changed it so it needs to be seen externally as this doesn't conform to the Forum Rules as it includes a profanity.

    Embedded Media
    If you're sharing Sea of Thieves content that may include swearing, please do not embed the video into your post, add it as a link to view externally.

    Thank you for your understanding :)

  • Great t' see continued improvement! And hoist the mainsail! Keep up th' good work!
    Just me 2 ¢ (err Gold) but would love t' see public/private crews prioritized!

  • Let's log on and embrace the new

73 out of 259