Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3

  • @danieltfs dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    "In response to reports of poor ping times in South America, we have now deployed Sea Of Thieves to a South American data centre."
    Thank you, much love from Brazil S2

    Same from Uruguay.

  • @toastywrath sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @therealdadbeard no consol player wants pc to be gimped we just want consol sensitivity to be increased to be able to keep up. I don’t feel like that’s too much to ask lol

    of coure not at all, would love if you get that option

  • @therealdadbeard sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @oxynator sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @capt-fizzybeard sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @cutlass-pain realy week english to

    I cant speak your native language, kannst du das auch?

    mach dir nichts draus habe alles verstanden, schreib weiter auf englisch ;)

    Cool, und was ist deine Aufgabe hier? Andere Leute auf ihre Grammatikfehler hinweißen?

    Hahahahaha hey, das war unfair, du bist damit gar nicht gmeint, ich meinte @cutlass-pain !

  • @oxynator sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @therealdadbeard sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @oxynator sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @capt-fizzybeard sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @cutlass-pain realy week english to

    I cant speak your native language, kannst du das auch?

    mach dir nichts draus habe alles verstanden, schreib weiter auf englisch ;)

    Cool, und was ist deine Aufgabe hier? Andere Leute auf ihre Grammatikfehler hinweißen?

    wann habe ich das gemacht? eher verteidigt gegen die leute die dein schlechtes englisch verachten, ich meine du sollst dir nichts draus machen was andere leute sagen und einfach weiter auf englisch schreiben da man alles ohne probleme versteht und die andere nur keline heulsusen sind ;)

  • I've been having issues with the (Reputation Tab).

    Sometimes it doesn't show the status of the trading companies. Also when you complete a mission the counter starts from 0-back to your normal reputation. Even after that, the Reputation Tab is still invisible.

    Sorry to blast you guy with more issues i know your working damn hard.
    Thank You so much Rare.

  • @therealdadbeard sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @oxynator sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @therealdadbeard sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @oxynator sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @capt-fizzybeard sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @cutlass-pain realy week english to

    I cant speak your native language, kannst du das auch?

    mach dir nichts draus habe alles verstanden, schreib weiter auf englisch ;)

    Cool, und was ist deine Aufgabe hier? Andere Leute auf ihre Grammatikfehler hinweißen?

    wann habe ich das gemacht? eher verteidigt gegen die leute die dein schlechtes englisch verachten, ich meine du sollst dir nichts draus machen was andere leute sagen und einfach weiter auf englisch schreiben da man alles ohne probleme versteht und die andere nur keline heulsusen sind ;)

    Jaa, du hast auf das geantwortet was nicht für dich war :P

  • @cloudedmonkey said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Not to be critical in any way.. Weapon balancing this late in the game?

    This late? It's week 3.

  • @toastywrath I’m pretty sure you are just better with a mkb then you are with a controller.

    That doesn’t mean that mkb is superior, it just means it is superior FOR YOU.

    I’m pretty sure the developers made quite a bit of sensitivity testing before buffing PC aim.. especially with all the complaints lately about PC superiority.

    It has just been confirmed that it was actually console players that had the advatangre after all.

    But even after it was proven today in this patch.. the community still doesn’t believe it.

  • Nice work, keep improving the playing experience before you put a huge content with cosmetic and missions.
    Best Regards.

  • @fishst1ck Main mechanics in a game we've been testing for many months. Also having not seen many threads complaining about the "gun balance" specifically, if at all. This is just an observation at this point more then anything.

  • I’m still not getting the option to select a second weapon. I’m on Xbox one. I was able to until last Thursday. Ever since, I can only select one weapon with the second option grayed out.

  • Great... The Blunderbuss was the only way a solo player could take on two or more people trying to board his ship... or even take down a Galleon as a 2-manned Sloop.
    It allowed that BECAUSE of the short time to kill. A more skilled player could, under the right conditions and with a lot of hard work, take on 2 or more people with his 5 measly bullets. Good luck doing that now that the same 5 bullets do less damage.
    I still haven't tried the nerfed version, but this seems so short sighted... If the nerf really is significant, it's gonna limit a lot of playstyles and make SoT end up like every other multiplayer game, where numbers are all that matter.

  • @torvic-brook said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Great... The Blunderbuss was the only way a solo player could take on two or more people trying to board his ship... or even take down a Galleon as a 2-manned Sloop.
    It allowed that BECAUSE of the short time to kill. A more skilled player could, under the right conditions and with a lot of hard work, take on 2 or more people with his 5 measly bullets. Good luck doing that now that the same 5 bullets do less damage.
    I still haven't tried the nerfed version, but this seems so short sighted... If the nerf really is significant, it's gonna limit a lot of playstyles and make SoT end up like every other multiplayer game, where numbers are all that matter.

    I said this earlier in the thread. You can still one shot players with it both hip firing and ADS. I cleared a galley twice with Blunderbuss and Sniper.

    Sniper is good underwater now for protecting your ship and putting a ton of pressure on another ship. It does like 80% damage now. Blunderbuss spread is greater but it's still possible to one shot players with it.

  • @cloudedmonkey said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @fishst1ck Main mechanics in a game we've been testing for many months. Also having not seen many threads complaining about the "gun balance" specifically, if at all. This is just an observation at this point more then anything.

    I think all the testing in the world won't make your game fully balanced and I'm sure we'll see a lot of these easy number tweaks for balance. I'm guessing the numbers just showed the blunderbuss being chosen over any other gun, so tweaking the numbers might change it up a bit more.

    In the end you want players to chose because of preference, not because one weapon is just better.

  • @griautis well I mean lets get a grip here, you can 100 percent make content within the 3 week window, i'm talking new clothing new paint jobs for the ships small things here and there and if you think for a second that content hasn't been worked on prior to launch your sadly mistaken, my issue is lack of content im not angry with them but I need more for the price tag and if you read the art book and look at concept designs for sea of thieves there is a ton of additional things that had been thought of and i would assume some are being explored as we speak, its not wrong to question and want more.

  • @puck269
    Nothing has been proven about m+kb vs controller at all.
    ADS has been improved for PC, but that is only to balance out the initial nerf it had before release to balance it against controller.
    M+KB will always be superior for movement speed, agility & precision, saying otherwise it just ridiculous.
    I play on both & it is easy to see the advantage kb+m has, & just for the record i hardly ever use my pc for gaming, so am far more competent with a controller.
    Funnily enough in SOT even though i'm probably below average at using kb+m, i still fair better in combat then when using a controller.

  • @eatdamuffin Ah, good to know! Well, I take it back then...
    I still have to try it, but now I'm less worried about my friendlessness xD

  • @puck269 Lol no that isn’t the case. It is a fact that mouse and key board (if experienced at both) is more accurate and easier to use than consol.

    You can turn faster, aim more accurately, and use all your fingers more efficiently to control the game. On consol without an elite controller you have to take your fingers off certain controls to activate others. Controllers despite the fact that some people prefer them are in no way better than a KBM set up.

    ADS on KBM set ups may have been a little slow but it made no difference in combat.

  • Spawn Killing: Rare have decided to allow it to continue. Spawn locations such as the Crows Nest and Rope Ladders won't be used, instead Rare asks players to SCUTTLE THEIR SHIPS 👎👎👎

  • @torvic-brook sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Great... The Blunderbuss was the only way a solo player could take on two or more people trying to board his ship... or even take down a Galleon as a 2-manned Sloop.
    It allowed that BECAUSE of the short time to kill. A more skilled player could, under the right conditions and with a lot of hard work, take on 2 or more people with his 5 measly bullets. Good luck doing that now that the same 5 bullets do less damage.
    I still haven't tried the nerfed version, but this seems so short sighted... If the nerf really is significant, it's gonna limit a lot of playstyles and make SoT end up like every other multiplayer game, where numbers are all that matter.

    I took down a whole gally with a sword and pistol.

  • Hmm, so the sniper got a damage increase while the blunderbuss can still one shot people.

    What about the pistol? I feel it is out of line now. In my opinion it should either do as much damage as the sniper but have a shorter range (bullet dropoff) or it should retain its current damage but offer more bullets than blunderbuss and sniper.

    As things are people will use overlays, built in Monitor settings or glue little dots on their screen to use the sniper without scoping.

  • @toastywrath sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @puck269 Lol no that isn’t the case. It is a fact that mouse and key board (if experienced at both) is more accurate and easier to use than consol.

    You can turn faster, aim more accurately, and use all your fingers more efficiently to control the game. On consol without an elite controller you have to take your fingers off certain controls to activate others. Controllers despite the fact that some people prefer them are in no way better than a KBM set up.

    ADS on KBM set ups may have been a little slow but it made no difference in combat.

    ^ This, but ads on pc is still horrible for people using a low sens like me.

  • @puck269 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    LOL did they just confirm in the patch notes that PC players used to be at a disadvantage to console players?!

    They just buffed PC players’ aim to match that of console players.

    And all these posts for the past couple weeks complaining about a phantom PC advantage just got slammed shut.

    Or rare is just being willfully ignorant at this point, borderline spiteful about some of the feedback they get.

  • @burtlangoustine lol get over yourself. Spawn killing literally isn’t possible in this game.
    Spawn killing is where you don’t have the possibility to defend yourself or if they kill you before you spawn. Besides if your ship gets cleared by another crew you’ve lost. Either sink or scuttle cause your failure was allowing them on your ship in the first place.

  • @therealdadbeard Good Job! I wasn't talking about the edge case though... Usually people aren't THAT less skilled than the average "skilled" player.

  • @torvic-brook sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @therealdadbeard Good Job! I wasn't talking about the edge case though... Usually people aren't THAT less skilled than the average "skilled" player.

    man you get snippy real fast aren't ya? xD

  • @tyburn-ketch said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    Draw distance? Ongoing performance issue to be fixed or simply ignored?

    The "technical" artist basically said there wasn't a problem. I believe the post is in the captains quarters. It was a great non answer to through on the pile.

  • @therealdadbeard true. It’s not great but it wasn’t game breaking increase for ADS I suppose is good but it doesn’t help close the gap between consol and PC since regular sensitivity on consol is trash.

  • @torvic-brook weapons were even across the board. It was more likely that 2 boarding people with a BB could kill a sloop before the 1 man could kill them.. as there were two to one.

    The nerf doesn’t change that.. the more skilled person will still win.. but it will eliminate the cheap one-shot kills that were so easy to pull off.

  • @torvic-brook yes they are...your average crew has close to 0 cooperation or structure. Lol it’s as simple as putting one hole and defending their bilge :p

  • Oh nos my blunder blam

  • @toastywrath sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.3:

    @therealdadbeard true. It’s not great but it wasn’t game breaking increase for ADS I suppose is good but it doesn’t help close the gap between consol and PC since regular sensitivity on consol is trash.

    for me nothing changed, i still have to use an dpi button to get the same sensitivity as without ads, this has to be fixed asap it's just horrible, why even implement something like this? They removed locking into skellies but this is still in the game...

  • As to, "This is a reminder to players that if their ship and / or crew is in a position they want to get out of, simply going to "My Crew" in the settings page and voting to "Scuttle Ship" will sink the ship and start the crew in a new location." ...

    If SOT wants me to scuttle my ship, then, I want EVERYTHING that me & my crew have taken the time and effort to gather, (Supplies, Treasure, Skulls, Animals, etc.), to respawn with our ship.

    Otherwise, and the ultimate would be the OPTION to PVE only, without the hassle of PVP. Hell, just give the PVP players their own space, so they can tear each other apart.

    As to "We've increased the default mouse sensitivity to allow for more efficient aiming and to be in parity with the controller, as we heard your feedback regarding how mouse-mats around the world were being worn out due to how painfully slow it was to aim down the sights."...

    This is a joke right? How about this...give us an OPTION to "Enable" or "Disable" pc players.

    Love the game you have created, we all do. We really love this game and want to see it grow, however, the cries I am hearing from most, are louder than a chest of sorrows!

  • Well, not much to update but still at least the rifle now has more use than it did before. Still, many of your players are awaiting an updated roadmap of what is being planned and an estimated timeline to it. I hope your update next week will have more concrete information regarding this.

    And thank you for your efforts, they probably don't go as acknowledged as they should be considering the difficulty in creating a game.

  • @therealdadbeard yeah it’s a bit ridiculous. With how easy it is to aim ( and if you make a tape mark at center screen) you don’t have to aim down sights just line it up and quick scope it. Lol it’s what I do and it never fails.

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