Welcome aboard Pirates! It's Launch Day!

  • Woo! Only just over an hour and it’s us Aussies pirates turn!

    That’s if we can get in with all this scallywags pretending they’re kiwis to access the game early D:

  • All Hail the Mighty KIWIS,
    The First to sail the Sea of Thieves,
    May they long be remembered as pioneers,
    that that broke the first waves and drank the first beers!

  • When is it out in U.S. Central Time?

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt your not a pioneer though

  • @ecljpse said in Welcome aboard Pirates! It's Launch Day!:

    Woohoooo! Debating whether or not to watch streams until it gets to me!

    I mean how many spoilers can there be in 17 hours?

    How many STREAMS will there be?

    Which reminds me... alt text

  • Super Jealous right now.

  • @balbasuar said in Welcome aboard Pirates! It's Launch Day!:

    @ogshawnyboy-tt your not a pioneer though

    I'm not KIWI either. Whats your point?

  • @balbasuar said in Welcome aboard Pirates! It's Launch Day!:

    When is it out in U.S. Central Time?


  • Enjoy! I'll be on the Seas in about 16 hours!!!

  • it's crazy to think the day is finally here. friendly YO HO to you all

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt that's all well and good all i hope is that they don't crash the servers lol

  • Isn't there meant to be another trailer today?

  • @yoshirimitsu no it don't, you can few to change your region,, but talk about breaking your account , it mostly likely will , besides once you change,region you have to wait months before you can,change again and therefore the only games playable are region locked.

    I wouldn't do it but people will then complain later when they won't wait their turn.

  • Thanks. Us Aussies just havin a few grogs and waiting our turn. Sooon.

  • @devilstassia That's really the only game I use over the MS Store, at least until State of Decay 2 comes out, which might again be available in NZ earlier :)

  • @enragedwolf81 said in Welcome aboard Pirates! It's Launch Day!:

    @ogshawnyboy-tt that's all well and good all i hope is that they don't crash the servers lol

    Well considered I will have Tornados, Baseball sized hail and all hell breaking loose just before launch time. It will be a miracle if I get in at launch!

  • Lucky! CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT! Pirate legend here we come! Hope to see you all in there when USA gets to join the fray! Good luck, have fun and most of all BE MORE PIRATE!

  • @avecrux Seems it's a c**p-shoot. A buddy pre-ordered & is playing from Western US right now.

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt Will be praying for a miracle for you friend!
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE MIRACLE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • @cebelicus Whhaaaaatttt?

  • @khaleesibot how does it convert to eastern time i google it and get mixed answers i got 6 am on the 20th and 11 am on the 20th and microsoft said 12am on the 20th


  • @ajm123 said in Welcome aboard Pirates! It's Launch Day!:

    @khaleesibot how does it convert to eastern time i google it and get mixed answers i got 6 am on the 20th and 11 am on the 20th and microsoft said 12am on the 20th

    In the US it is Eastern = 12AM (Midnight) on 19th. Tonight. Central 11PM , Mountain 10PM , West Coast 9PM . The US Time is 12am. So when they East coast hits midnight that when it goes live in US.

  • @balbasuar 11pm

  • Was there an update to what the Founders receive on launch day? I haven't got an email yet!

  • @katttruewalker so you are saying this only to those who are playing today? Not to those who will have to wait until tomorrow because the devs want everybody to suffer by launching the game at the worst time of the day for EVERY region... and on top of that due to the location of the servers the ones that I will be connected to will probably be already full by the time I connect because I will connect later than the people on the same servers but in a time zone to the east of me. Because that's fair... At least British people will be the last to connect to their local servers so if this problem occurs the devs will actually try to fix it since it's their region. Do you know if there is a list of server locations so I can check where I will connect to since the game doesn't even tell me my ping?

  • I wanna hear about some new things from some Zealanders please! I'm so impatient😫

  • Woo it’s time!! Can’t wait until NA takes the seas by storm! Sea you all soon!

  • @personalc0ffee I didn't even know you could do that lol

  • @balbasuar asking the important questions

  • Let the good times sail!

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt 11pm is far tho😩

  • Is the preorder game available for download?

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