RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers

  • [Question for Joe] Have you considered expanding upon the merchant alliance, where we could buy and sell goods between different outposts using fluctuating market prices?

    I can imagine rocking up to the market and seeing planks are cheap so I buy 500 of them. I get my crew to load the crates onto the ship and I take them to another outpost who are buying them for a profit. Oh wait they only want 300. Ok I’ll take the rest to another outpost. On the way the Kraken sinks my ship, oh no! All my cargo is floating away. Damn! I shouldn’t have bought so much!


    Will pets only be able to be bought with microtransactions or can we use gold?


    Is legendary ship another skin of the ship? Or is it actually a different ship?


    [Question for anyone] Will there more Sea Monsters in the future, or will the Kraken be the only one?


    Will there be an Addition of Minigames like Dice or Cards?


    Have you thought about having more than one active voyage? It would be nice to look for treasure at the same time as I'm hunting for chickens.


    Will there be some sort of anti-cheat implemented at launch? Like Microsoft's TruePlay? I hope basic low hanging fruit like Cheat Engine will be blocked.

    Can you confirm, without spoiling any specifics, if we will see more than the Kraken's tentacles at launch if we encounter it?

    Can you expand on what type of items will be in the microtransaction shop? Will outfits be in there?

    As a pioneer, will we be utilized for future content tests?


    How frequent will updates be after launch?


    The Ebon Flintlock pistol skin was given out for live attendees to the Inside XBOX stream on mixer. So many of us were unable to attend. Will it be made available on future (similar) streams in the future? Or are we out of luck?


    Can we change hair color?


    Have you guys considered adding a notification showing when group members join and leave?


    Are we able to keep sword lungeing across the sea like the betas? it was half the fun!


    The water? Just..how...why so pretty?

    You have done something CGI movies even can not perfect. How did you do it?!


    In the full game will there be an option to customize tattoos? I feel like tattoos were a huge part of pirate culture and would be pretty upset if you have absolutely no control over them. Would it be something you'd consider adding in the future if it isn't available at launch? I think adding tattoos to a pool of unlockables will be great when completing milestones such as killing the kraken, achieving max level in gold hoarders, ect.


    Will the drum and fiddle be in the game at launch?


    Will legendary ships only be for the galleon? Or will you be able to get one as a sloop?


    Does the kraken have a full body under the water or is it all tentacles?


    Two questions:

    Are you guys going to visually add anchors?

    How bout them rowboats?


    Can you give us a good ol' "Sea of Tease" of the first in-game event?


    Do you plan on doing more with The Ship of the Dammed? or Pirate Ghosts in the world, in the future?


    How is Kato after the surprise announcement recently?


    Thanks for doing this AMA! I want to know what exactly is the Grog our pirates are drinking; is it some sort of Mojito rum cocktail or an India Pale Ale? The bubbles in the mug suggest a brew...


    What about fishing? It would be nice to have a additional option for voyages that would need me to catch some fish. I know it won’t be there at release but is something like this planned or even on the table?


    Will we be able to have more than one pet at a time?


    What surprised you most while developing the game? Thanks!


    Classic overused question: Monkey or Parrot?


    Can you name your ship I notice the plaque above the captains quarters?


    Why is the brig on the sloop? It seems like a waste of space I could be using otherwise.


    Are Naval battles intended to be battles of attrition or outright domination?

    After many, many rounds of ship combat, we had more than a few where competent teams are able to keep a boat floating after a severe broadside on the lower deck. That's fine if it's an all hands on deck situation, but as it stands, bailing and patching feels extremely fast and can be handled by one pirate. Should we approach battles as lasting as long as cannonballs/boards last? Or to destroy as fast as possible?


    I saw some Rare Tea on a screenshot. Hint? ;)


    Will there be any expanding on ship customization?

    Answer: "Mike: Yes :)"

    Will there be NPC's that give voyages/quests besides the trading companies, and can we expect to see quests for escorting NPCs back to outposts or anything along those lines


    You've spoken frequently about looking at adding content down the road (every 3 months or so?). Can we expect to see a published roadmap after launch that outlines a number of features that are penned to be released over the next 12 months?


    Thanks for the Answers :)
    Will update as new ones role in

  • 159
  • Most of the answers we're just dodging the question.

  • @lappe Yep :) Wouldn't expect anything else lol

  • Thanks for compiling these. It be mighty considerate of ye.

  • Okay, that should be all of them. I'll provide in-text summary later so you don't have to follow links to answers.

    @GreyScissors No problemo :)

  • To summarize most important answers:

    • Ship naming is confirmed;

    • Fishing is being discussed but it's a controversial topic at the studio due to the idea of a "pirate experience";

    • Private crews are not yet coming but they are looking into it. Also looking at 4 players in one sloop;

    • They are open to expanding any fantastical element of the game. This includes sea monsters and the ship of the damned;

    • First live campaign tease: "New visitors soon there may be, travelling far across the sea, depth of night with eyes aglow, crawling the earth cast in shadow.";

    • Rowboats were prototyped and enjoyed by the studio. They might be added in the future;

    • There won't be a visible anchor. The aesthetic gain wouldn't justify the investment;

    • Quests such as message bottles and lore books will be expended upon. They like the idea of npc given quests;

    • They are looking into how only one voyage works at the time. Specifically the merchant voyage not being able to be completed before delivering the items;

    • When they bring in ship captaincy, the legendary cosmetics that we acquire will apply to both sloop and galleon;

    • (Edited)Hair color is being looked into as additional vanity customization option. Tattoos implementation is being considered as well with an idea of associating them with game events. It isn't clear if it would be a vanity item. Both will not be there for launch though (besides what you select in the IPG);

    • They are leaving the sword lounge but monitoring it;

    • They might give us a second chance at the ebony pistol skin;

    • Drums won't be in for launch;

    • Ship customization will be expanded upon;

    • (Forgot) There will be no "gambling mini-games" or mini-games of any kind. Anything introduced is an item you interact with. Example given is a bunch of dice in your inventory;

    • Their "show don't tell" philosophy towards every announcement will continue. We won't get announcements in advance just like it has been basically

  • Thanks Rare for DODGING almost every question. My opinion of Rare has reduced greatly since this weeks "LOWDOWN on Launch" video and this Q&A just reinforced my opinion.

  • @deashkiin said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    To summarize most important answers:

    • Ship naming is confirmed;

    Dies in peace

  • Thanks for this.

  • @zeo Ahah, that cracked me up. What would yours be? Out of curiosity

  • @deashkiin
    The Sinking Duchwoman

    Idk, honestly.

    I have had more than enough time to think of one, but have yet to. I'm terrible with names.

    I'd like a "Crew Vote" majority rules. That way I'm not pressured into anything.

    I'll think of something.

  • @deashkiin A nice little chunk of info. More than I expected.

  • Here's the TLDR summary:

    1. It's coming sometime after launch.
    2. We're looking into it
  • @lucid-stew lol. Only for some. Others are confirmed while others didn't get any answer at all

  • @lucid-stew said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    Here's the TLDR summary:

    1. It's coming sometime after launch.
    2. We're looking into it

    You forgot:
    3. You can preorder now @ www.seaofthieves.com ! Lol.. (...and get Exclusive Access to the Black Dog pack!)

  • @lucid-stew said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    Here's the TLDR summary:

    1. It's coming sometime after launch.
    2. We're looking into it

    exactly Lucid. q&a was a joke for the most part

  • Still no answer on how tattoos/scars will work post launch.

    Just a "hey we might unlock event tattoos" its a post launch feature obviously so no context on if its just more ink slapped on our already decided on character with whatever tattoos they're already stuck with from however long ago by that point, or if we'll be able to pick/choose what we display and actually get new ones.

    Scars as well, if I want hand scars or anything, IPG is a joke for trying to even see those, let alone pick a pirate that has them. Can't rotate character, character moves into some animation when you highlight, cant zoom.

    Will I be able to properly customize tattoos and scars or not? IPG is kind of turning into a mess.

  • @Lucid-Stew

    "we'll look at expanding (x) later, we're considering (x).. We'll be looking to (x)"

    Thanks for tuning in! ;)

  • @tre-oni They are looking into making them part of the vanity chest customization. That would mean you can pick and choose (For tattoos not scars)

  • I think the one that blows me away the most is that in a game where the rewards are COMPLETELY about appearance, you can't even change the color of your hair.

  • @deashkiin said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    @tre-oni They are looking into making them part of the vanity chest customization. That would mean you can pick and choose (For tattoos not scars)

    Their response in no way confirms that.

    Just that they're "looking into how they deliver tattoos"

    Atleast hair colour got a proper confirmation.

  • So basically... Anything could be added to the game post launch. Row boats, fishing, mini games etc.
    Also, None of these or anything else you'd like could ever come to SoT's as all we are doing is discussing it.
    Maybe guys, maybe not.

    So many of us wanted fishing but apparently, this game is a strict pirate simulator all of a sudden and it doesn't fit the pirate code... sigh.
    Such a beautiful but shallow game. I'm still looking forward to it and will get my money's worth but the game could have been so much greater.

  • Tuesday can't get here soon enough, aarrggghhh!

  • @tre-oni You may be right. Since they've said they were looking into how to introduce them in the game "similar" to hair color I deduced that's what they meant. Editing to reflect this better

  • @deashkiin said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    @tre-oni You may be right. Since they've said they were looking into how to introduce them in the game "similar" to hair color though I deduced that's what they meant. Editing to reflect this better

    Maybe, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. I'm no stranger to Devspeak.

  • @noruas said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    Thanks Rare for DODGING almost every question. My opinion of Rare has reduced greatly since this weeks "LOWDOWN on Launch" video and this Q&A just reinforced my opinion.

    Sadly I'm inclined to agree, I had hoped Rare would be more transparent about their plans with their community, even a simple "We'd like to do this but we have no plans at this time" would (if it's the truth of course,) go a long way in building up some trust. It seemed like most of the questions they answered were either cherry picked, outright dodged or purposely chosen as filler questions (Monkeys or Parrots? really?) and Joe's final comment about how they'll continue to "show and not tell" just has me feeling pretty sour about the whole thing.

    The sad part is the core gameplay is good, they really don't need to be so backhanded and shady about it, all that ever does is sow distrust and community dissent.

  • @lucid-stew a dit dans RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers :

    Here's the TLDR summary:

    1. It's coming sometime after launch.
    2. We're looking into it

    Haha, that's pretty much that.
    At least, we know more about things that won't be there at launch, but hey ! We have ship naming ! That's still something !

  • @clutchachu said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    @noruas said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    Thanks Rare for DODGING almost every question. My opinion of Rare has reduced greatly since this weeks "LOWDOWN on Launch" video and this Q&A just reinforced my opinion.

    Sadly I'm inclined to agree, I had hoped Rare would be more transparent about their plans with their community, even a simple "We'd like to do this but we have no plans at this time" would (if it's the truth of course,) go a long way in building up some trust. It seemed like most of the questions they answered were either cherry picked, outright dodged or purposely chosen as filler questions (Monkeys or Parrots? really?) and Joe's final comment about how they'll continue to "show and not tell" just has me feeling pretty sour about the whole thing.

    The sad part is the core gameplay is good, they really don't need to be so backhanded and shady about it, all that ever does is sow distrust and community dissent.

    agree 100%

  • Can someone confirm what the drum answer means? I'm having a language barrier with that one x(

  • @deashkiin said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    Can someone confirm what the drum answer means? I'm having a language barrier with that one x(

    It will not be in at launch.

  • @deashkiin I'm afraid it won't be in at launch, Shelly said that it's almost ready but not quite there.

  • @aenima123 said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    but hey ! We have ship naming ! That's still something !

    Or maybe not. Their answer didn't directly confirm it would be in at launch.

  • @lucid-stew a dit dans RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers :

    @aenima123 said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    but hey ! We have ship naming ! That's still something !

    Or maybe not. Their answer didn't directly confirm it would be in at launch.

    Haha true.

  • @clutchachu said in RareLtd Reddit AMA Answers:

    @deashkiin I'm afraid it won't be in launch, Shelly said that it's almost ready but not quite there.

    I am betting it will be at MtX.

  • @LIFEWCOKE @ClutchaChu tx

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