If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!

  • If you see an idea you do not like there is really no need to say anything negative just keep it moving. This is about ideas for the developers and is not about telling people their idea is trash.

    This thread is not a discussion if you think new modes are a good idea. It is a discussion about what you think some good modes might be.

    Okay here is a compilation of alternative modes from multiple users:

    LAST CREW STANDING - Sneakler and many others!

    100 players (25 ships/Galleons/Squads)
    50 players (25 ships/Sloops/Duos)
    25 players (25 ships/Sloops/Solo)

    Unlimited cannonballs/limited planks/planks awarded for sinking ships/powerups such as explosive cannoballs/reinforced hull/more cannons/turn radius/speed/wiping a squad and ringing captains quarters bell after all players are dead converts a ship to your ownership/possibly no respawns if killed by an enemy player

    ROYAL NAVY vs PIRATES - MattyDove74

    5 galleons v 5 galleons (40 players) (Could be more or less)

    Classic good guys v bad guys. Instead of teamwork of one crew against other crews it would be multiple crews having to work together to win. Variations are endless here. Each team of 5 ships could have 1 ship randomly selected as the FLAGSHIP that has more powerful cannons or a Captains sloop that 1 random player is selected to control which would be the only non-galleon in the match but it has one powerful cannon on it. All kinds of options here with this mode.

    SEA RACE - Sneakler/Many Others

    A random course that includes gates but not obnoxious looking gates, something that doesn't break immersion and looks natural but your ship must past through it or you are penalized or disqualified. This mode would have to include winds that change direction often to make adjusting of sails decide the victors. Combat possibly included because that would help change the outcome of races because someone repairing is one less person on the sails. Landing shots could give you that advantage of adjusting sails. I believe if two people are on the same sail on each side of the galleon that it rotates faster so the more people not repairing the better for that reason alone since the winds will be changing. Could also have a no combat mode where it is pure sailing.

    GAUNTLET - 40 PLAYERS - 4 v 36 - Sneakler

    One Galleon crew is randomly selected to run the Gauntlet where they must go from point A to point B. The other 9 galleons do not know their starting location or their ending location but once they are spotted and marked by one of the galleons from a spyglass their location would be revealed for all to see and they will be hunted the rest of their journey. The prize for making it being some fancy cosmetic for your ship so other players know you have ran the gauntlet and lived to tell the tale.

    PIRATES vs SKELETONS (Land Battle) (Attackers vs Defenders) MaximillianZeus

    A team battle of 15 players vs 15 players that have been transformed to look like skeletons battle over treasure chests. (MaximillionZeus/Post #50 on this thread had a much better layout for this information)

    Randomly decided island.
    Defenders spawn on island.
    Attackers spawn on ship.


    Defenders: The Skeletons are spawned in close proximity to 3 buried treasure chests. They must defend the chest from being dug up and taken to the attacker's ship.

    Attackers: The Pirates must use their treasure maps to find the treasure chests and return them to the ship.


    Each match lasts 10 minutes. Each player only have three lives. Each side has one player randomly chosen to act as the Captain. This one 'boss' player has a higher hp count. This is like the skeleton captains from the Order of Souls voyages. If one side loses all their lives before the timer runs out or before the chest is delivered to the ship then that team loses.


    Liars Dice/Poker

    World events that drop multiple chests that your crew can only carry one of to promote teamwork of stranger crews while also taking away the possibility of not sharing the loot. Your ship can only carry one Kraken chest at a time but if 4 crews participate in killing the Kraken/Megalodon/Flying Dutchman at the world event then 4 chests will drop.

    Hunting boss type creatures, ie Kraken, Megladon, Flying Dutchman (MattyDove74)

    Capture the flag/Protect the VIP Team based events. (MattyDove74)

    Fishing (MattyDove74)

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  • @sneakler Sorry mate if I sound like a d**k I did not mean it like that I think some other "Mini-games" if you would call them would be cool I just don't think battle royal would be a good one.

    Keep up the post though, there could be some people out there with some AMAZING ideas.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    I believe if two people are on the same sail on each side of the galleon that it rotates faster so the more people not repairing the better for that reason alone since the winds will be changing. Could also have a no combat mode where it is pure sailing.

    You are correct.

    As far as combat racing goes, maybe the ship can never fully sink. I am pretty sure the ship gets slower as it takes on more water. That way your ship is never fully out of the race, but combat still has an effect. I could be wrong there.

  • @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler Sorry mate if I sound like a d**k I did not mean it like that I think some other "Mini-games" if you would call them would be cool I just don't think battle royal would be a good one.

    Keep up the post though, there could be some people out there with some AMAZING ideas.

    It's okay, just know that everyone that posts in this thread is well aware there are people who do not want some of these things. We get it, but we also would like to discuss ideas without people saying they are terrible. I just want ideas listed here and a place for people to feel like it is okay to share them without being dumped on.

  • @mattydove74 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    I believe if two people are on the same sail on each side of the galleon that it rotates faster so the more people not repairing the better for that reason alone since the winds will be changing. Could also have a no combat mode where it is pure sailing.

    You are correct.

    As far as combat racing goes, maybe the ship can never fully sink. I am pretty sure the ship gets slower as it takes on more water. That way your ship is never fully out of the race, but combat still has an effect. I could be wrong there.

    I like that. Sounds perfect.

  • @sneakler If they were to make a PVP game mode do you think they should add cannons to the front of the ship? If so how many?

  • @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler If they were to make a PVP game mode do you think they should add cannons to the front of the ship? If so how many?

    Me personally I would just want there to be standard setups or also the ability to re-arrange your cannons however you would like. Would be interesting to see the best setups.

    Cannons below deck like in the movies possibly...and real life I suppose : )

  • @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler Hey im new to this forms thing but how do you make a post of your own? (Ill delete this post after you respond so it does not show up under the thread)

    On the main page of general discussion there should be a button that says create topic or something like that. Let me know if you can't find it I will find out exactly what it is called.

  • @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler If they were to make a PVP game mode do you think they should add cannons to the front of the ship? If so how many?

    What if to keep it balanced the First Fore/Aft Cannon will remove one broadside cannon from each side and the Second Fore/Aft Cannon removes two broadside cannons from each side.

    So if you had both a fore and aft cannon you would only have one broadside cannon on each side. I say this because one cannon can still fire at a very rapid rate and there should be a price to pay for a forward/rear firing arc.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler Hey im new to this forms thing but how do you make a post of your own? (Ill delete this post after you respond so it does not show up under the thread)

    On the main page of general discussion there should be a button that says create topic or something like that. Let me know if you can't find it I will find out exactly what it is called.

    What tab is general discussions under? All I see is Categories, Unread, Recent, Popular, Tags, Users, and Rare.

  • @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler Hey im new to this forms thing but how do you make a post of your own? (Ill delete this post after you respond so it does not show up under the thread)

    On the main page of general discussion there should be a button that says create topic or something like that. Let me know if you can't find it I will find out exactly what it is called.

    What tab is general discussions under? All I see is Categories, Unread, Recent, Popular, Tags, Users, and Rare.

    Categories then Sea of Thieves Discussion and then click NEW TOPIC...

  • @sneakler Thank you I found It

  • @hydroyeti03 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler Thank you I found It

    No problem kind sir you are welcome.

  • Maybe even a treasure hunt mini-game or mode (probably world event within regular game) where every ship is after the same piece of treasure and it turns into a strategic battle of should you try and grab it first and out maneuver everyone or wait and try to kill them before they can get back. Would be funny to see how that would play out.

    Chests location is known at all times until safely returned. Would cause the entire server to battle and create epic moments.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    Maybe even a treasure hunt mini-game or mode (probably world event within regular game) where every ship is after the same piece of treasure and it turns into a strategic battle of should you try and grab it first and out maneuver everyone or wait and try to kill them before they can get back. Would be funny to see how that would play out.

    I had an idea similar to this, however in my concept each crew has their own chest to retrieve, but they're all in buried in the same spot. This way you're racing to the same location, and likely in proximity to fight if need be, but it doesn't degenerate into a constant brawl with no racing after someone grabs the treasure.

  • Survival mode of some kind.

  • @lucid-stew

    I had an idea similar to this, however in my concept each crew has their own chest to retrieve, but they're all in buried in the same spot. This way you're racing to the same location, and likely in proximity to fight if need be, but it doesn't degenerate into a constant brawl with no racing after someone grabs the treasure.

    Okay, I like this idea. Sounds like fun.

  • @fonzaye said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    Survival mode of some kind.

    Are you thinking survival as in combat survival or are you leaning towards something that requires finding food on islands and keeping your pirate alive in a one life to live scenario?

    Would be interesting if they ever completely revamped the game where you actually spawned on an island (not an outpost) and you actually had to build a boat with resources on the island. Even if it was very simple and the boat was easy to build after finding 5 or so parts. It would be fun to scramble and try to get your boat built up and hit the seas faster then the other crews in your survival instance.

  • @lucid-stew said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    Maybe even a treasure hunt mini-game or mode (probably world event within regular game) where every ship is after the same piece of treasure and it turns into a strategic battle of should you try and grab it first and out maneuver everyone or wait and try to kill them before they can get back. Would be funny to see how that would play out.

    I had an idea similar to this, however in my concept each crew has their own chest to retrieve, but they're all in buried in the same spot. This way you're racing to the same location, and likely in proximity to fight if need be, but it doesn't degenerate into a constant brawl with no racing after someone grabs the treasure.

    I would like this for a poker run type race.

  • Sounds like skeleton forts are going to be horde mods, so there is that.

  • @mattydove74 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    Sounds like skeleton forts are going to be horde mods, so there is that.

    We gotta start somewhere : )

  • Even though I am excited to do voyages with my friends I must say, some of these ideas that you have here sound like alot of fun. With all these questions lately about will this game have enough to keep people playing, if they add some of this stuff it sure will. I can see me getting addicted to some of the stuff you have in the OP. I like that you actually throw out details on what the settings for the mode might be, a nice touch.

  • I always liked to the idea of Sailing Race for SoT, but before we could really do one they would need to change the sailing mechanics right now it more like driving a truck then sailing a ship...

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    I'm more of an advocate for community events which are already confirmed to come. Things like treasure hunting where the whole server looks for the sunken treasure (like at Gamescom), a group of crews taking down the Kraken! Skull forts where people have to work together and against each other. Timed events with exclusive loot. Seasonal events. And random hunting for a skele captain.

    As for all the stuff you mentioned. I hope the rewards are one of a kind cosmetics that you can only get from those certain activities. It will get people asking hey how did you get that?

  • @rgbknights said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    I always liked to the idea of Sailing Race for SoT, but before we could really do one they would need to change the sailing mechanics right now it more like driving a truck then sailing a ship...

    The way I picture it is more a long distance race without sharp turns of course. Although a hairpin turn would be funny because people would drop the anchor and pull it back up quickly which would just add to the teamwork involved. I hope they add this at some point but it will need to be thought out properly or it might be boring.

    If done wrong the team who gets the lead first may never be caught.

  • @sneakler Yes Survival in both ways.. eating food, drinking and healing are all things that need to be looked after while setting out in the world.

    Combat: I'd like to see a respawn limit to how many times you can come back to your ship after death or falling into the water, I just want a harder version of the game that makes you think about your actions before undertaking a task.

    I know that people don't like to make things hard and want to switch off when playing games... however I like needing to use my brain and worrying about what if...

  • @fonzaye said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @sneakler Yes Survival in both ways.. eating food, drinking and healing are all things that need to be looked after while setting out in the world.

    Combat: I'd like to see a respawn limit to how many times you can come back to your ship after death or falling into the water, I just want a harder version of the game that makes you think about your actions before undertaking a task.

    I know that people don't like to make things hard and want to switch off when playing games... however I like needing to use my brain and worrying about what if...

    Yeah if they add any of these modes they are going to need to find the perfect respawn formula.

    I feel like in any ship based mode that after your ship is past the point of no return you should only get one more respawn and if you choose not to mermaid at that point and you die your next respawns is at an outpost or if it is a certain type if mode you are just flat out dead and out of the game/match.

  • @sneakler One of the best moments I had in the game so far was when a crew member fell overboard and we wanted to not use the mermaid to get him back on. We had to call the Man Overboard and turn back around to look for him.

    Also another part i'd like to this mode would be that the anchor can only do so many handbrake turns before breaking.

  • @Sneakler i will add a link to this thread in Question #8 on my On- Going FAQ Thread

  • @mistavanvleck said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    @Sneakler i will add a link to this thread in Question #8 on my On- Going FAQ Thread

    Appreciate it thank you!

  • @racmop said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! A running list : ):

    I would love to see bounty's on ships

    Are you wanting there to be an actual vendor where you go pick up a bounty quest within the main mode or are you leaning towards the possibility of ships out in the world just have bounties put on them after they sink enough ships and there is a reward to be had for sinking them?

    Either way you go about it, would be fun.

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