[CLOSED] Time to win some loot!

  • whoever can say LANDHO! the loudest, clearly

  • I get very irate when I p*e xD

  • @itsdaleykong I played the beta so much I caught scurvy

  • Making sure my ship's canon are always loaded.

    You don't know what lurks in those seas :)

  • @itsdaleykong Rum, beer, quests, and mead

  • Wow, you guys have been busy!

    Thanks for all the entries, they were a fun read! This giveaway is now over and our winners are:

    @BeardsnPlaid and @blair187

    Congratulations! I will be in touch with you both shortly to grab some details.

    To the rest of you pirates, better luck next time! I hope I see you out there on the seas!

  • @ItsDaleyKong I'd say any good pirate knows his limit to one's intake of grog, and of course I'd have to say the limit is once you can't stand anymore.

  • It will make me a good pirate because we find treasures on ships or islands, be loyal to your crew/mates and fight against others who will stop us. Together we can be the most legendary pirate's in the 7 sea's!

  • Wow!! cant believe i missed this. Anyways, I will be the best pirate for finding One Piece! hahaha

  • @itsdaleykong I am the best pirate. My accordion skills are second to none. I can shoot a flea off my parent's behind 100 paces away with my pistol. My sword has slain many of enemies. And I won't stop plundering the sea until my crew and I have all the gold and rum!

    ~Cap'n Goose Willis

  • it would be my fierce ship name and undying thirst for... Er.... Grog... Yarg???

  • Congrats @BeardsnPlaid and @blair187!!

  • @itsdaleykong

    Huge CONGRATULATIONS to @BeardsnPlaid and @blair187!!

  • @itsdaleykong,

    Ahoy Cap'n Daley, me thinks ye question a good one. As scallywags such as ourselves know, many a fallen pirate of yester-year earned their sealegs aboard naval vessels; I too earned mine such. As a Marine, me spent much time in the riggings of naval vessels, raining hellfire from me blunderbus on to any a unfortunate soul who should cross our path. But alas, something deeper arose within my soul, a longing, a longing that could only be cured by one thing... treasure! Now, me crew and I are the sourge of the seas, bringing that same hellfire down on those who would dare challenge the crew of Cap'n Grim... "The GrimRooster." But Alas, me crew and I have been land-locked since just before Christmas. While me ship is in dry dock, awaiting its final overhaul to be finished in march, me sits drinking me grog and longing to once again, "cry 'havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war." But me hears you have booty available, dare I whisper the sweet words again? Treas... nay, I shant... the pain is too great. If ye could find it in yer black heart to share some of ye plunder with me, it may ease the pain, and help this old scallywag survive until me ships final release date. Fair winds and following seas, Cap'n Daley, me hopes to see ye in the taverns soon.

    Cap'n Grim

  • @zombie-p1ague with one hand tied behind my back, blindfolded.

  • As this contest has been decided I am going to close this down.

434 out of 436