New things that would be nice in sea of thieves

  • What sea of thieves should add is different color mask instead of the plain black, next bring back arena, but the map shrinks and your ship has 2 lives, also have exclusive treasures just for that gamemode, maybe a chest of forgotten souls (referring to the last arena that was just forgotten) also add brigs this time so you have all of the ships, speaking of brigs add a skeleton brig, lastly add new sea creatures like whales and sea serpents. The whales can come in different colors same as the serpents, add custom titles and armor for hunting down the serpents, whales can drop fat or oil that can be sold to merchants.

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  • @corbeau-blanc-x this "bring back the arena" conversation is over. and this post will probably get locked.

  • I havent played for a while i am planning to start playing again soon but are we able to go underwater becuase if we can then it is a good idea for sea animals/serpents.

  • @benavgeek512 said in New things that would be nice in sea of thieves:

    I havent played for a while i am planning to start playing again soon but are we able to go underwater becuase if we can then it is a good idea for sea animals/serpents.

    You can already explore underwater by diving with your character (as far as your lungs can take you). Another possibility is to dive for sea shrines and treasury. Most of the fauna you see is fishes and sirens.

    As for the "arena" that is a done deal, it's not coming back!

  • Unless you're picking up the Key or Chest for the Siren Song every time it pops up then you should have no reason to be asking for Arena to return. SoSS is actually a far better version of the concept and nobody does it.

  • @corbeau-blanc-x wouldn't mind seeing a new version of arena. This time it isn't a free for all but team death match. Make into a hg hybrid with it being 3v3 or 2v2. Could also allow friends fill the roster of one team or even guilds. Something people have been wanting for awhile. Except your ship only lasts till it's sunk until then you can respawn. If your ship is sunk but you are not dead you are still in the game till your dead.

    Pretty sure the rivalries among guilds would drive that game mode. And the open crew version will be like how open crew always is.

  • @cannytwocrows said in New things that would be nice in sea of thieves:

    @corbeau-blanc-x wouldn't mind seeing a new version of arena. This time it isn't a free for all but team death match. Make into a hg hybrid with it being 3v3 or 2v2. Could also allow friends fill the roster of one team or even guilds. Something people have been wanting for awhile. Except your ship only lasts till it's sunk until then you can respawn. If your ship is sunk but you are not dead you are still in the game till your dead.

    Pretty sure the rivalries among guilds would drive that game mode. And the open crew version will be like how open crew always is.

    Arena is dead and gone. Stop asking. And lol at "guild rivalries" those aren't a thing, no one remembers a guild long enough to develop feelings for it.

  • @captain-coel don't know about you but people I've talked to in hg do brag about sinking the top guilds in emissary.

  • top guilds in emissary

    No such thing. In the end, you either know about them or you don’t. No guild is a top guild if not everyone knows about them.

  • @burnbacon we do have top guilds every month and believe it or not pirates take pride if they are in the top 100. And that is top 100 out of the 25% of the player base that the brag about being in the millions.

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