Looking for more gamer friends

  • Hey, I've played for a few years on Xbox but I pre-ordered the PS5 version as it's my main console now.

    I have a couple of friends who play on Xbox sometimes but would be cool to make some more friends for the PlayStation beta weekend!
    Also up for making more Xbox/PC friends in general though.

    I'm 31 and in the UK. Would be looking for people of a similar age 25 - 35, but no worries if slightly out of that range!

    Down for PVP, quests, looting and all that good pirate adventuring. You don't need a mic if you don't want but happy to chat.

    I'm @colthillmusic on insta (I'm a music producer) if you wanna connect / check out what I'm like as I know it can be scary adding randoms haha.


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  • I'm needing some serious help with PVP. Specifically 8 more 4 streak wins during Servant hourglass. Do you feel your qualified to help? I need a crackshot cannoneer/boarder.

  • @csuth01 would love to partner up, live in Norway, new to sea of thieves :)

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