Close combat tips?

  • Sometimes it feels like it takes an awfully long time for me to aim and shoot my weapon, why is that?

  • 9
  • Mess around with the flintlock for a bit if you're uncomfy with the weapons speeds. Flintlock is fast and firing without aiming will always shoot at the center of your screen for really fast and accurate popshots.

  • always carry blunderbombs.

  • Aim sensitivity is a bit slow on guns often, so you may want to adjust it a bit. If you can get a pistol with a point or an iron sight that works well, use that, you can test out sights on weapons at the target on outposts, but my personal recommendation is a kraken pistol. Beyond what weapon or sensitivity you choose, its just down to practice.

  • aim and shoot, or pulling the weapon out?

  • @sebto00
    As @Goldsmen stated.. adjust your aim sensitivity within SOTs settings..
    Each weapon, even the trident can be adjusted individually.
    Id recommend adjusting it up each time you get comfortable with it..
    Thus making your aim quicker by each adjustment.. atleast until you find your preferred sweet spot.

    SOT doesnt do the best job at letting the player know just how customizable it can be.
    In addition to weapon adjustments, you can change..
    -Field of view
    -You can set hot keys (even on controller, thou limited compared to K&M)
    -Toggle on/off "hold to interact"
    -Auto swim
    -Auto Float

    There are all sorts of options..
    Take a few minutes to scroll down on SOTs Settings, you will be suprised on the amount of options.

  • @karkona aim and shoot, sometimes it takes a really noticeable delay between me holding down the right MB and the weapon aiming and then shooting, especially I can feel this when trying to play blunderbuss and eyeofreach. Im not sure but it kinda feels like it has something to do with sprinting or switching between weapons but i dont get how it works

  • @sebto00 said in Close combat tips?:

    @karkona aim and shoot, sometimes it takes a really noticeable delay between me holding down the right MB and the weapon aiming and then shooting, especially I can feel this when trying to play blunderbuss and eyeofreach. Im not sure but it kinda feels like it has something to do with sprinting or switching between weapons but i dont get how it works

    EOR is really the only weapon you NEED to aim with. Blunder it helps to aim with but you can point blank just click, and the pistol has very good hip fire accuracy, it just takes getting used to without a reticle. There is a short time for the ads animation before you can shoot, which will feel off if you play any other kind of fps game.

    It takes a bit of time to get used to but when you get aim down on this game its easy enough, hitreg gods permitting that is!

  • @sebto00

    Oh I see. Well, we are going through long phase currently of broken weapon combat where it is very clunky and punishes people for sprinting and swapping weapons because they spent a long time talking about fixing animation cancelling—then didn't fix it properly. I think they mentioned in a news video last year they would fix it eventually. Have fun.

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