How do you go about leveling up Allegience?

  • I have about 2K hours in Sea Of Thieves and have played since Xbox One Beta in 2018. I competitively play FPS games, am confident in my cannon shots and sink around 9 out of 10 ships I encounter on the seas as a solo slooper. However, I did not attempt allegiance when it released because I didn't wanna do it, now I have dive'd 15 times in the last week, half for athena, half for reaper, and lost EVERY single battle. 90% of them to people who are wearing a curse for being either level 100+ or 1000+ in an allegiance, despite what I remember Rare saying about "Skill based matchmaking". I am level 10 in both factions and lose every game to people with more hours than me and significantly higher faction levels, am I missing something or is this a mode driven by people who play the game for nothing but PVP and have thousands of hours?

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  • You're not missing anything. That's exactly what this mode is.

    Hardcore PvP sweats/grinders and folks who've got cheats or mods enabled make up about 93% of the people who play hourglass with any consistency. It's going to be a long, hard road for you, my friend.

    Try to do it on community weekends or gold & glory events. You'll still lose almost every single battle, but you'll get around twice as much allegiance as you normally do!

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