
  • @look-behind-you

    Cosmetics and weapons* :)

  • @littlematjab said in Cosmetics/Weapons:


    Cosmetics and weapons* :)

    They're still weapon cosmetics, so Look Behind You was not wrong; This thread is about cosmetics.

  • @guildar9194 a dit dans Cosmetics/Weapons :

    @littlematjab said in Cosmetics/Weapons:


    Cosmetics and weapons* :)

    They're still weapon cosmetics, so Look Behind You was not wrong; This thread is about cosmetics.

    He deleted my post about the ghost curse.. thats why i dont understand his point

  • @littlematjab said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @guildar9194 a dit dans Cosmetics/Weapons :

    @littlematjab said in Cosmetics/Weapons:


    Cosmetics and weapons* :)

    They're still weapon cosmetics, so Look Behind You was not wrong; This thread is about cosmetics.

    He deleted my post about the ghost curse.. thats why i dont understand his point

    Must have broken some rule. Let it be.

  • @neon-ic0n said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @mrhornet06 said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @voshell how long do you think till we actually see a good bit of the clothing shown here released?

    It's been nearly six years, and a lot of it remains unreleased. We just have to hope they randomly decide to add them some day lol

    I hope they don't drag it out too much longer....they just need to get it over with! Too many cosmetics are in backstock pending and withering away while they just keep adding new ones instead. Please Rare just drop the old ones all at once so we can move on with our pirate lives and look to the future of SoT!!!!

  • @elextrov said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    One cosmetic rare is yet to add as a selectable cosmetic is the sword crossed with the ferryman sword at the castaway camp the one that looks like a trident of dark tides

    I would love to see the Dark Tide cutlass in game ASAP!

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  • @voshell how do you manage to see and reply to almost every post under this thread

  • @voshell
    If only the devs knew how much hype a cosmetic dump would recieve.

  • @elextrov said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @voshell how do you manage to see and reply to almost every post under this thread

    I just log in and check my notifications from time to time LoL

  • @myst8457 said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    If only the devs knew how much hype a cosmetic dump would recieve.

    I agree. I believe they are super underestimating the positive feedback it would garner.

  • @voshell
    Imo the cosmetic progression in this game is done very poorly. Apart from unique cosmetics being few and far between, every and i mean literally EVERY activity should tell the story of our pirate. For example, are you one of those pirates that when sailing stops to fight captain Dickenson on every island? If yes, then here is a cool sword or hat. Do you enjoy doing underwater shrines? You can now unlock breath of the sea as a tankard. Do you like hunting megs for sport? Well you can now unlock a harpoon themed weapons. Things like these are very much needed in the game, and since they are trying to make all sandbox activities worthwile again, i think they should revamp cosmetic progression as well.

  • @voshell
    I want to believe it’ll happen, and we’ll get a cosmetic update/over haul, but I imagine we’re gonna see A cosmetic appear here and there around various future updates, it’s a tragedy that all these really nice looking piratey cosmetics have been condemned to an NPC in one of the various tall tales.

  • I have to say that the Maestro Jacket had potential to be one of the best aesthetic Jackets in the game and would have probably dethroned my current style. But I believe this was squandered by adding a enormous music Clef to it.....which just ruins the whole Jacket for me......

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    I understand the music them attached to it; but the rest of the set is way more subtle and still looks immaculate. Like the old saying goes..."less is more"

  • I am still an avid believer that Costumes should be broken up into individual pieces; but I do have to give a round of applause to Rare as the new Costumes are extravagant!

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    I am still an avid believer that Costumes should be broken up into individual pieces; but I do have to give a round of applause to Rare as the new Costumes are extravagant!

    I 2nd this notion

  • After they finish the inclusion of PlayStation they need to find a way to include on demand TDM to the PvP options. Ship combat is fun but the real fun is when you are in a hand to hand duel with another player/s. Besides adding possible new weapons or a Musket/Scopeless EoR , new mechanics, and or cannonball types etcetera; this will be the best way to improve on current PvP. The on demand that was added in Season 8 was a massive improvement in the right direction but this would be a way to top it off!

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    After they finish the inclusion of PlayStation they need to find a way to include on demand TDM to the PvP options. Ship combat is fun but the real fun is when you are in a hand to hand duel with another player/s. Besides adding possible new weapons or a Musket/Scopeless EoR , new mechanics, and or cannonball types etcetera; this will be the best way to improve on current PvP. The on demand that was added in Season 8 was a massive improvement in the right direction but this would be a way to top it off!

    I would exponentially support this direction. Maybe they could spawn you or load you into an unused or unoccupied fort location. Or spawn your ship at an island/fort surrounded by a circle so you can't escape and you have to fight the other ship/pirates on the island!

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    After they finish the inclusion of PlayStation they need to find a way to include on demand TDM to the PvP options. Ship combat is fun but the real fun is when you are in a hand to hand duel with another player/s. Besides adding possible new weapons or a Musket/Scopeless EoR , new mechanics, and or cannonball types etcetera; this will be the best way to improve on current PvP. The on demand that was added in Season 8 was a massive improvement in the right direction but this would be a way to top it off!

    They have on demand for everything under the sun and this would be the only option left lol. Considering a lot of pirates went out of their way to just TDM in the arena when it was big. I believe this would be an incredibly popular add on and is definitely the next step for PvP! Well, outside of adding new weapons such as a scopeless eye of reach (musket), mechanics, cannonball types, and or different ship sizes as you said...

  • With season 13 being flameheart dedicated, we really need this guy´s clothing as skeleton cosmetics, he has been promoted in many voyage screens and his costume is akin to Flameheart himself.
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  • Yes 100% yes. I would also like to see a reaper captain variant cosmetic set for the skeleton with a nice fancy reaper themed captains hat, give us reapers some cosmetics to distinguish ourselves!

  • @cptsagasta said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    With season 13 being flameheart dedicated, we really need this guy´s clothing as skeleton cosmetics, he has been promoted in many voyage screens and his costume is akin to Flameheart himself.
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    The skeleton bone vest is also a banger!

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    Now that they have gone through with the decision to implement the forbidden PvE only server. The one thing they said they would never do I might add. I think it is only fair that we see the following by the end of 2024 or what would be the 7th anniversary. Below is a list of things that are well past due and a slight recap of previous ideas that would make the High Seas feel more lively & overall complete.

    • A General Cosmetic Drop to get us caught up on past cosmetics that aren't part of a set since they just keep creating new ones anyway.

    • Additional sea life (Crabs & Manta Rays) both from the artbook. I guess crabs could also be counted as island life hanging around on beaches.

    • Additional island life (Boars, Goats, Dodoes, Cats & Monkeys) all from the artbook. Especially monkeys now that we have had a glimpse with the one from the 3rd Monkey Island tall tale. Rats running around on islands or in caverns and not just on ships. Maybe Seagulls hanging around on docks.

    • Outpost Tavern NPC's that are interact-able like in the 1st Monkey Island tall tale. They could use all of the unused Pirate concepts/models from past promo art as the NPC's.

    • New Kraken fight w/ the full body & better rewards. Possible alternate colors as there was 2 displayed in the artbook.

    • New Mermaid models as seen the Pirates Life tall tales and the artbook

    • Musket/Scopeless EoR as seen in the artbook

    • Fiddle as shown in the artbook

    • Megalodons should be increased in size to appear more intimidating. Copying the original Hungering One.

    • In the "A Tale of Two Captains" it is mentioned that you could claim a bounty from the Gold Hoarders to bring back a carcass of a Megalodon for a gold reward. Using the ships harpoons to bring the spoils back and making the ship harder to maneuver. I feel like this would create a more interactive encounter.

    • Possible Crouching/Sneaking as seen in the 3rd Monkey Island tall tale (silent footsteps?)

    • The ship crest designs & ship trinkets/decorations shown in the artbook for additional variety.

    • Ziplines & Climable rocks added to the main game as seen in the Monkey Island tall tales.

    • Depending on your faction (Athena/Reapers) implementing a permanent Sea Fort capturing mechanic such as in the "Return of the Damned" adventure. By purchasing Belle's/Athena Fort Flag or a Reaper's Fort flag to fly at conquered Sea Forts, capturing them for that side causing the Forts to be defended by loyal Ancient or Reaper Phantoms, depending on who’s currently in charge. Flags can be lowered at any time by passing pirates looking to sabotage their enemies. Possibly gaining Athena/Reaper Reputation/Allegiance if an emissary or Servant/Guardian for either taking over or defending a conquered fort. The defending side could get a prompt if a conquered fort was being invaded.

    • Adding the ghostly Stronghold Chest (as seen in season 6 loading screen) to the treasury as bonus loot for completing a conquered fort or increasing the loot to what was displayed in the loading screen.

    • Adding the Soulflame Captain & the Phantom Jailer as random Boss phantoms

    • Random storm variant/light rainfall as seen by the Coral Fortress differing from the OG storms path.

    • Changing up the Devils Roar volcano activity and giving a spawn point at Morrow's Peak.

    • Active Skeleton Fort/FoF/Ashen Winds events in the Devils Roar so it doesn't remain underutilized. While having all potential loot be the ashen variants including the Ashen Chest of Legends for the FoF.

    • Adding Stitcher Jim's Ashen Lord form "The Herald of the Flame" and his unique abilities to the rotation for Ashen Lord spawns or just into the rotation for world events at Molten Sand Fortress only.

    • New Cursed Chest that summons the Kraken as seen/mentioned in the artbook & the Tales from the Sea of Thieves lore book. Whether it can summon the original fight or the new fight when implemented ; ). Also allowing Krakens to attack Skeleton ships as seen in the Maiden Voyage.

    • New Skeleton Lord variations

    • New ship type & front cannons as seen in the 3rd Monkey island tall tale.

    • New sunken ship variations. There were sideways ones in one of the OG trailers; they also appeared to spawn closer to land as well.

    • Possible inclusion of allowing Ocean crawlers to swarm your ship as in the Pirates Life tall tales. Maybe depending on ship size (Sloop can have The Eel-ectric, Brig can have the The Eel-ectric & The Hermit, and the Galleon can have The Eel-ectric, The Hermit, and The Crab spawn. Maybe only if hard anchored for too long?

    • Waterspouts as seen in the artbook.

    • Smoking Pipes as seen in the artbook.

    • Bring back sniper skeletons.

    • Reaper Rowboats.

    • Bilge Rat & Merfolk reputation?

    • Bring back the remaining unused Dark Relics (Enchantment Vessel, Evil Eye, Mutinous Effigy, & Bewitching Doll)

    • Seamarks cosmetics (not added as a costume) & the Golden Scorpion Mercenary Eyepatch.

    After seeing the Sea of Thieves 2024 Preview Event (link below) it looks like can start checking off some of the things on this dream list!

    • link text

    • Musket/Scopeless EoR as seen in the artbook (sort of as there is no scopeless eye of reach yet..... but we have 3 new weapons being introduced!)

    • Possible Crouching/Sneaking as seen in the 3rd Monkey Island tall tale (silent footsteps?) Check! I think....

    • Ziplines & Climable rocks added to the main game as seen in the Monkey Island tall tales. Halfway there with additional ziplines being added!

    • New ship type & front cannons as seen in the 3rd Monkey island tall tale. (and again sort of with the world even that let's you control a bigger ship!)

    Great job Rare! Let's get the rest of this list added!

  • From what I've seen, Rare does indeed pay attention to this particular thread, looking for info on cosmetics and such. I just wish we had a large drop of so many unreleased assets. Even new additions like the fiddle and musket (IM PRAYING FOR THESE). But, for now, it seems 2024 will leave these behind and we must await the next year. Still, I'm super excited for the future of this game and hope it has many great years to come.

  • Has anyone brought up that the Golden Legendary Tankard and Legendary Tankard no longer have glowing white grog? I forget which update made the change... I liked drinking the special grog! I'll try to find some screenshots of it later today.

  • @grumpyw01f said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    Has anyone brought up that the Golden Legendary Tankard and Legendary Tankard no longer have glowing white grog? I forget which update made the change... I liked drinking the special grog! I'll try to find some screenshots of it later today.

    I don't recall this lol. If you can get screenshots please post them!

  • Season 12 if finally here! New weapons! I am pretty impressed with the buccaneer outfit and some of the miscellaneous pieces as well. It is also nice to see a curse being available with the plunder pass for the first time.

    Though I believe some of the new weapons and mechanics will still require some tweaks to be perfectly balanced; I am looking forward to there presence regardless. Now all I want is the scopeless EoR option and I will be 100% satisfied with the weapon variation. Again I hope they take future time to implement all past cosmetics before they keep creating/adding new ones; this would be a great relief!

  • I love the cosmetics we've been getting recently, but I'm still holding out for a way to save outfits. The clothing chests have become so bloated, and I can't find the motivation to change outfits when doing so takes 10+ minutes! Is there still hope that this feature could be added?

  • @soup-fox said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    I love the cosmetics we've been getting recently, but I'm still holding out for a way to save outfits. The clothing chests have become so bloated, and I can't find the motivation to change outfits when doing so takes 10+ minutes! Is there still hope that this feature could be added?

    I think they talked about adding something like this not too long ago....

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    Season 12 if finally here! New weapons! I am pretty impressed with the buccaneer outfit and some of the miscellaneous pieces as well. It is also nice to see a curse being available with the plunder pass for the first time.

    Though I believe some of the new weapons and mechanics will still require some tweaks to be perfectly balanced; I am looking forward to there presence regardless. Now all I want is the scopeless EoR option and I will be 100% satisfied with the weapon variation. Again I hope they take future time to implement all past cosmetics before they keep creating/adding new ones; this would be a great relief!

    Yup, as long as I see that musket in my hands, and maybe even a fiddle to play with, my desires would be fulfilled

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @grumpyw01f said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    Has anyone brought up that the Golden Legendary Tankard and Legendary Tankard no longer have glowing white grog? I forget which update made the change... I liked drinking the special grog! I'll try to find some screenshots of it later today.

    I don't recall this lol. If you can get screenshots please post them!

    After a lot of searching through old screenshots, I had a lot of trouble finding it. I had to resort to the internet!

    Here's what it looks like now:

    I find this change really weird and disappointing. What could have caused this change? I don't see it being intentional, especially since the OoS tankard is still glowing blue.

  • Just had a cosmetics-related blast from the past when I checked my post history. Figured I'd post it here:

    Remember when this game was doomed because it needed power progression and cosmetics weren't going to be enough? Fun times...

  • @mrhornet06 said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    From what I've seen, Rare does indeed pay attention to this particular thread, looking for info on cosmetics and such. I just wish we had a large drop of so many unreleased assets. Even new additions like the fiddle and musket (IM PRAYING FOR THESE). But, for now, it seems 2024 will leave these behind and we must await the next year. Still, I'm super excited for the future of this game and hope it has many great years to come.

    Happy to hear that. Hoping the new Merchant Alliance costume can have the jacket be a separate item someday in the future. As well as having the Lustrous Legend Figurehead return someday as well. That Gryphon was WAY too good and would fit an Athena's Fortune ship perfectly!

  • Finally! Well almost....we only got 1 part of it but we finally received the Seamark Tribute Tattoo! Now we just need the rest of Seamark's cosmetics including his Hat/Bandana, Jacket, Gloves, Belt, Pants, Boots, and Beard. This is the best set in the game hands down if released. Let's make it happen Rare!

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  • @voshell I would give anything for bigger bushier/longer beards like Seamark’s. I want my pirate to look ancient and wise. Having hair for the skeleton curse would be a no brainer too. I’m surprised there are no cosmetic options that give hair to your skeleton curse pirate. If Graymarrow can have a big bushy beard why can’t my flesh and bones?

  • @oldpoopslord I could be wrong and I still do agree that there is a need for more cosmetics to be added, whether it is finishing off sets or complete new sets that aren't drip fed or complete recolors. However I believe there is a beard (it is small) for the skeleton curse, I have forgotten the name but it is the one for completing sea forts while wearing skeleton curse.

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