Need a definitive answer, do you have to repair your boat in the captains menu?

  • I've met several people who can't seem to agree on this gameplay mechanic, once a hole is repaired, it's repaired, right? and not "+.5% vulnerability" or whatever.

    A hole with a plank is equal to a brand new ship, yes or no?

  • 9
  • do you have to repair your boat in the captains menu?

    No. Your ship will sail.

    Unless you want a fresh looking ship than yes repair.

  • nah you don't need to, repaired is repaired

    I've repaired my ship's cosmetics like 4 times and my ship has had nearly 55 thousand cannonball holes lol

    never noticed a difference in the tier damage or water

  • @buckydk said in Need a definitive answer, do you have to repair your boat in the captains menu?:

    not "+.5% vulnerability" or whatever.

    A hole with a plank is equal to a brand new ship, yes or no?

    Correct and Yes. If you repair a hole it’s as if it isn’t there. If it was a tier 3 and you repair it, it doesn’t instantly become a tier 3 when taking damage again. I understand where the thought process comes from, but in this game, repaired is equal to brand new.

  • When you repair any damage with a plank, it will leave a big scar under the plank if it was tier 3, but if that spot is broken open again, it will only be tier 1. All damage to a captain ship and every scar under a plank is totally cosmetic and wont affect battle.

    The shipwright and menu repair options only fix cosmetic damage that saves to your ship. Anyone who says that you need to fix your ship up or it will sink faster or take larger holse either is trolling, or is victim to misconception. So never feel pressured to fix your ship, especially if you dont have the gold to spare.

  • Repairs are purely cosmetic. The reason for the really long limit on repairs is because they don't want people to use it in battle.

  • @crowedhunter said in Need a definitive answer, do you have to repair your boat in the captains menu?:

    Repairs are purely cosmetic. The reason for the really long limit on repairs is because they don't want people to use it in battle.

    Because the big bad pvp squad complained about it...

  • @pithyrumble Lets be honest, that was a legit complaint though. On top of that, cheaters used it to get instant repairs and with that time limit, the effectiveness of that cheat has been greatly reduced.

  • @super87ghost Time limit could be two minutes and it would stop it. If you can sink an empty ship in 2 minutes then you aren't tryinf.

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