Lessons and Tips from the Doc

  • Ahoy Mates! Die Gute Doc here! I’ve been playing Sea of Thieves since its release and I have acquired a good amount of knowledge over the years. I would like to share my lessons and tips with you fellow pirates today.

    1. Number one! Respect the pirate code and all it stands for. This means respecting the people you play with, and those you may find yourself fighting against. You’re playing a pirate in a video game, not in real life. A friendly battle is an amazing experience in Sea of Thieves, but nothing sours your day more than a crew who griefs, trolls, or just acts in an unsportsmanlike manner. So remember to be good sports!

    2. You’re going to lose. This is inevitable. There have been many times when I’ve been on a quest only to be sunk by an opposing crew. My friends and I were pretty upset for a little bit, but the experiences we had together definitely made up for the loss in “profit”. On that note, nowadays, Sea of Thieves makes it really easy to earn rewards through renown without turning in any treasure! You’re rewarded for the experience of hunting for treasure not turning it in (that’s just a bonus!)

    3. Join an open crew. I can’t stress this enough. There are so many amazing people playing Sea of Thieves and the more time you take getting to know them, the more fun you’ll have.

    4. For older pirates reading this, don’t join a crew then leave because it’s full of new people. You were once a new pirate too! How are they supposed to learn if you’re not there to teach them. I admit, I’ve done this before, but it’s something I’m working to be better at. I put on all default gear and went out pretending to be a new player. There is a staggering amount of pirates who see the new player and immediately leave game. This is not how Sea of Thieves should be played. So please, help the newbies!

    5. For new players, if you are being chased by a ship and you can’t get them off your tail, drop gunpowder battles in the water! If their ship hits them, they will explode! Explosive fun for everyone! (Except the ship you blow up, they won’t be too happy)

    6. Plant skeletons take less damage from guns, meanwhile gold boys take more damage. (I don’t know why but I didn’t fins this out until a year after I started playing hahaha)

    7. Don’t drink from the chest of a thousand! The value for it goes down. (Unless you want to be the life of your alliance party and being the grog with you to share! That’s always good too.)

    8. The Box of Wondrous Secrets is a real treasure item. You get 25,000 gold for it (at least that’s how much I got for it way back when.) So keep your eyes peeled for it! I found mine on a random island beach in the devils roar.

    9. Don’t rush to be pirate legend! I can’t stress this enough! I know it’s cliche but it’s true. The journey to get PL is amazing! I bought my way through the last 3 levels of each faction with dabloons during the Black Powder Stash Event. (This was back when there wasn’t a monthly limit on reputation buyouts). I wish I had taken more time to enjoy that last “grind.”

    10. Have fun! It’s corny and cliche but it’s true. Don’t forget to enjoy the pirate journey!

    Die Gute Doc Signing off
    (Feel free to comment with any questions you might have!)

  • 4
    generaljust for fun
  • What's up Doc?

    thanks for the tips, plenty of solid advice in there

  • @wolfmanbush I’m glad you found some of it helpful!

  • @die-gute-doc Great advice... I played a little after it first came out and am just now getting into it... Most of the players, I joined a crew with just left. Others just kind of stood around for a while before the left... some took the time to blow up the ship, set it on fire, whatever before they left. I rarely play open crew anymore due to this, so I am trying to work on my solo slooping! Good luck to everyone out there!

generaljust for fun
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