my mouse wheel is broken and i can't zoom the map table how do i do it

  • my mouse wheel is broken and i can't zoom the map table how do i do it

  • 7
  • uninstall and play a different game

  • Why.....

  • You need a new mouse mate, or have a joystick nearby and plug that in when you need to zoom in or out, not sure you can change the button for that on PC.

  • Thank you

  • There are only 2 things to do, either rebind the mouse scroll, or better yet, a new mouse as zig said. And pay no heed to yellow, he has only made 2 posts on the forums, and both are telling people not to play the game.

  • Why are people's mouse wheels always broken?

    Is it the cheapest part of mice or something?

2 out of 7