• I really enjoy the PVP mode, it’s great! The only issue I have had is when you get locked in a long range fight or one ship evades the other with constant boarding attempts etc which end up making the match drag on. I don’t mind long engagements and repairs and the plan to run supplies down but when you end up in a fight that has gone on for 30 minutes or more it gets underwhelming and I enjoy it a lot less.

    My suggestion is enclosing the battle space over time in a similar way that a BR would. Even if this only happened after 20 minutes or so and was in small increments to add a bit of pressure and force the fight to eventually end in a defined win/loss.

    Let me know what you guys think, I would much prefer shorter battles on demand PVP and save the long battles for On the seas PVP.

  • 15
  • Great idea!

  • Lots of great ideas were here. And to be honest I really like yours too. If we had clear, unbreakable boundaries after certain time and perhaps a smaller circle, devs could introduce a DRAW.

    I have a few fights (before the XP update for sailing out of bounds) where we won at the last second in a very tight match. It's a shame that for battles that lasted between 1h-2h+ (ridiculous) we gained probably a level (being under level 10..) and those guys got nothing. It was more of a draw than a win anyway.

    But since by Rare logic competitive matchmaking should involve other people messing with you, I am not sure if this could work, also the way the mode is done where the looser sinks. Perhaps both ships could dive and spawn separate on a new server if the outcome was a draw.

    For the boundaries, we have Red sea already, I personally would like to see something like a ring of fire (+some damage). - As it would hide the participants from the outside and sailing out of bounds or close to them would not be used as a tactic anymore for leniency. Also imagine a galleon/brig waiting out a solo sloop fight just to get both flags. With that fire around them, they wouldn't know who they are waiting for. So maybe might as well just start their own fight.

  • This is one of reason why I see more and more people just grinding instant looses. What's worst I did try it myself and assuming I would win 50% it's actually as fast as normal play or even slightly faster. This is an issue.

    I would like to see some increase in allegiance gained the longer the battle lasts. It should be small enough to not encourage dragging on the fight, but big enough to make it feel better. I would say after 5 minutes it starts at 1% increase and goes up, up to 50% increase at 1 hour mark. Something like this. Boundries slowly shrinking over time and lower time allowed out of boundries would help greatly with this!

  • @zig-zag-ltu That’s very interesting! I’d not even considered a draw possibility. Maybe where both parties get half the XP of a win and keep supplies and emissaries and dive onto the next fight. Maybe that would encourage evasive play too much though?

  • @adara-haze Yeah another great idea, XP bonus for length of battle. I think if that was the case it would feel less demoralising to fight the lengthy battles. However I still think when it comes to on demand PVP there should be emphasis on pushing to win and the battle coming to an end in a reasonable time. I literally just had a battle that lasted over 40 minutes and majority of that was my opponent attempting to board while mostly staying out of range and vice versa once I’d given up with canons. It actually got to the point where I had to scuttle as I needed to log off. Would be good to see an updated feature to help with it.

  • @freshwombat2964 Well I can't really talk about tactics with a crew, especially bigger than 2 as I only ever had a few of those since update.

    But it seems that whenever you are in a sloop, especially - solo, players like to 'get another shot'. So if you manage to do a lot of damage, some curse balls, set the ship on fire, the other player will try his best to sail away fix and return for round 2.

    So if nobody get's a lucky shot to the face when the ship is heavily damaged, this could go on forever if both are evenly matched, most of my fights like that ended with someone making a mistake that cost the game (probably me me mostly).

    At the same time if you reduce the range of ships to an area reachable by cannon fire and a physical/or some damaging border I believe those fights would resolve on their own and those mentioned draws would be rare.

    But honestly a battle like we had that lasted over 2hours. We started sometime past 21pm and finished just before midnight and if we all had more supplies, it could have lasted longer.

    I don't think it makes sense to allow a fight that long if your xp gains in 2+ hours will be SIGNIFICANTLY less than someone who would spend that time farming losses. ^^

  • @freshwombat2964 a dit dans HOURGLASS PVP BATTLE TIME AND CIRCLE :

    Let me know what you guys think

    I think people should use the "search" function more on these forums. This suggetion has been discussed over and over again.

    I won't repeat myself but I doubt it'll improve anything. It'll just encourage people to wait for the timer to actually do anything.

    This issue lies in the players, not the game.

  • Użytkownik @freshwombat2964 napisał w HOURGLASS PVP BATTLE TIME AND CIRCLE:

    @adara-haze Yeah another great idea, XP bonus for length of battle. I think if that was the case it would feel less demoralising to fight the lengthy battles. However I still think when it comes to on demand PVP there should be emphasis on pushing to win and the battle coming to an end in a reasonable time. I literally just had a battle that lasted over 40 minutes and majority of that was my opponent attempting to board while mostly staying out of range and vice versa once I’d given up with canons. It actually got to the point where I had to scuttle as I needed to log off. Would be good to see an updated feature to help with it.

    Don't scuttle. You get nothing if you scuttle. Just sail out of bounds or anchor, throw firebombs and sink yourself with bucket while you wait for them to shoot or fire to deal damage. Or ram an island/rock. At least you get something. And well... 40 minutes fights are not uncommom :/

  • @zig-zag-ltu exactly! It makes total sense to bring something in to almost force the fight to finish in a reasonable time. I think long fights such as that are absolutely fine in on the seas PVP as that’s the beauty of the open world endless possibilities map! However yeah on demand PVP would be so much better if each match lasted a set time and the XP reflected that time in match!

  • @jolly-ol-yep Ah I don’t know if you can private message here or not however could you explain how I find the search feature on the forums? (Sorry I am new and I’m unaware of it) I did search for it before I posted haha!

  • @adara-haze I didn’t know about this! Thanks for the tip!!

  • I played a game where the fight area started to shrink after a period of time, it really worked well with a few exceptions that were class specific, but it would probably work really well in SOT.

  • @foambreaker That’s my thoughts, only of course in on demand PVP just to keep momentum! Thanks for the response!

  • @freshwombat2964 said in HOURGLASS PVP BATTLE TIME AND CIRCLE:

    @jolly-ol-yep Ah I don’t know if you can private message here or not however could you explain how I find the search feature on the forums? (Sorry I am new and I’m unaware of it) I did search for it before I posted haha!

    At the top of the screen, click on Community, the search is in the third column below the Forums header.

    Yeah, we need a search functionality so people can find the search 😉.

11 out of 15