new adventure not working?

  • How is the adventure supposed to work?
    I sailed to the islands and put on briggsies mask and ran around for 30 minutes.
    I can´t find anything and there are no red stars

    What am I supposed to do?

  • 5
  • I looked up a giude on a website.
    There was screenshots of the locations.
    It said there should be music and I should be able to spot star constalations when viewing throug the mask.
    I tried everthing for about 1,5 hours now. There is no music and the mask is showing nothing.

  • I did it yesterday using the guide, the music is kind of faint. When you hear the music use the mask, you should see red stars. As you move around a little you see the starts start to align. The pictures the stars make are kind of hard to distinguish. What I did was just try to align the stars near each other.

  • I'm having an issue with the waterfall symbol. I used the guide to make sure that I was looking at it right, I was standing right on the chest (undug), and it still wouldn't give me credit for looking at it.

    The kid's book/guide is somewhat useful, but oof, it's tough to follow sometimes.

  • 3rd time I tried it it was working. Don´t know why it wasn´t before.

    The waterfall is a little bit of. You have to step a little bit backwards from what feels to be the right position to make it trigger.

1 out of 5