Big Update Coming, But !! What About Hackers !!!!!!!!!!

  • @pithyrumble this is not true as there are controllers being sold on Amazon and else where that can be modded to certain games even rare can't detect them they are just like using a micro program on a mouse or keyboard there are so many ways that one can gain advantage and it will never be detected by the game, just research modded Xbox controller on Amazon and don't forget keymander that is also a big use on Xbox only servers and they can't detect that either, yes without a pc you can't use an aimbot to shot but with mods you still hold the advantage against Xbox players

  • @arcadeic said in Big Update Coming, But !! What About Hackers !!!!!!!!!!:

    Took me 5 seconds to find the steam version of the ”thing” in question. Rare just needs to decompile the hook and fix it. Surprised we haven’t gotten a hot fix yet since it’s release.

    Hacks/Cheats aren't a one and done thing. "Script Kiddies" will literally find a way around these kinds of things. Even then, who's to say Rare isn't already doing that? All the owner has to do, whether or not they have an account to play the game, is just update it to bypass whatever Rare is doing to prevent their program from working initially. It's a hard-to-fix issue due to the game's accessible nature, and it's expected lifespan of another couple of years.

  • @wolfmanbush I have a few I hope it doesn't ruffle to many feathers by asking but what when there is clear proof . banning! From my understanding they just create another account and do same on it .how does that stop the person who caught red handed cheating ?

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