Season 8 feedback... kegs, reapers turning in athena flags at regular outposts, and supplies

    1. The kegs showing up in the barrels of plenty pretty routinely just as you spawn out of the water and exploding your boat should be fixed.

    2. Reapers should have the ability to turn ONLY athena flags in at regular outposts to the reapers table... maybe to the skeleton parrots that have long been part of the game? It's crazy that people representing athena can turn reaper flags in to literally every outpost and the reapers have to sail from north of smugglers bay all the way to the middle of the map, or from the noth of the roar to the middle of the map... hardly balanced at all.

    3. For the love of all that is holy, and I'll let you decide what... fix the supply situation. The whole point of on demand pvp is to be able to get instant fights. Dying and having to resupply for 30 minutes is not fun. Winning a long fight and having to resupply for 15 minutes is not fun. Supplies should float up after getting a victory at the very least, or everyone should have set supplies going into this game mode. There are a bunch of different things you can do, but the worst thing you could possibly do would be to leave it alone so that people have to sink a ton of time into getting supplies just to be able to compete. If you encounter a sweaty crew that has 80 blunder bombs or 80 chains, you better hope you also have dozens or you are going to lose. Etc.

    I really do love this game overall, let it be known! Thanks Rare!

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  • @swabbie-john about 3: if you play longer without sinking, you got more supplies...that's the deal, that's the game, always was...if you ask me, I would delete the posibility to buy crates and supplies...wasn't a good idea in the first place... lost and need time to get back into the fight, because of supplies...there needs to be a downside to losing...

  • @schwammlgott said in Season 8 feedback... kegs, reapers turning in athena flags at regular outposts, and supplies:

    @swabbie-john about 3: if you play longer without sinking, you got more supplies...that's the deal, that's the game, always was...if you ask me, I would delete the posibility to buy crates and supplies...wasn't a good idea in the first place... lost and need time to get back into the fight, because of supplies...there needs to be a downside to losing...

    If you removed the ability to buy supplies and crates and went back to the original way, season 8 would die even faster than it's already going to.

    We'd have to ask the devs for sure but my guess is the whole point of supplying up a long time ago was due to the fact that the game was lacking in playable content. Now there is an insane amount of PvE to choose from to the point that there is literally hundreds of hours of content in this game without other players getting involved whatsoever.

    Supply gathering should be a thing of the past, and in particular for season 8 combat.

    Arena did not have supply gathering, neither should this.

  • It would be nice To turn in Athena flags to something very annoying when the rep is huge for turning it in

  • I like the kegs but only because in 1v1 they can be a game changer I imagine a crew could easily handle any keg situation.
    Supplies? Yes please been asking for years... Why does the maiden voyage sloop have better supplies than our real starting ships?
    Reapers and flags... Yea that kinda stinks Especially with these preset battle areas being in such far off corners of the map

  • @swabbie-john this isn't arena though, it's adventure. This mode is to be used in accordance with usual server activities. Supplying up has always been a thing and crews who are prepared to engage server activity before taking part in on demand pvp should be rewarded for going into battle prepared. If make things much more easier in the game we may aswell start adding fast travel to avoid all that time spent sailing to an outpost.

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