Stuck at tall tales. Bug?

  • Hello,

    the last time i started some tall tales. Now i am stuck between tall tale 6 (The art of the trickster) and t t 7 (The fate of the Morningstar).

    I've done all tall tales with a ending, with the ending screen (tall tale ended). Now i am stuck. I can't start the fate of the Morningstar.

    All tall tales i have done with my friend, and in his game its unlocked.

    Befor you say "one t t isnt complete", the progress in all t t is 50% or more. Last night i've already reinstalled the game.

    Thanks a lot for any hely! Aye!

  • 3
  • Werr you around for the start of each tall tale (voting for it)? I don't know this to be the case, but I could see how that might prevent you.

    I'd recommend going through each tall tale in order and voting them up then down just to try to "reset" it

  • I got the same issues. Did all the tales requested but still doesn't work

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