Insider and its rewards

  • Insider is a great system/tool to work out many (if not most) of the bugs before release.
    And to top it off by playing in Insider for 60 minutes a week, we are rewarded with beautifull cosmetics and gold.

    I myself am at week 25 right now. But some people out there have already achieved much more, up to 180+ weeks. So that means that there are over 180 rewards released already. I'm running behind on more then 160 rewards. And maybe there could be a way to use this in a way that benefits Rare (getting more data) and doesn't take away from the work others have put in.

    I continue with the way things are today.

    Each week I play my 60 minutes (or a little more) but not much more because progress doesn't transfer to the base game. I mostly do this on saturday morning. And many weeks, there will have only been one update to Insider that week. So I'll be testing the next version and if I find bugs, I'll report them.
    But there are weeks, especially right before a release, when Rare will update Insider 2-3 times. And I can imagine that players who already reached their hour for that week, won't always be hurrying to log back in for more, before the next reward unlocks. Which means that when Rare is pushing more updates, they will get less and less data from each version.

    And so to my suggestion, to how it could be.

    What if instead of once every week, Rare would allow you to earn a reward once every update. While still releasing the new rewards at the same rate as they do now.
    This would allow players who started insiders at a later date, to slowly catch up on the rewards. Slowly being the word because it would still take years of dedicated test-playing to catch up.

    By doing this, not only do newer players benefit, but Rare will recieve a lot more data from testers. Even in those weeks where they put multiple updates out there.

    And for the players who already have all rewards? Like I said, it would be best to not increase the amount of new cosmetics being released. BUT Players who already have all the other rewards might get a bigger gold and dubloon reward then the ones given out now. (cause lets be honest the 3000 gold you get most weeks wont even buy you a cannonball crate)

    Rare will get more precious data
    Newer players would be able to catch up over the course of several years
    Older Insider players get special increased gold rewards for the extra participations, as a reward for supporting Insider for so many years.

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  • Tbh they should offer additional rewards based on answering some surveys they create. There is so much potential to squeeze out extra opinions. And as you say, they have such a huge gap for new players to never catch up to already.

  • Remove the gold reward filler for non-current weeks to let players catch up with cosmetics and new players might try it out. That's all that's needed.

  • @arch-ideall Great idea.

  • @arch-ideall That would not be fair to those players that have spent the last 3,5 years of doing these Insider hours. Thus would cause those loyal players to become unhappy about this.
    So I don't expect this to happen.

    Besides, there are cosmetics that require a lot more then 5 hours to achieve, so these still unlock pretty easilly

  • @mathpie "Loyal players" love to gatekeep everything so they are bound to be unhappy no matter how the catch up mechanic works. Might as well make it as much player-friendly as possible.

  • I have an idea - let me back on Insiders. I promise to be good! 😇

  • I think this would work. Perhaps there could be something where you aren't just awarded for time, but can earn additional cosmetics or something for participating in certain activities. I'm sure with each update of Insiders there are certain things they are trying to test. Perhaps they could say "If you spend an hour, you get the regular cosmetic. If you test out the new Adventure, you can catch up 1 week on cosmetics (for those who are up to date, maybe gold or Ancient coins as a reward?). If you try out this other new feature (i.e. Captaincy stuff) you can catch up 1 week on cosmetics." Etc.

    This would allow people who are just joining the ability to catch up on certain cosmetics a bit faster than a year (maybe limit it to an additional cosmetic or 2 per week/update) and would ensure testing of certain features they want to test.

  • The reward Insiders get is access to new stuff before others. No rewards/cosmetics needed. Absolutely no catch up system, as that would cause even more AFKers on the testing seas.

  • tbh they just need more incentive to actually give feedback over just afk the hour. Im sure they get data just from people playing it in terms of stress testing or to see if the server detects issues. But yea, incentive to give actual feedback would be pretty good for both parties

  • @galactic-geek said in Insider and its rewards:

    I have an idea - let me back on Insiders. I promise to be good! 😇

    You’ll get it back when you can buy ghost wheel xD

  • Would be nice if we had an option to 'stream' the insiders instead of storing an extra 80gb in the PC, I currently have no space for it :/ I should probably purchase extra storage space for the PC eventually.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in Insider and its rewards:

    I have an idea - let me back on Insiders. I promise to be good! 😇


  • Against a catch up's not about the rewards, it's about testing stuff...I was on week 170 when they banned me, no missed week until then...I tested stuff and gave feedback from time to time, more interesting stuff I tested longer than just the hour, because I wanted it to be good when it comes to retail...sadly just a few things changed according to the feedback, but some did
    Still a bit sad I got banned...but also was a bit liberating to me

    As been said before, a catch up system would just increase the even if it doesn't do anything to me, it doesn't make people seriously test more

  • @mathpie That's not really how the world works. If I want to increase the amount of people wanting to test something, I have to offer something extra / new, to attract the players not taking the initial bait. So "fair" is not really important here.

    It should not "cause loyal players to become unhappy", as they are testers not only players. If you truly are a loyal tester, then you would appreciate that Rare increases the amount of testers by offering a catch-up method.

  • @capn-norton, Insider and its rewards içinde yazdı:

    @mathpie That's not really how the world works. If I want to increase the amount of people wanting to test something, I have to offer something extra / new, to attract the players not taking the initial bait. So "fair" is not really important here.

    It should not "cause loyal players to become unhappy", as they are testers not only players. If you truly are a loyal tester, then you would appreciate that Rare increases the amount of testers by offering a catch-up method.

    No it wont increase testers. Anyone who actually wants to test stuff and help Rare already does.

    All this will do is bring in more AFK'ers.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Insider and its rewards:

    Would be nice if we had an option to 'stream' the insiders instead of storing an extra 80gb in the PC, I currently have no space for it :/ I should probably purchase extra storage space for the PC eventually.

    It would be really nice if there was a cloud based version of some kind that kept us from using 40gb+ of data each month on the overall updates. Not everyone has unlimited data and the bi-weekly updates for the main game plus the 2 weekly updates from insiders is really painful at times.

  • @robby0316 said in Insider and its rewards:

    @galactic-geek said in Insider and its rewards:

    I have an idea - let me back on Insiders. I promise to be good! 😇

    You’ll get it back when you can buy ghost wheel xD


17 out of 18