Creativity in dressing up and how costumes kill it.

  • I'm sure that this has been discussed elsewhere too but I have not once felt like buying something from the emporium, as the costumes are way over the top and look extremely lame.

    I would love to be able to buy some more normal looking, PIECES of clothing.

    The costumes ruin all and everything creative about dressing up your pirate, and its sad that there are no other options in the emporium. I do understand that the set piece clothes need additional work as they need to work with all other clothing pieces, but having the freedom of using only some pieces of a clothing set available to buy in the emporium would greatly increase the chance of me buying something from there, and costumes turn that chance to basically 0%.

    We also desperately need more options for actually pirate looking clothing pieces. I've looked through the clothing chest so many times only to feel disapointed as theres only 1 shirt in the entire game that lookgs good to me with both form and color theme.
    For example, there isnt a single normal looking purple shirt in the game.

    Being able to re-color clothing would also GREATLY increase the creativity players can feel when dressing up, and actually make costumes feel unique. Players would be able to choose the form of the clothing they want to wear and not be greeted with a color scheme they greatly dislike, making the entire clothing piece useless for their needs.

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  • The costumes ruin all and everything creative about dressing up your pirate

    Not really. Some of us still find ways to dress ourselves better than a costume could. Since we can mix and match. :p

    Don’t let some one piece outfit keep you from creating your own art

  • @burnbacon Thats my point. The costumes leave no room to mix and match.

    I'm not saying costumes are a good way to dress up, im saying they are a lazy and uncreative way and kill all of the creative process of dressing up since theres nothing to customize when it comes to costumes. You misunderstood my point.

  • I like the costumes, Rare can create designs that are impossible to do with normal clothes because of the limitations... I just wish the number of outfits such as company uniforms was greater, 5 variations for each company.

    And that when you buy a costume at the emporium you receive a separate l emote and another cosmetic item such as the hat, curse, beard of the costume you buy.

  • @lleorb

    But because Rare adds ONLY costumes to the emporium, we miss a chance to get more creative costume pieces. I'd much rather pay for a nice purple shirt than a... glowing pumpkinheaded plant-person. Everyone who wears a costume looks the same, there is nothing unique, nothing that sets them apart. And dressing up your pirate to represent "YOU" is a big part of the game. I never remember anyone I meet on the seas who wears a costume, but some peoples creative and unique outfits together with their unique pirate are really memorable. There are so many costumes being added constantly, and VERY few clothing pieces.

    And even worse, some of the clothing pieces are locked out as they were a twitch drop like 2 years ago and never were obtainable again.

  • I think that if the in-game, outpost shops were also updated with the same, regular cadence as the emporium, people wouldn't be as upset about costumes, honestly.

  • Ive been saying this for over a year. Couldnt agree more.

    I would cheer IRL if costumes were completely abandoned in favor of new clothing sets.

  • I really dislike how a lot of sets are only available as costumes as well.

    Costumes for the sake of tasks or convenience is understandable, but we should get non-costume options of the same sets.

  • @valor-omega but alas Rare seems to struggle with giving us some old cosmetics that have been sitting around for years.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Creativity in dressing up and how costumes kill it.:

    @valor-omega but alas Rare seems to struggle with giving us some old cosmetics that have been sitting around for years.

    Maybe that's the playerbase's punishment for data mining them all those years back 😛

    It's a funny theory, but seems like a lame reality all the same.

  • @nex-stargaze that goes into too much conspiracy theory for me. Still, really odd why we haven’t seen any cosmetics the past two monthly updates

  • Having your own style is amazing, being a cookie cutter copy of a costume is only really fun when your in a whole crew wearing it too.

  • I have said this in the past when they first added them and I state this again; they should of done a double release.. a full costume set and individual parts of it to give players more options to pick from when adding in these cosmetic assets.

    The work is already done they just need to separate them as there are parts from some I would like to use but can't since its only available via a full costume.

  • @th3xr34p3r There is extra work to do for set pieces. They need to work togerher with all other clothes and need short/long versions if sleeves / pant legs ie.

    That is why costumes are more common, they can just outsource the work to a freelance artist who simply makes the whole character and doesnt need to do any additional work checking if all gloves fit and dont clip etc.

  • Would be nice if costumes had special curse effects. For example the new veil costume could have an ashen or golde curse variation

  • Honestly my biggest gripe with costumes is that they have emotes often pretty cool ones and you only get to use them WITH the costume.

    If they made it so once you buy a costume you can use the emote outside of it, I'd be buying more costumes. Like I don't mean buy just the emote, you gotta buy the entire costume.

    I would buy Islehopper costume for 900 Ancient coins, never once use the costume. JUST so i can use that emote normally.

    Literally a win/win. Rare gets more money and I get funny emotes. There seems to be so much Pirate Emporium stuff where Rare is just losing money not making the simplest of changes to make it better for the player.

  • The only thing costumes have for them is the belt that is way less bulky. I never wear belts for this reason.
    Overall tho, I'm not a fan of the costume either.

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