Athena's Fortune Voyages need a rework!

  • I think Athena's Fortune voyages need a bit of a rework.

    To me, it feels like the time I spend doing standard Athena's Fortune voyages doesn't end up getting me enough Athena's Fortune loot. I spend the majority of my time on those voyages digging up loot I get no emissary bonus for. I think it would make sense for Athena voyages to be lucrative, and in order to do that, they should follow the pattern of all the other trading companies and make the voyages drop loot exclusive to that trading company.
    I'm not saying the grind to AF 30 should be any easier... in fact, make it more challenging by making the NPCs have more health and tuning down the experience you get for each item. Just make the gold income better by making all the items be Athena Items.

    I just don't like the current model where you're basically completing unrelated voyages in pursuit of a Chest of Legends. I would like if the voyages yielded loot like The Legend of the Veil does.

    Just my opinion, Thoughts?

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  • How they exist now (veils) is far more balanced than anything that has existed in the past.

    Shorter time requirement, more gold, faster flag bump

    pretty much everything that was wrong with original designs has been corrected as far as risk/reward/appeal goes

    The ghost loot is whatever, the main athena loot is still quite profitable for the time

    The older voyages should definitely compete.

    Cups and crates can replace all the random rng for filler items

  • @slappymadchap

    Well the complaint you've made is exactly why rare finally gave us Legend of the Veil voyages. They are the perfect Athena voyage. Every piece of treasure is related to Athena's Fortune and it guarantees you hit grade 5 emissary. I agree it would be nice to have the old voyages updated but honestly the new voyage is just so much better in every way it's not worth the development time to improve the old ones.

  • To me, it feels like the time I spend doing standard Athena's Fortune voyages doesn't end up getting me enough Athena's Fortune loot.

    Correct. It doesn't

  • @slappymadchap even if they added a couple of those tasty veil items into normal Athena quests would make it generally better.

  • Thieves haven run made norm athena pointless, and veil missions have now made them both redundant.

    The veil having better loot also comes increased risk, the tornado is a server wide beacon that announces your intentions.
    So yes, rare has a habit of new content making the old redundant (another example is sovereigns making normal selling pointless) but bear in mind if rebalanced there would potentially be more risk too

  • The non Athena loot on Athenas voyages should either be the heighest tier of other factions, or some more of the rarer treasures in this game.

    It honestly felt weird dealing with Captain chests non stop before being a pirate legend to then sailing for 3 hours to dig up marauders

  • After reaching Grade 5 Athena Emmisary with just 1 Veil voyage yesterday, I'm inclined to agree.

    Something needs to be done - I'm just not sure what. 😅

4 out of 8