Spyglassing Islands

  • If you've already been to an island, even if just for that season, you are able to spyglass it and have the name pop up from farther away than the usual nameplate. If you haven't been there already then everything acts as it currently does.

  • 6
  • With an option to turn on/off it's alright imo

  • If you have more than one screen just put up the rarethief map and use that until you get better at land-marking as you sail around. I don't even use island namplates anymore myself since they added the option to disable them.

  • I dont think we need islands to pop up just by scoping in on them, the title pops up all too often just passing by, and if your not sure what island it is, your map could tell you just as easy.

  • I can see it going this way as they keep making the game more accessible, personally I'd rather not have this as I like there being a skill/experience gap in recognising islands and knowing which direction to others

  • I think you won't even want it after a week of playing. You will get sunk by other people and you will get annoyed yourself once you will start checking your horizon for other ships as those banners will keep coming up. Also might cause you confusion if you are on a high point of an island and your FOV with the spyglass will have 2 islands in range.

    At the same time, you will wanna keep a track of the map whilst leveling up, so knowing your route on the map and having a compass in your hand will tell you all the information you need. And with time you will learn all the islands anyway.

    Besides, let's say you have your map zoomed out and your sailing past a small island and you just checked your quest inventory and found a X marks the spot on a small island, but your not sure, maybe that small island is the one you need.

    So I truly believe that if you can manage to multitask in a timely manner: Adjust course, raise sails if necessary/anchor and lift it up, go downstairs to check the map and run back to the helm. This will help you to learn the game better and be quicker on your feet in tight situations in PVP, this multitasking will become second nature and you will feel like you are more in control of the game.

    My feedback was based on assumption your a new player, if this is to do with some disability or limitations on your end, then surely it would be a good idea as long as the rest of us can switch the function off.

4 out of 6