Cthulhu Mythos Expansion

  • Would anyone want an expansion based on the Cthulhu Mythos, with the Deep Ones, Father Dagon and Mother Hydra, the sunken corpse city of R',lyeh, and the big man himself -Cthulhu!

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  • @onemanarmy0ma I'm a big fan of Lovecraft and Cthulhu mythos, yet going in that direction will mess up the actual SOT lore imo.

  • Mom can we stop for C'thulu?

    No, we have C'thulu at home...

    C'thulu at home: Davy Jones

  • @pithyrumble I get the obvious references and all. But, with all respect, Davy Jones is NOT Cthulhu.

  • @metal-ravage How so? Just not fitting for the whimsical style or the old Age of Exploration lore?

  • "When the stars were right, they could plunge from world to world through the sky; but when the stars were wrong, they could not live."

    It's like putting Flameheart in the Cthulhu Mythos

    imo the stars are wrong

  • @onemanarmy0ma said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    @metal-ravage How so? Just not fitting for the whimsical style or the old Age of Exploration lore?

    The eldritch lore has for base the cosmic deities and their influence on the mortal world while the SOT lore is based on the existence of a piratical purgatory where the struggle for control is among characters trapped in this reality.

    Not compatible lorewise imo.

  • @metal-ravage

    I'm not trapped in here with you... **you'retrappedinherewithme!!! **

    Mildly off topic. I read Lovecraft for jollies once. 3/10 would not recommend. He's a lazy writer. ~His mind broke at the indescribable horror~


    The fans have done so much more for C'thulu than his daddy...

  • @pithyrumble H.P.Lovecraft invented a whole mythological cycle out of his fantasy and nightmares. Still today writers and moviemakers pay homage to the Cthulhu mythos.

    If you google it there are people trying to purchase Necronomicon Ex Mortis, thinking that is a real book.

  • @pithyrumble said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    I'm not trapped in here with you... **you'retrappedinherewithme!!! **

    Mildly off topic. I read Lovecraft for jollies once. 3/10 would not recommend. He's a lazy writer. ~His mind broke at the indescribable horror~


    The fans have done so much more for C'thulu than his daddy...

    If he lacked in masterful he recovered with inspirational.

    His literary journey though his imagination paved a path for others in a distinct way. He walked in unusual directions and painted with words outside of the lines, often times imperfection still impacts people in powerfully positive ways.

    To me, I'm just glad he existed and was able to express himself.

  • @pithyrumble a lazy writer? The guy created an entire cosmic mythos based in astronomical entities and multi-dimentional travel during the 1920s and 30s when space exploration wasn't even an idea; and wrote over 100 pieces of literature in his lifetime.
    Authors and filmmakers still regard him as one of the founding fathers of sci-fi horror and strive to accomplish the atmosphere he created in his writings. The fans have only worked off of the mythos that he created.

  • @wolfmanbush I can understand the comparison. Just thought it could be fun.

  • This is already explored to an extent in Call of the Sea - a puzzle game that many often compare to sea of thieves that leans heavily on the Deep Ones lore. Definitely recommend it if you want some Lovecraftian lore on the seas.

  • @wolfmanbush That was a good way to put it. His writings weren't always the most perfect. He certainly perfected the idea of build-up over pay-off, but his inspirations based on fears and nightmares were pretty unparalleled. Somewhat like Edgard Allen Poe, he was strange, imperfect, and had his flaws, but it creates an oxymoron in that his ideas were so vast and far ahead of the times.

  • @gundy-the-shark I'll look into it. I'm a huge fan of all works or inspiration from Tolkien or Lovecraft.

  • @onemanarmy0ma said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    @wolfmanbush That was a good way to put it. His writings weren't always the most perfect. He certainly perfected the idea of build-up over pay-off, but his inspirations based on fears and nightmares were pretty unparalleled. Somewhat like Edgard Allen Poe, he was strange, imperfect, and had his flaws, but it creates an oxymoron in that his ideas were so vast and far ahead of the times.

    I grew up reading a lot and I've always been very into horror. So I was drawn to the writings of King, Lovecraft, Poe, etc

    King described the monster in wonderful detail as it existed to him

    Lovecraft built the scene so we could create our own through imagination.

    Both guides in darkness with different styles but each offering tools for exploration.

    When it comes to writing I think if it moves it succeeds. Who did what better seems irrelevant when it all serves someone.

  • @onemanarmy0ma

    I don't knock his influence.

    I knock the writing style. Describe the indescribable?
    It just seems lazy.

    The horrible horror was horrible! Rah!!!

    Anywho. Thanks Ghostbusters for the C'thulu and Samhain episodes lol.

  • @gundy-the-shark In my opinion the game that explored better eldritch lore and cosmic angst is Bloodborne. The connection of the Ancient beings with man's desire to evolve beyond own understanding haunts the player in every step.

  • @pithyrumble said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    The horrible horror was horrible! Rah!!!


    Anywho. Thanks Ghostbusters for the C'thulu and Samhain episodes lol.

    What a beautiful obscure reference this is.

    Lorenzo Music voiced Garfield and Venkman so all I hear is Garfield when Venkman talks in that show for the first two seasons lol.

  • I'd rather not see Lovecraftian, eldritch, Cthulu themes in the game. I'm enjoying the original SoT lore, both in the adventures and the normal content.

    I'd rather the focus be put on that.

  • @onemanarmy0ma said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    Would anyone want an expansion based on the Cthulhu Mythos, with the Deep Ones, Father Dagon and Mother Hydra, the sunken corpse city of R',lyeh, and the big man himself -Cthulhu!

    No -it's too dark and inappropriate for the setting and theme of the game.

  • https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/125998/tall-tale-concept-the-curse-of-yig-possible-part-one-the-serpent-crew/9

    This is an old post of mine based around the story of Yig, the father of serpents

  • @sailorkek said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:


    This is an old post of mine based around the story of Yig, the father of serpents

    Trying to hijack a thread topic while also attempting to promote your own?

    That's gotta be breaking a few rules... 😅

  • @galactic-geek said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    @sailorkek said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:


    This is an old post of mine based around the story of Yig, the father of serpents

    Trying to hijack a thread topic while also attempting to promote your own?

    That's gotta be breaking a few rules... 😅

    How is it hijacking a thread by linking a thread that is relevant?... Yig is a part of the Lovecraftian Mythos. It might count as promotion but the thread is locked so noone can bump it, I merely posted it because its relevant to OP's post and might give someone a few ideas for their own..

  • @sailorkek said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    @galactic-geek said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    @sailorkek said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:


    This is an old post of mine based around the story of Yig, the father of serpents

    Trying to hijack a thread topic while also attempting to promote your own?

    That's gotta be breaking a few rules... 😅

    How is it hijacking a thread by linking a thread that is relevant?... Yig is a part of the Lovecraftian Mythos. It might count as promotion but the thread is locked so noone can bump it, I merely posted it because its relevant to OP's post and might give someone a few ideas for their own..

    1 - I am not educated on Lovecraftian mythology, so I did not make that connection - still, giant, evil, demonic squids and snake gods? Doesn't exactly scream family- or kid-friendly...

    2 - Didn't notice the thread was locked either.

    3 - Is it really relevant though? I'm not so sure...

  • @galactic-geek

    1 - I am not educated on Lovecraftian mythology, so I did not make that connection - still, giant, evil, demonic squids and snake gods? Doesn't exactly scream family- or kid-friendly...

    Fair enough, Yig isn't exactly the most well known lovecraftian deity. As for Family/kid friendly, tell that to the meg, kraken, skeletons, phantoms, sharks and pvp players

    2 - Didn't notice the thread was locked either.

    3 - Is it really relevant though? I'm not so sure...

    I beleive it is, it does fall under the lovecraftian mythos, just because it doesn't involve Cthulhu doesn't mean its not. OP wants more things related to H.P lovecrafts works so I provided my own Lovecraft idea, linking the thread is better and shorter than me copy-paste the entire thing into a single comment.

  • @sailorkek said:

    so I provided my own Lovecraft idea, linking the thread is better and shorter than me copy-paste the entire thing into a single comment.

    Believe me, I for 1, am grateful that you didn't.

  • @galactic-geek I can understand that one, but they've managed to take a lot of dark content and lighten it up with a whimsical style.

  • @onemanarmy0ma said in Cthulhu Mythos Expansion:

    @galactic-geek I can understand that one, but they've managed to take a lot of dark content and lighten it up with a whimsical style.

    Well, let me ask you this - how would you do it?

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