Please fix ultra wide display distortion!

  • Ahoy!

    While the game supports resolutions for ultrawide displays (2560×1080, 3440×1440, 3840×1080, 5120×1440) it heavily distorts the sides of the image for these ultrawide aspect ratios (32:9 and 21:9).
    This distortion causes motion sickness for many players, and it would be a big quality of life improvement for players with these displays if it was fixed.

    Ultrawide displays have become common and fixing the distortion problem would help support players with newer displays.

    Here are some screenshots from my 32:9 display. As objects near the side of the screen the stretch (a huge amount) and I feel like I'm trapped in a funhouse.

    Please help an old scallywag out.

    With best regards,
    Uber Terror
    Captain of the Super Stretchy Sloop

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