Recycling and reusing the Arena Tavern after closure

  • Ahoy!
    With the closure of Arena, the Sea Dog's tavern isn't seeing much of a bright future, unless the Devs already have something in mind, I propose a transformation to the tavern to bring a newer, fresher look at some pre-existing aspects of the game.

    • The (desperately needed) Reworking of Open crew

    To start off; the Arena Tavern should be reused to make a local "hub" of finding crews. It could be used to advertise open crew sessions, while also creating a place where players meet, therefore creating an in-game "LFG/LFC" system, because not everyone has access to the Discord, and from my own experiences, the Xbox LFG hub isn't much of a place to find an enjoyable time...
    A board similar to the new map board on the outpost docks could be added somewhere within the Arena Tavern, but instead of giving out and taking maps, it could be used to sort through active Open crew sessions.
    Using session titles; tags; ping; crew fullness; or time spent in that session, players would be able to sort through all Open Crew sessions to find the perfect fit for what they need to get done.
    If you desire a more organised beginning to the session than meeting up with members already on their voyage: one will also be able to create their own "Looking For Crew" post, selecting tags to display to other nearby players looking to join, such as "Mic required/optional, what emissary, what voyage, approximately how long", and other such related things.
    Also mic and instrument range would have to be decreased, similar to the speaking trumpet whispering mechanic.

    • Community News

    One thing I've seen consistently throughout my time among the community of this game is lack of notice for things like SoTshot, update times, or other time limited things.
    A large board similar to the Open Crew or Map board could be installed somewhere: being updated in time with announcements, update schedules, twitch drops, SoTshot events, time limited cosmetics, and other events to keep everyone updated. Time limited cosmetics could also be shown off next to clothier shopkeepers and emporium stalls to let pirates get a good idea of what they're buying. (I would say that for everything in the emporium, but time limited things are more important)

    • Fresh way to start a session

    When playing closed crew; all crew members must meet at the bottom of the tavern area where there are ships of all types docked (for cinematic affect of liveliness) to launch the session. The doors of the Arena tavern are opened and players can now explore outside, complete the parkour course, and swim around in the ocean around that area. Fog encapsulates the Arena tavern to create an "invisible wall" style of limited access so loading into the arena tavern doesn't take as long as loading into the actual game itself.
    A short cinematic similar to the player sailing towards the Arena tavern, or out of the Devils Shroud on the Pirates Life Tall Tales, and Maiden Voyage, could play and take up some time of the loading screen, just to make it a bit more interesting than a Powerpoint Presentation style loading screen with the Xbox player's worst nightmare: the green spinning wheel of blackscreen doom.
    If joining an open crew session it could play a short cinematic of a silhouette against the sunset/rise as your pirate walks down the dock towards 3 other crew members and a docked ship.

    I'd absolutely love to see something more come of the Arena tavern, especially in adventure mode, to really reuse it instead of leaving it to gather dust as a little "trophy of participation" for an attempted gamemode.

  • 6
  • When Arena came out I thought that place would be a place for us to enter Arena. I was sad to know that that place was nothing more than an empty outpost, as there was not even the possibility of selling anything.

    I'd really like to see a place where players could meet and interact, but I don't see how this could be used in the Sea of ​​Thieves world coming through the Map, as I don't think it would be possible to create a safezone without affecting game mechanics.

    Access through the menu would be interesting, but then we have another point: Voice and chat were removed from the game in arena mode precisely because of toxicity.

    I like the idea, but as Captain Falcore would say: "People are People"

  • @targasbr

    I don't think it would be possible to create a safezone without affecting game mechanics.

    Of course not, this isn't really about safezones; this is a pre-game lobby where people can meet up and nothing more, it wouldn't have such things in-game and could remain as it is in Adventure, just with the doors open

    Voice and chat were removed from the game in arena mode precisely because of toxicity.

    Going off that logic; voice chat would be removed altogether because whether it's in the arena tavern or not people are gonna be toxic, reusing the arena tavern in a non-competitive zone wouldn't be nearly as toxic as it is when people are in the win/lose situation. However, I do understand the concern for toxicity...

  • @gallerine5582 said in Recycling and reusing the Arena Tavern after closure:

    Of course not, this isn't really about safezones; this is a pre-game lobby where people can meet up and nothing more, it wouldn't have such things in-game and could remain as it is in Adventure, just with the doors open

    To access adventure mode then would you have to leave there? An interesting idea, but I don't know if it would be used as often as I would like or if people would be willing to use it. If there were enough things to interact with it might be interesting, but I think it would be more of afeature that would be abandoned like burying chests.

    Going off that logic; voice chat would be removed altogether because whether it's in the arena tavern or not people are gonna be toxic, reusing the arena tavern in a non-competitive zone wouldn't be nearly as toxic as it is when people are in the win/lose situation. However, I do understand the concern for toxicity...

    Yes, people are toxic, but you can't compare Adventure with Arena. In the past, a month of adventure didn't see as much toxicity as an hour in the arena.
    But maybe things are better, as it will be a place for beginners to meet, not TDMers with fragile egos.

  • @targasbr

    To access adventure mode then would you have to leave there?

    No, since adventure is the only option in a couple of weeks, the Arena tavern becomes the default hub when you start up the game, similar to RPG games like Spiral Knights or Dungeon Defenders II, where before you choose what to do you start off in a player hub with a bunch of other people.

    but you can't compare Adventure with Arena. In the past, a month of adventure didn't see as much toxicity as an hour in the arena

    True, but again that's due to the competitive nature of Arena; if people's names are disguised by default in that area using the "Streamer Mode" names so people can't identify each other until they join a crew, plus unless they happen to find someone who sunk them later on in the lobby, there's no reason there should be much to any toxicity at all, it would be like joining an open crew with 20 people instead of 3

  • I think this is a fantastic idea. Absolutely awesome re-purposing of the inside of the tavern as a sort of pre-game lobby. Big upvote from me.

    That said, I'd still love to see it given a purpose IN Adventure. There's so many cool things they could do to make it a functional part of the world instead of just being a massive uncharted island.

3 out of 6