Better Sword PvP

  • In a sword PvP fight the swords should clash, this will make the fights longer and more immersive.

  • 16
  • I'd like it that if both swords collide at the same time it would initiate a parry, which would cancel the combos of both players and help prevent senseless sword slapfights. Of course, hitting at the right angle, such as from the side or the back, would not initiate a parry - just attacks from the front that hit at the same time.

  • That would make sword fights boring and needlessly too long, not to mention the sound...


    That would drive me nuts!

    All you have to do is block and dodge, or if double-gunning, keep your distance.

  • there is no question the animations for sword fighting need to be updated…its just horrible

  • Combat in general could use an overhaul. Sword vs Sword combat is so broken it's been reduced to just spamming M1/RT until either you or the other player is headed to the Ferry...and on the off chance you try to get fancy and use block, you'll block a combo and think you're about to turn the tables, you juke, you begin your combo, and then they just spam again one swipe into your active combo. It's fantastic.

  • @sweetsandman said in Better Sword PvP:

    Combat in general could use an overhaul. Sword vs Sword combat is so broken it's been reduced to just spamming M1/RT until either you or the other player is headed to the Ferry...and on the off chance you try to get fancy and use block, you'll block a combo and think you're about to turn the tables, you juke, you begin your combo, and then they just spam again one swipe into your active combo. It's fantastic.

    I gave up the sword because of it. Despite loving all the maneuvers that the sword allows us to do, but in combat is pure game of luck and spam

  • @maironds88 said in Better Sword PvP:

    I gave up the sword because of it. Despite loving all the maneuvers that the sword allows us to do, but in combat is pure game of luck and spam

    Oddly, I'm the opposite. I've been a double gunner for a long while...but this season I actually switched back to having sword in all my loadouts. It's so broken (read: OP) that as long as you understand how broken it is and how to lure players (especially double gunners) into its broken mechanics, you're near unstoppable. I'm laughing at myself calling myself a sword lord noodle arm as I combo my opponents from across the deck.

    The only time I fail is when I try to get fancy and use the blocking.

  • @galactic-geek Yes, because sword fights that end in 0.3 seconds are mega fun. Why upgrade an oversimplified weapon and make it boring with some skill based features, that would inspire people to actually do something other than M1+W, and make winning a fight feel rewarding? Total nonsense. Why would one even think about such a thing.

  • @sweetsandman said in Better Sword PvP:

    @maironds88 said in Better Sword PvP:

    I gave up the sword because of it. Despite loving all the maneuvers that the sword allows us to do, but in combat is pure game of luck and spam

    Oddly, I'm the opposite. I've been a double gunner for a long while...but this season I actually switched back to having sword in all my loadouts. It's so broken (read: OP) that as long as you understand how broken it is and how to lure players (especially double gunners) into its broken mechanics, you're near unstoppable. I'm laughing at myself calling myself a sword lord noodle arm as I combo my opponents from across the deck.

    The only time I fail is when I try to get fancy and use the blocking.

    I hope one day to return to the sword and use it in PvP.
    Sometimes i use it in a casual match, but in combat, having to rely on ping, hitreg, among other things, at such small distances is too risky. We have a swordsman in the crew and when he invades the enemy ship I can hear on his Mic the m1 being spam, and then he saying: ALL dead.

  • @maironds88 said in Better Sword PvP:

    I hope one day to return to the sword and use it in PvP.
    Sometimes i use it in a casual match, but in combat, having to rely on ping, hitreg, among other things, at such small distances is too risky. We have a swordsman in the crew and when he invades the enemy ship I can hear on his Mic the m1 being spam, and then he saying: ALL dead.

    As the dedicated boarder in my crew, I got so frustrated with hitreg and getting sworded out of my mind that I said screw it and switched to sword. It's somehow been both satisfying and disappointing every time I come out on top.

  • @sweetsandman said in Better Sword PvP:

    @maironds88 said in Better Sword PvP:

    I hope one day to return to the sword and use it in PvP.
    Sometimes i use it in a casual match, but in combat, having to rely on ping, hitreg, among other things, at such small distances is too risky. We have a swordsman in the crew and when he invades the enemy ship I can hear on his Mic the m1 being spam, and then he saying: ALL dead.

    As the dedicated boarder in my crew, I got so frustrated with hitreg and getting sworded out of my mind that I said screw it and switched to sword. It's somehow been both satisfying and disappointing every time I come out on top.

    Yes, when the sword works it's a wonder, but when not, it's disappointing

  • The issue with the sword is its experience for the sword lord and the victim falls on ping more than firearms.
    if you have ever tried to play an FPS melee combat game you will notice that it is impossible to have a good time if you are not on your local servers.

    on top of this if you make sword combat too complicated it then requires more inputs which is limited due to this being on consoles and if its effort to payoff isn't worth it then you will have everyone double gunning.

    finding the right blend to make the sword worth your selection isn't an easy thing to balance especially when your movement speed / jump speed / damage resistance isn't tied to your equipment.

    the lunge maneuverability is its biggest upside and the main reason I keep it on hand.

  • Blocking works that way if u do it correctly. But yes a way to parry would be awesome sadly it'll never happen

  • Sword fighting is very clunky. Scratch that, all PvP is clunky. It needs to be entirely redone, as @SweetSandMan said

  • @scurvywoof said in Better Sword PvP:

    Sword fighting is very clunky. Scratch that, all PvP is clunky. It needs to be entirely redone, as @SweetSandMan said

    I concur.

  • @captain-kirn said in Better Sword PvP:

    @galactic-geek Yes, because sword fights that end in 0.3 seconds are mega fun. Why upgrade an oversimplified weapon and make it boring with some skill based features, that would inspire people to actually do something other than M1+W, and make winning a fight feel rewarding? Total nonsense. Why would one even think about such a thing.

    You're assuming too much. I never said I wanted short(er) fights - just not long ones. There is room for a middle ground.

    The sword, IMO, is in a better place than it ever has been mechanically, but is plagued with hit-reg and other networking issues that modify its behavior so dramatically that it often makes fights feel gloryless even when you come out as the Victor - and that, IMO, is what needs to be fixed. How should that be done? I'm not going to profess to know how, so I'm just going to cross my fingers and continue to hope that Rare continues making their game better over time for all of us, because aside from being spectators and reporters, that's really all any of us can do...

10 out of 16