new boat design idea

  • A smaller vessel with less durability than the sloop and a smaller sail but with a set of oars that can be used by a player to increase the speed of the ship. this ship would be fragile but fast and would be enjoyable to try and out manoeuvre an enemy or just to used to simply get from place to place quickly. the ship much like the galleon would have a low turning speed due to the drag of the oars but would be quicker than the galleon. this would be beneficial for newer players who want to avoid conflict but also for hardened veterans who want to chase down a fleeing enemy. as to the whereabouts of the oars or any other features of the boat this doesn't bother me to much. I would like to explain though that I don't just want a larger row boat. I feel that a steering wheel and sail should still be present but the features of the oars being there to add to the experience. to summarise I basically want a ship that is faster though weaker and still has good pace against the wind as even in the sloop long journeys can be tiresome and I though the oars where a good way of achieving this.

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  • I was about to make a post about it, I was thinking about a rowboat with a triangular sail...

  • @chicklepuff I have a few questions about this idea.

    *So first of all, would this be a ship you could select before joining the server, or would you have to find it like a row boat?

    *If you can select it from the menu, then how many people could spawn with it? 1? 2?

  • I think it's a good idea as long as it's a loose boat found inside the game, and not created outside... we have a rowboat with a cannon, with a harpoon and it would have with an additional sail besides the oars, a triangular sail...

  • @szenn1 I hadn't thought of that but I agree. That would be a good way of stopping the boat from being to much of an advantage or from changing the dynamics of the game

  • @el-spaniardchi I think finding it would make more sense though if it where to be created I think 2 people would make the most sense so as to allow multiplayer functions but not to overcrowd the ship.

  • I do think that it is important that it isn't just a glorified row boat but a ship with the rowboat function as a feature not just as a revamp of the row boat.

  • I think this is an extremely good way of making a quicker ship however I think it should be created and only be slightly smaller than the sloop and it sails should still be a normal sail though slightly smaller. this would mean the boat isn't just a slightly quicker rowboat and instead having larger oars that could increase speed to close or more than the galleon when both oars are being used(2 sets of oars), this would give a disadvantage of to have full speed you cant steer (as it would likely be a 2 man ship) As for cannons maybe only 1 at the front (as the oars are in the way) and not having any harpoons. The map could be under a raised section at the back and the anchor and steering wheel on top of the raised section. I also think for variety the boat should be narrower than the sloop (so you can reach the oars) and longer than the ship(so its still a decent size)

  • @balderdash6014 good point

  • thinking more about it, the shop where we buy timo, sail, flag...

    could sell a small boat like rowboat, the price changes if you want to have a cannon attached or a harpoon or a triangular sail...

    if you don`t have money to buy you can find in the map..

6 out of 10