Is there any way possible for a sloop to outrun a brigantine?

  • Hi there.

    So recently I discovered that brigantines are faster than sloops, even when they're sailing against the wind. This makes it nearly impossible (unless the brig crew is stupid) to escape a brigantine as a solo slooper. Since they outgun me and are faster, there's no real way for me to face them or escape. Is there another way or is this just the way it is?

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  • In this post is a video linked which is pretty detailed.

    But yeah against brigs its hard cause the map is to small to just sail in one direction. You need to do some manuvers around island and rocks to outrun them and have the longest breath aka more time.
    Or just go into a fight and work on your pvp skills. Sometimes this is even more fun ☠

  • Unless they’ve recently changed something, sloops are the fastest against the wind.

    Below is a picture from the Sea of Thieves discord explaining wind speeds.

  • just depends on the crews

    a very skilled crew against most random crews on any given server will eventually be able to make up that ground and capitalize on mistakes and panicking by the crew ahead and will eventually get that chain shot and board

    it just comes down to luck of the draw like the rest of it really. nothing is guaranteed even when going against the wind

  • @taiwanees7975 There is not much you can do honestly. Been playing since launch, and I think the sloop is by far the worst ship in the game, which is a shame because it is the most accessible ship to new players who just want to try the game out without committing to a full crew.

    Its position as the slowest ship in 3 of 4 cardinal directions makes your only course of action to keep running against the wind, sails squared forward, or to turn and fight (and probably lose against larger ships). The problem is that some of my previous calculations show that the sloop is just marginally faster against the wind with the correct sail angles, and so the brig and gally can make up the distance ~3x faster than it takes for you to create it once the wind changes, or you run out ocean and change your direction.

    I still solo sloop often because I don't always have the time or patience for a full crew, and often use my solo status to be more diplomatic and generous (something I can't do when I have crewmates who are blood thirsty or need the money more than me). However, I go in with the expectation that I might have a bad time and have no safety net because the ship is inferior, and I am undermanning it to boot. Even as a duo, a sloop can at best hold their own and might escape, but usually do not end up winning outright if the enemy crew on a brig or gally is competent. Just my opinion, but in over three years since launch, my opinion has not changed and even strengthened with the addition of chain shots and the revive mechanic which favor crews with more masts, more cannons, more people.

    My advise is to sail brig with a crew whenever you can as it is the fastest overall ship, and offers a lot of what the sloop has without all the drawbacks. That, or get used to getting caught in a sloop, because it is just unforgivably slow.

    If you really are set on making solo sloop work, I definitely recommend allying with ships you see whenever you can, and giving up your claim to any loot during events. It might sound counter intuitive but you can actually make more by acquiescing and giving up your claim to loot in order to get more done as an alliance than if you were to fight over it, and this usually also removes a potential rival at events who would want to sink you.

  • Don’t worry, that “fact” is about as real as the Shrouded Ghost. The sloop is fastest against the wind with its sails directly forward. Meanwhile, the brigantine is faster in cases where the wind is directly across the boat but you still can’t catch the wind. So, if in doubt, sail against the wind with sails straight.
    Also, having one more cannon doesn’t mean they’ll always win. You could:

    *Use a chain shot to knock down their main mast, distracting them

    *Use cursed cannonballs to make them sleep or raise their cannons

    *Use firebombs to cause chaos on disorganized crews

    *Board them and lower their anchor to buy more time to escape

    *Use some fort cannons you pass by to implement any above strategies

    *Use the kegs at said fort to damage them

    Just a few suggestions. If you’re looking for more, Phuzzybond on YouTube has quite a few videos that could help. Maybe when you don’t have much loot, you could turn and fight them! Sure, you might not win every time, but the only way to get better is through experience.
    Happy Sailing!

  • it's a waste of your time to focus on running as a strategy as someone that is solo and not into fighting

    to succeed as a solo on a sloop that isn't much into fighting the focus should be efficiency and wasting as little time as possible doing things that aren't productive

    I've made a lot of gold and been through many many many battles and server wars and from a progress standpoint just about every lengthy battle was a waste of time including the wins.

    Running and long fights are only for if they bring you joy. Other than that a complete waste of time to a solo pve focused player.

    Keep moving, do things that make sense for you as an individual. A steady pace with regular turn ins is always better for someone in your shoes.

    The time spent running or fighting silly battles can be used to bring something in on other servers. Over hundreds or thousands of hours of gameplay this turns into huge potential loss for commendations and treasure.

    Work fast work smart sell often and don't waste time doing stuff you don't enjoy or that doesn't make sense for your overall goals over ego stuff.

    take the win take the loss toss the loot hide the loot sell the loot do whatever it is you're gonna do just don't spend a bunch of time doing it.

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