3D Printed Sloop!

  • My attempt on making sloop model.
    The ship is printed with PLA filament on a "CR10S5" 3D printer that has 500x500x500mm print size, the ship's length is 36.5 cm from bow to stern. It took 5 days to print and about 5 days to work on it. I use a layer of primer and sand it a little and for the paint i use acrylic paints. I mix yellow with metallic gold paint for the hull and all the yellow parts you'll in the pics below and also mix glowing powder with (light blue/green/white) for athena logo on the sail, small logo on the hull and the unicorn's horn. The purple part i just use (red/blue) but then the color was too dark so i added white to lighten up the purple. I use balsa wood to add missing details as they got removed along with the supports filament. The rest you can see below.

  • 8
  • This...
    Is damn awesome!
    Great stuff, would totally buy that as a nice decor piece for my setup.
    One of the skulls next?

  • LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Also the Athena in the background is equally awesome.
    You could do a Stronghold Skull, Stronghold Chest or Crate of Ancient Bone Dust. They are some of the nicest models in the game. But my favorite is the Chest of Ancient Tributes, no doubt it would look awesome!

  • @d0empie
    Thank you!
    I'm planing to print this next ;)
    But the 3d model is still in progress.

  • @drou-07
    check out this link ;)


  • @capt-galaxystar I don't know a thing about 3D printing but wow, this looks amazing! Something to be very proud of matey!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • This is pretty cool, you have done a very good job at it. I began to build a lego version of the sloop with what ever parts I could snagg while we were all chilling playing lego one afternoon. However it's not somthing I plan on keeping built and will return the pieces back into the kids stash!

    Ive always been interested in 3d printing and would always dream of building props from the games I enjoy playing too. Be sure to keep us posted on your builds! I'd enjoy a build log/journal so we can all enjoy it step by step!

  • @donny-b3ast
    Ahoy! Thank you!
    I looked up sloop lego just to see how it can be built.
    And that sounds fun! I'm not familiar with lego as it wasn't popular among kids my age around my area long time ago, Yu-Gi-Oh! and CrushGear were popular back in the day.

    3D printing is such an amazing way to make your idea into reality and the joy when you holding it in your hand is real! If you get a 3D printer for yourself you will experience the joy and the sense of adventure while the object is being printed.
    I have other 3d models that i made beside sloop and athena chest, all the file(.STL) are download able at cgtrader.com they're not free unfortunately but they're dirt cheap! or you can find free models that you like on sketchfab.com and thingiverse.com looking forward to see you print something amazing!

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