Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves

  • I explained all the reasons it gives advantages over people with 90 FOV in another reply to you

    @hooohoocoach i read that and also agreed with it in my last post. you didnt really respond to what i said lol

  • @louderqc said in Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves:

    I disagree massively 90 Fov is fine the only people who care about this is TDMers if you want a higher FOV go and play COD not Sea of thieves. when you add more FOV in sea of thieves it messes with gun textures and gives a unfair advantage do these double gunners. Rare LTD is a great company and know what is best for there players and they are talented in graphics design you TDMers won’t be able to see this because they play at full cursed graphics. And care only about hit reg in a game that works perfectly. More FOV would make the game look worse.

    this is untrue, yeah i do care if my shots that i spend effort to hit do damage also, but you should go play wii sports if you actually believe that 120fov is a bad idea. you're the only person here who disagrees.

  • @hooohoocoach xD majority tdmer

  • @froggychair1569 #1 Just because it’s a functionality it doesn’t mean it should be added to the game. With cheats you uses to be able to fly, that was a functionality but should it be in the game? You might say that’s with cheats which is totally different than editing the game files which you would be right to say. But X Cancelling with the sword was a functionality that was broken and got removed.

    #2 Motion sickness is a you problem, all games have warnings for that stuff, if I played a game on max FOV say like siege and experience motion sickness that’s not the games fault.

  • @cpt-eneon I’m down to run a best out of 3 comp 1v1 when can you be available?

  • Guys name is literally censored so I can’t @ him said in Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves:

    Agreed. FOV shouldn't be determined by if we want to buy the game a second time. Giving a title an advantage on one software platform is weird, especially when it's a cross console game.

    I don't know how many hours I have, but it's into the thousands.
    Very likely hedging into multiple. The low FOV has bugged the daylights out of me since day one.

    @louderqc This is so close minded. Just cause TDMers bring is up, does not mean it's useless to PvErs.

    90 FOV is disorienting compared to the industry standard for FPS titles. I know plenty or slayers and plenty of bots who quit the game with a main reason being the FOV.

    Higher FOV already exists on Steam, the game does not look worse. Different, but still better. Weird only cause we have been hard locked at 90 FOV.

    Cursed hardly effects anything but draw distance, minor details.
    The only major effect it has- is on the water- which still looks phenominal compared to other titles while on it's cursed settings.
    More FOV does jack all to how the game looks, the ONLY thing the makes it look worse is when cranked the arms clip off a bit when sprinting, and that is SUCH an easy fix. Just adding textures in a small hotfix, boom.

    Seems to me you are just looking for a reason to fight just because change is scary.

    First forum post and it's to refute a dense argument.
    Off to a good start boys..

    i the game clearly was not meant for 120 FOV. You can tell by the animations looking unnatural. And it’s pretty clear if you have to edit the game files and Rare bans people for it, it was not intended. If you look at the post I made I explain why it wasn’t intended pretty well.

  • @hooohoocoach oh shut up stop trying to sound cool

  • @max-kappa

    A simple reason why Rare might have limited to the current state. The ships ladders require you to be further back to have both in view, meaning the travel time to them is increased by having it lower or one is not in view. This makes it more difficult to stand in a single spot and just see both while rocking a blunderbuss to one shot who ever pops up. Maybe increased FoV will allow you to spot the ladders while holding the nearest cannon and so you can see the boarder you otherwise might have missed? It makes it easier to track people and simply provides more information.

    This is just examples of how a FoV and the angle it has can affect the game as a whole. The FoV is most likely affecting other game design areas, from ship designs to combat to the perception we get of the world, simply increasing might negatively impact the desired result or balance of the game. We all know increase the amount we can see and people will be able to use that information to their advantage, whether that is good or not is subjective.

    You state even that looking behind you wouldn't be fair, but isn't that just also an increased FoV? You draw a line there, but are using game file adjustments to cross the line Rare made. The option is not available to all.

    To be completely honest I really don't know whether upping it to 120 would be bad, good or neutral. If they added it, I would use it, as information is crucial in combat and if they don't I have no issues with the current setting. Yet to claim there is no reason not to do it is just naive. Additionally the perception of the TDM community is fairly narrow, they focus pretty much exclusively on pirate on pirate combat.

  • @CotU42

    1. No you can't see both ladders at once
    2. Yes the game is built for 70-90 FOV, that's why that's the FOV available.

    The posts against higher FOV are basically just explaining that it wasn't intended by the devs, which I would have thought obvious, because... it only goes up to 90, which is the whole point of this post.

    If the devs decide to up the FOV cap, they would need to do some work on animations and stuff. I would have thought that'd be obvious.

  • @max-kappa you can see both ladders at once, you can do it with 90 degrees... step more backwards. With 120 you just need to step back less, reducing the distance between you and the ladders. This is the basics of a perception change. Easier tracking, more information and all that. Is it nice to have a higher FoV yes, is it the desired result it is hard to say? It makes the game easier, that is why you use it. It is an advantage that you gain access to and now seek it to be implemented as it is considered tampering with the game.

    You stated, there is no reason not to do this and yet there is. You draw the line at 120, what about 180 or just full fledged 3rd person view. Sure Rare can adjust the game to make it work and the argument it will be fair because all can do it... is not really an argument. Everyone should have the same options, but that doesn't mean all options would be good additions.

    I am not sure if this would be good or not, but there are actually reasons why the game places such a limit on us.

  • @sot-spooroo why lying so hard to cater to your TDM wants?
    you play only 20minutes? and this way you got so good bragging your TDM skills in another discussion?
    lol again
    not good sports man, not good sports.

    at topic, i made a topic by myself because i tried to follow the steam workaround, what is not possible with the Windows version.

    Playing field needs to be equal, If they dont make it an ingame option it needs to be fixed and players using it to be warned or banned.

    I'd like to increase the FoV too, maybe 100 or 105 would be enough to me, but if it is not a thing i can happily refuse to have it, but then nobody should have it for a proper balancing!

  • @stundorn said in Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves:

    @sot-spooroo why lying so hard to cater to your TDM wants?
    you play only 20minutes? and this way you got so good bragging your TDM skills in another discussion?
    lol again
    not good sports man, not good sports.

    at topic, i made a topic by myself because i tried to follow the steam workaround, what is not possible with the Windows version.

    Playing field needs to be equal, If they dont make it an ingame option it needs to be fixed and players using it to be warned or banned.

    I'd like to increase the FoV too, maybe 100 or 105 would be enough to me, but if it is not a thing i can happily refuse to have it, but then nobody should have it for a proper balancing!

    is sot spooroo not an obvious alt smh haha, and i play on steam so i got that foliage and fov ;)

  • @max-kappa Yes they need to make this happen!

  • Very good idea!

  • @hooohoocoach написал в Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves:

    @cpt-eneon I’m down to run a best out of 3 comp 1v1 when can you be available?

    cmon letsgo!now

  • Yes its good idea :)

  • Yes I would agree

  • @cpt-eneon I’m on vacation until this Saturday

  • @max-kappa i agree whit this because it would be really useful

  • that is an amazing idea

  • @max-kappa yessir

  • @cotu42 First off you think that I use the glitch, no I do not as I do not want to get banned for cheating.
    Second off, you cannot see both ladders at once from the wheel, sure you can see both ladders a little less far back from the wheel as you can with 90 FOV but it comes back to the argument that using less than 90FOV is dumb and isn't useful for players at all.
    The reason people use it is not because they enjoy tampering with the game and exploiting, it is because Sea of Thieves has failed, tremendously, to provide any help for the community that take the game more competetitively. Adding a higher FOV helps because, well, a lot of other games do that. And for other games going below 90FOV might seem like a laugh to them.

    I'm not really sure what happeend to you in the final paragraph, possibly you had some form of a breakdown. I feel like having 120 FOV would be a good maximum as, from what I have been told, it does not provide much of an "upper hand" on the opponent and is not unfair on them. Rare wouldn't add a third person because this is a first person game, and I feel like 180 FOV would be nauseating for some.
    have a good day

  • @hooohoocoach hoohoo, all of your arguments are about how the game wasn't build for 120 fov; of course it wasn't. if the game and its animations were build for 120 fov then we would have 120 fov as an option in the game. there is no point pointing out the fact that 120 is not in the game xD

  • @max-kappa

    A higher field of view does not make the game more competitively, just that for competitive play you use the highest available you have access to. I play at the maximum value currently allowed and if they would up that number I would most likely use that as well. You did not get my point about point of view, like in any game the option that gives the most information will be the one used in competitive play. It doesn't mean that an increase is warranted or that this is an indication that it is a failure on Rare's end, it is simply a choice they made.

    Your argument that there is no reason not to do it, is just as invalid as stating that third person view should be done because it would give those using it a competitive edge and there is no reason not to do it. While this of course is just an amplified version of what you are requesting, the logic behind it is the same. The information that Rare wants us to see in a single field, the distances that it creates in order to see things like both ladders, as you indicate yourself it is a little less far back and guess what in competitive play a little less far can make a big difference. In competitive play ever small aspect will be optimized and small changes can give big advantages, why do you believe people are adapting the config files to override the in-game limitations?

    I am not stating that Rare shouldn't maybe consider making the change and adjusting it, but you have to come with a better argument than just: It doesn't matter... because it does and that is why you are asking for it to change. It provides more information and the major question is, why should Rare provide an option that does this and invest in redoing a lot of work? (For the record, I would really not mind a bit more FoV as I tend to game on more, but I am also not bothered by this limitation either)

  • They should just call above 90 for beta

  • @max-kappa Love your profile picture

  • @faceyourdemon my good friend @Fleeni got it commisioned for me (:

  • Just give all players higher FOV already. Not giving that option is like putting dog cone down everyone's head. If some are fine with being like dogs after surgery it's their choice, give all the other pirates normal view on the sea.

  • @louderqc said in Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves:

    I disagree massively 90 Fov is fine the only people who care about this is TDMers if you want a higher FOV go and play COD not Sea of thieves. when you add more FOV in sea of thieves it messes with gun textures and gives a unfair advantage do these double gunners. Rare LTD is a great company and know what is best for there players and they are talented in graphics design you TDMers won’t be able to see this because they play at full cursed graphics. And care only about hit reg in a game that works perfectly. More FOV would make the game look worse.

    A couple things you missed 1.Like you said hit reg been in the game forever,

    2.It would be nicer if you can see more even then it is a slider you can keep it at 90

    3.You cant say only tmders because even before tdm was a thing I was begging for a update where I can go between 120 and 90.

    4.Some people find it way way more visually pleasing to the eye at 120 fov me included

    5.if rare was to your standards thats fine but to some people they expect more out of such a great company, yes while sea of thieves is great there is alot more they can improve on like fixing hit reg or getting better servers so its less laggy.

    And in no way am I try to bash or hurt anyone's feeling this is a opinion if you really want to cry and argue over that I wont respond cause I dont care thanks

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