Need Clarification on something.

  • So i completer all the commendations required to unlock the soulflames set costumes but am not currently pirate legend. will these unlock for me automatically when I reach pirate legend even afte the event is over or do i need to try and grind to pirate legend beforre the event ends?

  • 6
  • @ritchie-x Ahoy matey!

    These will be available after the event in the Pirate Legend Hideout... so no need to grind to Legend before the event is over!

  • @musicmee sagte in Need Clarification on something.:

    @ritchie-x Ahoy matey!

    These will be available after the event in the Pirate Legend Hideout... so no need to grind to Legend before the event is over!

    Isn't there another requirement for that after the event? Or is it unlocked through this event for later?

  • @schwammlgott After the event is over the means to unlock it will be changed to another challenge but that hasn't been announced what that is yet.

    It shouldn't be too difficult for professional pirates like yourselves...

    You may already have met the conditions too.

  • @musicmee so after the event you probably have to finish the new requirement...

  • @schwammlgott This hasn't been made public yet, so I cannot confirm if this is the case or not.

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