Boat anchor

  • So in the past the anchor has been talked about in game but was never done due to the resources it would take to do it but with the newest consoles on the horizon with updated hardware would this feature be possible? I still to this day can’t get over the fact that our boats don’t have physical anchors really breaks the immersion.

  • 14
  • @wevuss the way the anchor works it would break immersion even more if added...or how do you explain that the anchor, when raising, still stops the ship until it's all the way up...but when you lower it, it only stops your ship when all the way down...physically doesn't this make sense...THAT WOULD BREAK IMMERSION

  • @wevuss current gen consoles aren't the bottom rung of the performance ladder, that spot belongs to pcs.

  • This is a decent point, it's just that I'm not sure how a physical anchor could work along with how anchor turns currently function in the game. The pivot point for these turns seems to be near the middle or perhaps just forward of the middle of the boat so an anchor dropping of the front of the boat might feel a bit strange. You could have port and starboard anchors but then someone could drop both and the recovery time for this would be pretty long, and then there are harpoons that already kind of perform this function.

  • @captain-coel said in Boat anchor:

    @wevuss current gen consoles aren't the bottom rung of the performance ladder, that spot belongs to pcs.

    What manner of heresy is this :0

  • @herrdave3849 Its not, think about the variety of components and builds that occupy the pc space. Not everyone gets to play on a good computer.

  • @captain-coel At a glance, your argument appears to be comparing the now-best console to the average PC

    That's not loaded at all, I'm sure :p

    Nintega Playbox 36000 Razor-Generation XXIV
    a standard Windows 95 office PC

    Back on topic though, I am fully in support of adding visible anchors; and to those who gasp in horror that their ship rotates near the front - Anchors often hung off the front of the ship, not the back

  • I believe they experimented with anchors at one point... but i think they never got it to look right and other such things.

  • @schwammlgott The only plausible way would be to add a chain (no anchor) which in deep water looks like its stretching to the depths below, and in land, would look embedded.

    Its not ideal.
    But gotta be honest, probably more trouble than its worth haha.

  • @herrdave3849 when 6ou think about it, he is correct in that PC's occupy both the top and bottom of the performance ring. I know people that play on old laptops and have longer loading times than 1st gen xbox ones.

    There is a wide range of variations in pc builds by nature and that's not somthing to be salty or shocked about.

  • There's a lot of good replies here mentioning numerous things that I hadn't considered.

    I knew the reasons for not making it visible, thanks to the dev response, but your replies regarding timing, positioning, game balance, etc. really puts it into perspective as to why implementing it would be so hard.

  • @captain-fob4141 didn't think I was being salty o.o

    Just havin' a little fun with a silly comparison, that's all :)

    @Galactic-Geek What response be that, cap'n geek?

  • @herrdave3849 your comparison may have been silly, but there are many people who play on a budget pc. Have you looked at the minimum specs? 4g ram 2g vram etc. its really low.

  • @wevuss i think saying the limitation of consoles is why this hasnt happened is just insane. there are plenty more reasons why this game hasnt progressed much in the way of innovative ideas and mainly thats because consoles in general hold everything back its like it has to have its hand held to play a game.

3 out of 14