• @xultanis-dragon

    We did yes, but I noticed the OP is a castaway here and maybe is unaware of this info.

  • @needsmokes said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:


    We did yes, but I noticed the OP is a castaway here and maybe is unaware of this info.

    This is true, apologies, carry on.

  • @tenkaar said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kakashi-lord yes I have many times swapped the game between the built-in drive and my ssd and have looked into to the ssd and Uninstalled and reinstalled.. this is a game issue Not my gear.

    Damn sorry man. I wouldn’t say it’s the game issue though. If it was a game issue then it would be a consistent problem with everyone that has an SSD.

  • @voidshipwrecks said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @dlchief58 At the risk of sounding like a complete tech dunce what exactly is an SSD? I think it stands for separate storage device, and if so how good is a 4TB seagate 3.0 usb interface and 4200 rpm in terms of loading times

    Sorry for sounding a little rude. In my mind I was talking to some one who knew about hard drives a little.

    I'll need to keep in mind that not every one knows the exact same things I know. 😂

  • So I would like to address your post and im seeing people saying its your ssd may i suggest if u have a ssd and an xbox original thats its the xbox original not your ssd i went from xbox a original spartan to pc that wasnt much better but was more current and the loading was cut in half the only only thing i can say is see if you can trade in for an xbox one s or when it does come out the newest xbox

  • Another thing I would just mention from previous discussions.

    You say you have a SSD fitted to your Xbox. But are you confusing this with an external storage drive which many have done previously?

  • I’m hoping...maybe hope isn’t the right word. I’m expecting when I get this “New” Xbox that is releasing here in a couple of weeks it will fix it.

    I mean XBOX One is pretty old and I’m playing on an OG one at that.

    Played with a dude using his new fancy cell phone and he was loading in faster than me!

    Crazy a new cell phone runs it better and is more high tech than an XBOX One already!

  • @kommodoreyenser said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    Add on a solid state hard drive. A standard HDD is your issues with load times. A good SSD cuts those in half.

    So we need to buy a outside resource to play a Xbox game on a xbox console? NO OTHER GAME needs that to function properly. Basically it comes down to BAD GAME DEVELOPMENT.

  • @wickeddeath when there is so much to load then yea it takes time, the Xbox one consoles had hardware pretty out of date upon their release. It isn’t a matter of buying stuff to make a game run properly, it just improves it. This is why the new Xbox consoles have a good selling point because they solve most of those issues

  • @glannigan
    What kinda phone was this guy rocking?

  • @alcatraz6

    He said a 20 so whatever the latest phone calling itself a 20 is.

  • @wickeddeath said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @kommodoreyenser said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    Add on a solid state hard drive. A standard HDD is your issues with load times. A good SSD cuts those in half.

    So we need to buy a outside resource to play a Xbox game on a xbox console? NO OTHER GAME needs that to function properly. Basically it comes down to BAD GAME DEVELOPMENT.

    The game functions properly either way. He never said he never can load in at all. He was just complaining about the long times.

    Also, name another open world online multiplayer game with no load screens for the entire map that doesn’t have long-ish load times?

    You ever try to play GTA V on the 360 with the original hard drive? How were those load times? Is that a bad game too?

  • @glannigan interesting 🤔

  • @tenkaar I hate to be blunt.

    But just buy better hardware.

  • The point is that I shouldn't have to.. The game was created for Xbox One so there for it should act like it. No extra gear, hardware ect ect. It is game issue that should be fixed. End of story. Sea of thieves wants our feedback about the game and this is mine.

  • @tenkaar whilst I admire your principles.

    Unfortunately in the real world it doesn't always work that way.

    7 year old hardware on a 2 and a half year old game.

    It's not 1960 anymore where things were intended to be built to last.

  • @troubled-cells said:

    It's not 1960 anymore where things were intended to be built to last.

    This is a sad truth. If things were built to last, then capitalism would fail because people would stop buying more. 🙄

  • @galactic-geek said in FIX THE XBOX LOADING TIMES:

    @troubled-cells said:

    It's not 1960 anymore where things were intended to be built to last.

    This is a sad truth. If things were built to last, then capitalism would fail because people would stop buying more. 🙄

    Personally I have no problem with capitalism in our society, considering Marxism and socialism have proven to yield far worse results historically.

    The user with the complaint has made the choice to stick with older outdated hardware, at least that's the impression I get.

    They made that choice out of their own free will and personal agency.

    It's like demanding you have the performance of a recent Mercedes but instead buying a decade plus old Ford KA.

    It just ain't going to happen unless you buy that thing that gives you the performance you seek.

  • @tenkaar the game was developed for both pcs and Xbox. It runs as intended on Xbox. better hardware makes it run better. thats just the truth.

    The Xbox Series X/S will offera better experience than the the Xbox 1 X/S/OG.

    You don't have to buy better hardware but expect your very aging hardware to run games worse and worse.

xbox one
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