Anyone have tips on Athena grade V?

  • My friends and I recently got back into the game and we’ve been trying out the Athena emissary. It seems like completing the voyage itself doesn’t get you to grade V. So we’ve done other activities while doing the Athena voyage. The most we’ve done So far was a skelly ship raid, sunk 3 additional skelly ships, killed meg, completed every bottle quest we came across, had a full time fisherman and completed the Athena voyage itself and only achieved grade IV and this took us a little over 2hrs.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve grade V efficiently? Because it seems a little ridiculous to expect anyone to put that much time into a game without saving progression to achieve something.

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  • Doing an Athena's Run of Thieves Haven plus a Meg/Skeleton ship or two usually does it for us. Toss in an emergent Skeleton Captain or Ashen Guardian I suppose as well.

    One thing we noticed after a couple Skeleton Fleet battles was that sinking the ships that were part of the fleet did not count toward our Athena grade like the standard emergent ones, and we only got a small grade boost after clearing the entire event. Not worth the time and supplies.

  • @archangel-timmy

    Thank you! We did the thieves haven run last night, two ashen guardian voyages, made an alliance and sunk an aggressive player galleon but still only got to grade IV. Unfortunately we didn’t run into any skelly ships or megs but I guess we’ll keep trying.

  • @mast3rdon I suppose there is a bit of RNG involved in the Athena's Run itself. Sometimes you get way more gems than you do the Legendary items which plays a big part in it unfortunately.

    Another thing that helps a small amount is Bottle Voyages. Killing those captains and solving steps of the riddles gives a tiny bump as well. Doesn't work with standard OoS or GH voyages, only the bottles.

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