[Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback

  • Got voyage from duke for the ghost ship voyage, on approach TWO GALLEONS spawned on me, spent a fair chunk of planks before i got to the ghost ships where they then sailed off.
    Had fun fighting the ghost ships and got a nice load of skulls.
    Collected the loot and headed to an outpost only for TWO more GALLEONS spawn on my SOLO Sloop. They unleashed a full deadly arsenal of cursed cannonballs, sinking me in barely a minute.
    Luckily i spawned on the next island. Went back to grab loot. Only for the two galleons to respawn on me and unleash even more fury. Id say i was afloat all of 30secs.
    Called it a night.

    Not good having two skelly galleons spawn multiple times on a solo sloop right next to the quest ships

  • I'm really enjoying the update so far. A lot of my complaints have already been mentioned by others, so no need to bring those up...

    One thing I wish the devs would consider is an accessibility option that would allow us to turn off the ghost effect on the new items from the ghost fleets, and turn them a solid color. Currently holding the items give me a headache. It makes turning in items difficult and longer than it should.

  • Hmm, game crashed/froze a short while after the boss wave of the voyage spawned, while trying to repair some holes, so not entirely sure what else was happening.
    Otherwise pretty fun to solo as the AI doesn't chase you like skeletal ships but still shoot enough to be a threat if you're careless. Cleared it once last night with some random people that allied with me for fun, though a skeletal galleon showed up in the middle of that fight, luckily my allies were in their own galleon, funny stuff.

  • There appear to be a bug when placing or removing markers on the map, when doing so it repeats the last message you sent using the radial chat.

    Now every-time I mark/unmark the map I get:


    I don't know if it's just specific to my remapping of the controls or others are experiencing this too?

    My controller map changes are:

    LB = Jump
    A = Chat radial
    D-Pad Up = Emote radial
    D-Pad Left = Planks
    D-Pad Right = Lantern
    D-Pad Down = Throwable's

  • Talking through the mic (while not in party) and Text to Chat is not working now with gameplay on Xbox. Tried all the settings, nothing works for both myself and a friend who also plays on Xbox. Isolated it to Sea of Thieves bug--not Xbox. Was working before this update.

  • Simple feedback: give the option in the Non-Verbal Radial to say which Light of Fate (the light of the ferry of the damned) you have like "I carry the Purple Flame of Fate". It helps to clear alot of voice chat saying I have X flame.

  • @guilleont Ah, you're right, then. Sorry about the confusion.

  • @scoobywrx555 Were you near a Skellie Fleet Battle cloud?

  • @j3nkman said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback:

    There appear to be a bug when placing or removing markers on the map, when doing so it repeats the last message you sent using the radial chat.

    Now every-time I mark/unmark the map I get:


    I don't know if it's just specific to my remapping of the controls or others are experiencing this too?

    My controller map changes are:

    LB = Jump
    A = Chat radial
    D-Pad Up = Emote radial
    D-Pad Left = Planks
    D-Pad Right = Lantern
    D-Pad Down = Throwable's

    Is the A button used to mark/unmark the map by chance? Quickly pressing the button bound to chat radial will perform the quick text feature, which will repeat the last used text chat.

  • Having a great time with the new update and ghost ship battles, fantastic addition.

    My only criticism is that the wraithball commendation is individual. This puts the crew at odds with each other over who gets to fire them. This combined with the scarcity of the Flameheart fleet (last night after completing the event we got fort, skelly fleet, fort). So on that server in 2 hours there were only 2 wraithballs available. The whole crew works together to defeat the ghost ships and then to find another player ship and get in position to use them. They should all get credit for a hit.

    My suggestion would be to A) make the souls and duke ghost fleets also drop wraithballs and leave how it is or, B) make the commendation count for the entire crew.

    I have played since launch and it has only been recently that some of the commendations have been individually counted at completion. I was fine with the 1000 burned skeletons even though it put a premium on who got to use the fireballs that the team collected. But the turn in stolen reaper flags being individual made no sense. Please consider making team effort commendations count for the whole crew and encouraging team cooperation where everyone benefits the same.

    Thanks, love this game :)

  • Apparently, Flameheart's giant head isn't enough to distinguish between the 2 events because my crew and I took on half a ghost fleet that belonged to somebody else before realizing that Flameheart's Fleeet was actually at the neighboring island, since they were so close together! 😅

    We only noticed it after a few minutes because:

    1. Giant flaming head, duh.
    2. Giant flaming head wasn't saying anything.
    3. Some of the ships looked kind of distant.

    Maybe don't put these 2 events so close together? 🤔

  • @zodiachide said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback:

    I'll start with saying, I love the new songs/shanties added to the game! I've been waiting ever since the beta for new songs to make their way into the game. However, I will say I find it a little weird, and maybe find myself a little disappointed that "drunken sailor" which can be heard playing by the grog chest wasn't added, and neither the Pirate Legend (PL) song needed to enter the hideout.

    I would love to see these added to the game, either "for free" like the new ones, or maybe through unlocks. "You have to play pirate legend song/enter the pirate legend hideout X amount of times" before you unlock it, or "sell x of something while pirate legend" to unlock it. Or maybe just be able to buy it in the PL store. And maybe something similar for Drunken Sailor.

    I don't see why these couldn't be added into the game. The PL song already has "full support" in the way that all the instruments can already play it. I'd understand it if it wasn't added to the shanty wheel to censor it for newer players, but PLs can bring new and veteran players into Athena quests. Drunken sailor obviously requires more work to get into the game, but it's technically already in the game with the grog chest. Unless there's some copyright for the song I'm not aware of I don't see why this song couldn't make it in either. Especially since players have heard these songs for a long time, I think they'd be a great addition for the wheel. Especially when drunken sailor is such an upbeat and fun song.

    The PL song to enter the hideout was added to the list of shanties. It's the 1 called We Shall Sail Together.

  • Loving the update so far, but I do have a couple of things to say..

    The load screen when you're in the ghost fleet is hilariously long. Like, seriously.
    The effect when you stack several pieces of damned loot is nauseating as hell. And the jiggling of the effect when running with a piece of the loot makes me feel like I'm going cross eyed.

    The changes to radials.. Don't make sense. Why move where the quests are? Why move where pirate chat is? Why then leave the old pirate chat key empty? Why for the new position for the quest wheel is it on SPACE, meaning you can't jump when you're in the radial? (Anybody reading this btw, you can put the quests and pirate chat back to their old keys and onto individual radials again, they're under the "Inventory" section of the controls)

  • Why does the commendation for Banisher of the Spectral Flame stop at grade 3?
    alt text

    I've also been told the commendation for sinking ships while in an alliance only goes to grade III and not V.

  • The only thing ive noticed that was really bad was rides back to the ship during the event. It happened to all of my crewmates on a galleon... if one of us got knocked off the ship or tried to board another unfriendly player ship while performing the ghost ship events the load time from mermaid or the ferry was astronomical!!! It averaged around 3 minutes for us to load back to our boats. Are we the only ones? Normal mermaid load times for me is about 7 seconds which is still long compared to PC gamers but cmon.... 3 minutes!? Thats enough time to sink with one hole on a ship and your in the middle of a skeleton armada!

  • @scoobywrx555 sounds like you sailed into the skeleton fleet event

  • @entspeak didnt notice the cloud tbh, the banner popped up as i approached the ghosts. Luckily getting close to the ghosts they backed off and despawned.
    It wasnt till i was leaving in opposite direction that they respawned.
    Still not good having two cursed gallys attack a solo sloop.
    Also not having two events around the same island.

  • This is probably my favorite PvE addition to the game so far.

    Hand to Hand combat is kinda meh, so all that stuff is just ok. On a ship with your crew is where the game really shines. But the Meg has one move basically. Kraken has all sorts of issues.

    Skeleton Ships I like but, they'd probably be more appealing generally if they dropped a supply crate as well.

    I'd really love to see a much harder version as a voyage option for the Ghost Ships though. Like make them really strategicaly aggressive with the teleports. Would be hilarious, and a challenge.

  • @laenad

    Same here and I was on a sloop... my teammate was solo slipping against an enemy ship and the fleet. This needs to be fixed. As an Xbox player, I’m used to terrible losing times, but this is atrocious.

  • You ruined the shanty. 😥

    Bubo is now a parakeet lol.

    Kinda disappointed in the new cosmetics

  • I just completed today's Daily Bounty by lightning the Beacon on Kraken's Fall with my lantern and did not receive 3,000 gold. No pop-ups indicating I completed the bounty, and my gold count did not increase.

  • @tangles
    It had to be a death light. I tried with a standard/default light. Didn't pop. Roasted myself with a firebomb and got the red light, tried again and got it. Dunno if it's still the same daily, but find some skellies or a shark or roast yourself and try again.

    Tl,dr instructions unclear. Use a coloured lantern.

    Edit: maybe be a little more specific in the wording? Today's (sit in a skelly throne) I used the Bilge Rat sit and it didn't work. Did the original sit and it did. I did the one at Devil's Ridge.

  • Just one thing: the word "viscious" in all the Order of Souls ghost fleet missions should be spelled "vicious."

  • My crew was on a server last night. this has never happened before.
    When we logged in there were two hostile players there. Attacked us immediately. after we killed them we found a massive pile of treasure floating in the water, we decided it must have been theirs but weren't sure what was going on so we gathered and sold it and kept the supply boxes and grade 5 flag.
    Much later on in the night, we were at an outpost selling some stuff off close to hitting grade 5 ourselves on reaper. Halfway through selling one of our crew shouts "our ship is gone". We thought he was messing with us as there is no reason it should have sunk, no one around. Sure enough, our ship was gone and everything was floating in the water.

    Not sure what this glitch is, but it needs to be fixed.

  • I am running the game on an original old Xbox one, since the new update I’m noticing more rendering issues mainly with items I’m holding. The compass not loading can be a problem, having to go back to the ship to get an idea of direction. The ship hull and sails also struggle to load properly along with the ashen curse and tattoos. I’m not sure if it’s my console as it is quite old but I never noticed this problem before.
    Thank you :)
    Ps. Please bring back the wailing barnacle weapon set, the forsaken ashen hull, sails and figurehead. I’d love to be able to sail the roar with the deserving look :)
    Thank you

  • Can you please implement a proper friend integration with Steam?
    Xbox Live / Social or whatever it's called is pretty mediocre in comparison to Steam's system.
    What's the point of having the game available on steam, and not having ANY of the benefits of Steam to the game? I even linked my xbox account to my Steam account successfully, and still it wouldn't find any common friends. You should endeavour to implement a PROPER social integration at the level of the Total War: Warhammer series. I just have to say I am really unimpressed and unsatisfied with this "xbox game bar" (winkey+G) system that I am forced to use. We have Steam, EA origins, Uplay, Xbox live, Epic games store, GOG Galaxy, etc... HOW many more game environments must we endure?
    To give you credit on top of all this salt, I do appreciate that you allow cross-platform integration. More importantly, it's a truly GREAT GAME you have made here. Just make the systems work properly in conjunction with Steam. PLEASE.

  • This was done in the Lost Treasures update, but still has not been adressed; please, PLEASE revert the Kraken nerf on sloops. The kraken is an absolute joke now. Me and a friend killed it with 6 cannonballs... we were so stunned we thought it was a glitch. Please revert this change.

  • @scoobywrx555 that might have been a 'ship cloud' event.

    but none the less frustrating. I just had kind of the same thing. Started a Haunted shores mission, almost done when halfway a kraken spawns in. I was on a brig with 3 players. kraken was almost invincible when after the first minute of battle, a Skelly Galleon spawns in. this gally gets hit by kraken but beats it faster then us players on a brig. To top it off, while we got our bottoms handed to us for over 10 minutes of fighting and repairing our ship, an other player gally just jumps in on our bout and sinks us without getting a kraken on them and the skelly gally went away as soon as our ship sank.
    Thank you f*cking RNG, cuz it sucks to have played for 5-6 hours safely and then to loose everything (300+ planks, 200+ cannonballs, and all the other loot gathered) just because the game suddenly decides you and your ship have to die.

  • Hi Rare love your game it is great to relax and watch the sun set on the seas. I am a big fan on everything pirates and I was wondering if you guys had thought of a Pirates of the Caribbean crossover for the new movie comming out? I thought it was a good idea but I'm just a humble player. Let me know what you think.
    Truly, a guy who has not made it to pirate legend yet.

  • For both the Burning Blade and Ghost Captain sails rewards, are they permanent or time-limited rewards?

  • @d3adst1ck said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.16 - Haunted Shores Discussion / Feedback:

    Is the A button used to mark/unmark the map by chance? Quickly pressing the button bound to chat radial will perform the quick text feature, which will repeat the last used text chat.

    Yes, A is the default interaction button for marking the map. Not sure if this can be changed? Will have to check later.

    Would be kind of annoying though to have to change this, this wasn't a problem until the Haunted Shores update when the A button changed to the item radial. This change in functionality seems to have caused this issue somehow.

  • Not really related to haunted shores, but it would awesome if there was an update that brought royal navy into the game as npcs. And the campaign can end by summoning the kraken to destroy the massive navy flagship.

  • I've been getting a strange audio bug every time I've played since the update. As far as I can tell it most commonly occurs when on a sloop, though I haven't tested it as excessively on other vessels. The short version of it is basically any time you bring the ship close to land at a slow speed, just enough to trigger the groaning, cracking noises while the ship slides around on sand or pushes slightly off a sand bank the audio never stops. Even if your ship takes no damage at all, leaving the island and sailing away the ship continues to groan and crack, usually until you restart. It's not exactly game breaking but it can be very annoying as it's quite loud.

  • Bug : when you have alot of items in you're inventory ie cannon balls cursed, blunders etc you can not ads of guns or sprint or even eat food until you unload afew of the things from you're inventory.

  • Bug: infinite hull grind sound is still in the game.... please fix the audio glitches!

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