Server migration is becoming a problem.

  • Server merges this weekend have been out of control. If this is a sign of things to come, I worry about the future. I shouldn't be merged 10 times a play session. It is irritating and disruptive. I'm tired of every 20-30 minutes, having to sit through a merge, then having to check to see how many level 5 reapers I've been thrown to and adjust my plans to compensate. I understand the desire to move players around to keep the servers populated, but at some point you need to just let people play their game. If the issue is server costs... Rare should provide the option for rented servers. You'll get a lot more money out of me for that than for a digital cat.

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  • Unless it's been changed, the game only merges you if your ship is anchored. So maybe avoid doing that; just put all sails up and you should be good to go.

    It's a habit you'll adopt from solo slooping (gotta be ready to run at a moment's notice), and it's good practice anyway because sitting still with sails down makes you easy prey for PvP, and your ship really doesn't go anywhere with the sails up (just gotta pull them up early enough to drift into the island slowly enough to not take any damage, then turn into a clear direction).

  • @groggy-mayles said in Server migration is becoming a problem.:

    Unless it's been changed, the game only merges you if your ship is anchored. So maybe avoid doing that; just put all sails up and you should be good to go.

    It's a habit you'll adopt from solo slooping (gotta be ready to run at a moment's notice), and it's good practice anyway because sitting still with sails down makes you easy prey for PvP, and your ship really doesn't go anywhere with the sails up (just gotta pull them up early enough to drift into the island slowly enough to not take any damage, then turn into a clear direction).

    Server merges can now happen as long as all crew are aboard the ship, whether the ship is moving or not.

  • @taternuggets This is probably happening because of all the server hopping that has become second nature with this update.

    It used to be finding FotD or trying to get a same server with other friends ships. Now it is also hopping away from Reaper’s/Reaper’s trying to find emissary ships to hunt.

    Most of this will go away by removing the reapers emissary marks from the map which will hopefully come next month.

  • @groggy-mayles said in Server migration is becoming a problem.:

    Unless it's been changed...

    It has. Sadly.

  • @groggy-mayles sagte in Server migration is becoming a problem.:

    Unless it's been changed, the game only merges you if your ship is anchored.

    No it happens whenever. Our ship was going very slow... and we approached a tiny island... happy to find a glowy skeleton there.
    Just to see the server merge and have that guy disappear like 15 meters in front of us.
    That was the most infuriating server-swap ever.

    I wish it wouldnt have happened.
    I really wanted an ashen key back then and that skelly held a pistol.
    Meaning it was a Keymaster.

  • @kommodoreyenser sagte in Server migration is becoming a problem.:

    @taternuggets This is probably happening because of all the server hopping that has become second nature with this update.

    It used to be finding FotD or trying to get a same server with other friends ships. Now it is also hopping away from Reaper’s/Reaper’s trying to find emissary ships to hunt.

    Most of this will go away by removing the reapers emissary marks from the map which will hopefully come next month.

    I don't think reapers on the map will go away...but I would suggest, that the reapers will only be seen by other emissarys...would make it more fair

  • @taternuggets

    You must be getting all the Merges then.... I'm going a few hours into a server with no boats to finding only HOPING to be merged... Either way, keeping servers populated are still an issue..

  • Server Merge became a real annoyance when they started merging ships when not anchored. Now the emissary update has made that annoyance worse.

    I like the idea behind emissaries. But players and crews are switching servers like crazy now to avoid Reapers. Then the Reapers get impatient and go jumping servers looking for full ones.... So you are seeing a lot of servers emptying out real fast.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee both keymaster and guardians kan have guns ;-) just fyi keymasters currently are only spawning on small islands and guardians on large(r) islands though (apart from forts that is)

  • @mrbadabing sagte in Server migration is becoming a problem.:


    You must be getting all the Merges then.... I'm going a few hours into a server with no boats to finding only HOPING to be merged... Either way, keeping servers populated are still an issue..

    If that's the case, probably someone is really good in hiding

  • @callmebackdraft sagte in Server migration is becoming a problem.:

    @odyssee-mit-tee both keymaster and guardians kan have guns ;-) just fyi keymasters currently are only spawning on small islands and guardians on large(r) islands though (apart from forts that is)

    Key master when spawning on an island ALWAYS has a pistol and Ashen Guardiams ALWAYS have a sword...Only on forts, the 2nd last wave, they switched it...there the keymaster has a sword and the Guardian a pistol

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