PvP help

  • I'm after some advice. I am rubbish at PvP (ok when it's ship to ship but no good pirate on pirate.)
    When protecting my ladder is it best to use a sword to knock them off? I keep using blunderbuss but it isn't knocking them off . They still seem to be able to climb up and get on board after i've shot them.
    Also I seem to die from only 3 sword swipes. Is this just because the sword deals lots of damage and i'm just not good enough with it?
    Just a moment ago I confronted a Reaper's Bones to practice, saw him in the water so waited at the top of the ladder, fired with a blunderbuss as he was climbing but he still got on board, 3 swipes an I was dead. When I respawned he was back on his ship sinking me so I swam over, got on board and snuck up whilst he was on the cannon. Again I fired my blunderbuss ( a hit registered) and he jumped towards me, 3 swipes and I was dead again.
    Any tips would be most welcome as I seem to be getting no better and am trying not to just run from every ship I see but it's getting a bit demoralising losing every pirate on pirate encounter.

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  • I call it lag and i see no mitakes in what you do.
    I also shot someone with a blunderbuss close quarter and fully hit him, he didnt die, but sliced me into pieces.

    The cutlass needs 4 hits to kill someone at full health.
    25 hits per slash.

    there is a glitch some use at ladders and start spamming x for release and grab again.
    This way they become invincible.
    I dont get why i sometimes cannot kill or at least push someone back at the ladder, when using a blunderbuss, but need to be lag too i guess.
    Or there are more glitches.
    I f we think of someone standing at the top end of the ladder knowing someone boards it should be impossible for someone to board, but some make it on your ship and dont get hit, instead put yourself into a bad position.

    LAG i say

  • @bugaboo-bill I hope it was due to lag rather than anything else, otherwise i really need to start taking a good hard look at myself and how bad I am. 😂

  • @scoobyd2uk It sounds like you are solo slooper. Best tactics to defend the ladder is to use blunderbombs - big knockoff and you don't need to reload your gun. This also applies to ship boarding. I have successfully spoiled numerous boarding attempts by throwing blunderbomb close to entry point from their ship - bow usually.
    However, as solo slooper you should focus on not getting into situation to be boarded. When you get outnumbered, your chances of victory are getting low. Focus on seamanship and cannon hits - especially chain-shots and special balls. That can be practiced well in arena, where you do not need to bother with getting supplies.

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